- This article I dedicate to those are searching after alternative healing for physical health; be mild or be terminal.
- Or, if your friends or relatives are looking for
- Alternative healing for illnesses
- Mental & Emotional Stability
- Overall Health Rejuvenation
- Restoring Life Vitality
- Restoring Manhood & Womanhood
- Recovering from Bad Luck ; then kindly share this article.
- Pearl Hill(Tanjung Bungah, Penang) is a hidden Dragon Head with Crown & Horns (facing t0 the sky) as shown above.
- Pearl Hill is so famous due to her expensive & scenic properties. Yet, very rare people are aware of this hidden Dragon Baby Head (because dragon face is facing the sky); branching out from main truck of Penang Hill.
- According to Dragon Feng Shui, the formation that faces the sky is categorised as celestial quality(direct connection to the heaven); putting this Dragon Baby far above from the other 2 categories (terrestrial & humanoid).
- Those above 60 years old could have heard of this Dragon Baby from their parents but have no idea where she is located.
- Today, I disclose this info for public benefits especially for physical and mental health.
- There is no way for personal consumption but for the public & everyone who is looking for overall well being.
- No one to serve you there, but simply for your jungle spa as alternative healing; in addition to your proper medical treatment.
- How to be benefitted as a public consumer for alternative healing?
- First thing first, if you are sceptical or disbelieve, then kindly do not go. It is not for you then.
- Set your google map with Pearl Hill Tua Peng Gong Temple.
- Your target is to reach the Head top (Crown) at the back of Pearl Hill Tua Peng Gong Temple.
- Head top is where you should spend time for jungle spa(be noted of mosquitoes).
- You could spend about 60 – 90 mins; anytime from 8am to 6pm.
- Buy your drinks & foods before you arrive. (do not throw rubbish simply in destination)
- If you are not Penangites/Locals; then Locations you SHOULD NOT STOP are :
- Dragon Teeth
- Chin
- Bridge of Nose
- Nostrils
- Right Jawline
- Left Jawline
- If you have stopped at those 6 locations to take pictures, then no point for you to go up; unless you come for visiting but not for healing.
- Your target is to go up and reach the dragon crown / head top / hilltop of Pearl Hill.
- Pearl Hill Tua Peng Gong Temple is your landmark but NOT your destination.
- Your destination is the hilltop at the back of the temple.
- Those are facing terminal illness could email & Whatsapp me for FOC consultation.
- Because there are certain technical know-how to be disclosed before you reach there.
- For general and overall well being, jungle spa at the hilltop as shown is sufficient.
- Kindly be generous to share this info with your friends and relatives.
Stay Tuned for More Dragon Secrets…..
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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电邮 Email : master@mastersoon.com