- 烈日当空的2021年3月2日的下午两点半,远远的就看到一名身穿黑衣,身高1米8的年轻人,在The Clovers大门保安处,等待当天的风水预约!
- 他就是邀请我前来的男主人,T先生。女主人就在门墙内不远的内院花园 向我挥手致意欢迎!
- 由于还在MCO 行控期间,必须严谨跟随SOP流程手续,保安也加紧值勤工作,耽误了几分钟。
- 正当男主人T先生在跟保安处交涉和登记我和助理的身份证时,门墙内的女主人不知道我们在墙外牵涉什么,微微焦虑的看向我们三人。
- 就那么的两分钟不到的片刻,我察觉到女主人望向男主人T先生的眼神是充满着温情和关爱。虽身不在墙外的保安处,我可以感觉到女主对墙外男主的精神上支持的气场!
- 我知道风水勘察正在开始了;就是这一对年轻人爱情风水的感染力…..
- 近20年风水勘察经验,夫妻之间的能量绝对是第一风水能量。
- 在大院内我等四人一番寒暄之后,我们就前往这一对爱人新买的公寓单位。The Clovers 公寓面积不小,属于中上豪华公寓,我们边走边交流。
- 男主今年32岁,1米8身高,英俊 潇洒;女主今年30岁,皮肤雪白,温文儒雅。他们告诉我他两相处久了,习惯了彼此(未看风水,八字给看了)。
- “习惯”?这是他两太客气了!
- 因为在近两个小时的风水勘察过程中,女主对男主的肢体语言是处处表露浓浓的爱意和为自己伴侣1米8的身高而自豪的呢?
- 同时,男主对女主的口气流露了爱护、尊敬、铁汉柔情以及只有男人才可以明白的优越感(怎么样? 我老婆漂亮吧!?)
- 说实在的,两个小时的交流,我发现男主32岁那么年轻,但是成熟度比实际年龄要大5岁。
- 待人接物中肯、思考路线清楚、尊重自己的爱人、礼遇他人,敬业乐业,对自己的事业专门知识的方方面面,了如指掌。
- 这是我欣赏这年轻人的原因。
- 长话短说,简单的说如下:
- 男主是靠自己双手赚钱买下这个公寓单位。
- 男主买下也是给父母养老退休;因为双亲喜欢大空间(1399sqft);以表孝心。
- 为了感激女主青春陪伴多年,从无到有,男主建议联名女主,共拥产业,以回报女主当年所奉献的创业本金。
- 然而,女主大情大义,放弃联名;以大局为重,以大家庭为本!成全其父母。大爱,不求回报!实为女中豪杰(温柔的外表根本看不出内在的能量)
- 间中的各种恩情,各位可以用逻辑推理便是。 那么你就明白小两口有多恩爱就是了。
- 现在说重点吧:
- 谁才是你第一大风水能量? 答案:爱你,惜你,支持你的女人!
- 你只有找到好女人,才有好运,有了好运你才能买到好房子!
- 好女人旺你三代子孙!
- 好男人旺你就这辈子!
- 你搞清楚了吗?
- 现在是九运(2017-2043),女性当家做主旺旺的!
- 年轻人,如果你要在未来20年当中旺旺的;先搞清楚谁是旺你的!
- 女性(21岁- 56岁) 目前已经是你成功路上必须争取的大支柱哟!
- 你是否像T先生一样,找对了女人呢?
- 年轻人,如果男人要活出精彩缤纷,就要像T先生一样,尽快拥有一个为了你的成功,为了你男性的尊严,
拒绝一切的暧昧!在她心中,你是唯有的英雄! - 当然,男人也得要同等回报!
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
WhatsApp : +60125603333
电邮 Email : master@mastersoon.com
- At 2:30 pm on March 2, 2021, when the sun is blazing, a young man dressed in black with 1.8 meters tall approx. was seen from afar, waiting for Feng Shui appointment at the gate of The Clovers(Bayan Lepas, Penang) at the security office!
- He is the host who invited me, Mr. T. The hostess waved to me in the inner courtyard garden not far from the gate wall!
- As we were still in the MCO period, we must follow the SOP procedures strictly, and the security guards also tightened up checking, which was delayed for a few minutes.
- While the host, Mr. T, was negotiating with the security office and registering the IDs of my assistant and me, the hostess inside the gate wall did not know what we were involved in, and looked at the three of us anxiously.
- In such a short period of less than two minutes, I noticed that the eyes of the hostess looking at Mr. T were full of tenderness and love. Even though she was not at the security guard outside the gate wall, I could feel the aura of the heroine’s spiritual support to the hero outside the wall!
- I know that the feng shui audit is beginning; it is of this young couple’s love feng shui…
- With nearly 20 years of feng shui audit experience, the energy between husband and wife is definitely the first feng shui energy.
- After we exchanged greetings among four of us in the compound, we went to the apartment unit newly bought by the couple. The Clovers condo is not small in size and belongs to the upper-middle luxury Condo. We talked while walking.
- The male owner is 32 years old, 1.8 meters tall, and handsome; the female owner is 30 years old, with white skin, gentle and elegant. They told me that both have been together for a long time and got used to each other.
- “Got used to”? This is diplomatic reply!
- Because during the nearly two-hour feng shui audit, the body language of the female owner towards the male owner showed strong love everywhere, and was proud of her partner’s height of 1.8 meters?
- At the same time, the male owner’s tone for the female owner expresses love, respect, tenderness and superiority that only a man can understand (how? My wife is pretty! ?)
- To be honest, after two hours of communication, I found that the male owner who is as young as 32 years old, but his maturity is 5 years older than his actual age.
- Treating people with good intentions, think clearly, respect life partner, treating others with courtesy, dedicated to his work, and have a thorough knowledge of all aspects of his own career expertise.
- This is the reason why I like this young man.
- To make a long story short, let’s simply say the following:
- The male owner used his own hands to make money to buy this apartment unit.
- When the male owner bought it, it is also for his parents to retire; because the parents like the large space (1399 sq ft); it is a show of filial piety.
- In order to appreciate the female youthful companionship sacrifice for so many years,
starting from nothing, the male suggested join name(2 names) for this property purchase, as a sign of appreciation towards the support / sacrifice by the female in the past in term of the FIRST entrepreneurial contribution. - Yet, the heroine has great affection and righteousness,
giving up the joint name offer; focusing on the his lover’s success and focusing on the big family picture! Great love, do not ask for anything in return! Really a hero of the female (the inner energy can’t be seen at all from the gentle appearance) - You can use logical reasoning for the various kindnesses in between. Then you know how loving the young couple is.
- Now let’s talk about the key points:
- Who is your number one feng shui energy? Answer: the lady who loves you, cherishes you, supports you unconditionally!
- Only when you find a good woman can you have good luck, and with good luck can you buy a good house!
- Good women will prosper your three generations of children and grandchildren!
- Good man is only be prosperous for your whole life (woman) for once!
- Have you figured it out?
- It is the Period 9 (2017-2043), and women are in charge!
- Young people, if you want to be prosperous in the next 20 years; first figure out who is in charge!
- Female (21-56 years old) is now the big pillar you must strive for on your way to success!
- Have you found the right woman like Mr. T?
- of course, man must love his woman unconditionally.
The reason I write this article is to encourage young generation to your serene family as early as possible. And, I have witnessed this kind of trend(helpful wife) recent years since around 2017.
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
WhatsApp : +60125603333
电邮 Email : master@mastersoon.com