As the requests on my NTV7 program – ” Bella” about Female Feng Shui 2011 keep coming into my email, therefore, I would like to wirte a short article to share instead of answering email by email. I am going to write a series article about female feng shui from multiple aspects like career, finance, romance, love, relationship, fashions and anything related to woman.
Let me start this series with the first title : – ” Increase Financial Advancement for Female in 2011″.
In this aspect, financial advancement of career woman could be analysis at least from 4 pespective. And, today we are going to discuss about one of the areas, which is the Ability of A Woman to Monitor Her Financial Control from Feng Shui perspective.

Feng Shui for Woman in 2011. Saving Account Sector. This information Had Been Revealed by Master Soon During "Bella" Program by NTV7 on 9 Jan 2011.
In year 2011, Rabbit Year, the finance control of a career woman is at her house’s South West sector as shown in the above diagram. Methodologically, I recommend pie chart as the tool to draw your feng shui chart as it provide average methematical distribution.
If the storeroom or washroom is located at SW sector, then, this simply tells that your finance control of 2011 is going to be very weak. Why? Water Flushing out from the washroom would flush away your money saving ability. The Stagnant Qi in storeroom is going to make you to be selfish to spend for daily expenses for 2 reasons: either you are financially tight or stingy.
A pretty woman is always nourished and mesmerized by good financial position. An urgly woman is always associated with poverty… Although this statement is not correct 100% but explains the reality of our current society pretty well. Therefore, as a female, you need to back up and strengthen your financial status as it directly determines your self-confidence and self- image.
How to strengthen your finance position in year 2011? The solution is in the diagram and as below
SW must be dominated by RED and Brownish colour. No Green, No White and No Plants. Off course there are many more remedies in next article….
Stay Tuned……. for More interesting information.