(this is an incomplete snapshot of the conversation. It does not reflect the whole consultation)
致 C 先生 :
海外移民计划 : –
- 我这几年正为移民到加拿大西部而努力工作和争取永久居民权(希望35岁前完成心愿)。 理由是 : 寻找更好的机会和资助我全家(包括父母)在加拿大定居,如果马来西亚的局势越来越不适合久留。
- 有另外两个替代国家是我的考虑的 : –
- 美国
- 澳大利亚
- 不知这些选项可取吗?
你命局所需的有甲木(东方) , 丙火(南方), 壬癸水(北方) 以及你的事业黄金十年(2020-2029); 故以下的意见可供你参考:
- 根据你命盘的定性数据表(二)之第15星和第21星;2019年之后你有移民的可能。第21星在2020-2025这几年会频密(如图)出现。
- 澳大利亚可以是你的选项。因为你需要水(北) 和火(南). 澳大利亚和马来西亚是南北的地理位置。这两个国家对你有帮助。
- 然而,西方国家(金)的美国和欧洲 对你事业发展有帮助。因为西方(金) 是你的事业舞台;而澳大利亚符合你的八字相对适合你居住。
- 纵观以上的2和3;你可以发展网上生意而其市场是以欧洲和美国为主。
Mr C :
Overseas Migration:-
- I am currently considering to work & obtain permanent residence at Western Canada within these few years (preferably before 35 years old). The reason being; for better opportunities & to sponsor my family (including my parents) to settle down there, in case Malaysia is not friendly place to stay anymore.
These are the countries I’m considering as secondary options:-
– United States
– Australia
Are these options advisable?
Since your enhancers are Jia (Wood-East), Bing+Ding (Fire-South), Ren+Gui (Water-North) and Year 2020-2029 are your Career Period ; hence the conclusions are as below :
- According to Qualitative Chart 2, under Star 15 (Migration) and Star 21(Relocating); the trend shows the possibility of migration is possible after 2019. The are a lot of “ticks”-happening of relocating (Star 21) since 2020-2025.
- Australia could be the choice why? Because you need water(North) and Fire(South). Australia is at South of Malaysia(North). In time of need of Fire and Water for Luck enhancement/nutriment; these 2 countries are within the range.
- However, there is a possibility for you to travel to the WEST (metal) Europe and United States for your career advancement. The West and US are the platform of your career. Australia is more suitable and fix into your BaZi.
- Item 2-3 above combined; you may develop some kind of online-internet related business where the market could be the WEST and US.
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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