I was surprised that a picture of laughing Buddha and a sculpture of 8 horses were displayed at the back of the back of the chair where the boss sit.
On the other hand, I was shocked to see a picture of Laughing Buddha and a sculpture of 8 horses were displayed at the back of the boss’ chair.
By considering the location of the place then I spoke to the boss : ” The support from your staffs is very weak and poor. Many insiders and outsiders criticize you negatively. As the horse is your favorite animal sign according to your Bazi, therefore, most of your friends would ONLY give you empty promises but no tangible asistance.”….
Besides the consideration of Bazi, the feng shui reasons are as below:
a) The back is Yin, which must be inactive, stillness and quiet.
b) 气贵于同声同气 不可互相背弃