- Your Burning Desire to succeed in Your Heart + Your Positive Intention in Your Mind = Creating Your World
- Success is that you must assume a higher concept of yourself in order to reach a higher level of yourself.
- To desire the state of success for yourself, is to have it.
- Only as you are willing to give up your present limitations and identity, then you can become that which you desire to be.
- Doubt is the only force capable of disturbing your success. But your faith makes you a successful person.
- No one but only you yourself can make you a successful person.
- Fear makes you a failure; but LOVE brings you success.

- 你心中那火烈求成功的欲望 + 你思维积极求胜意念 = 创造你的世界。
- 成功是那你构想更高境界的自己,化构想为现实。
- 渴望成功的环境 就是拥有那个渴望。
- 只有当你愿意放弃目前的身份和缺陷,那么你才可以拥有你所渴望的。
- 质疑是唯一可以粉碎你梦想。然而信心却造就了你的成功。
- 无人可以让你成功除了你自己。
- 惧怕使你失败;大爱将成功降临你身上。
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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