The weather is getting cooler in Southern China. Yet, the compassion of China men about feng shui is burning like fire. After whole day long business feng shui consultation, we took a break for dinner.
However, we got back to office to continue business strategies discussion. Do not be surprise… China people are workaholic. They could work for long hour. Their managers are always standby to be called for emergency meeting.
Definitely our business feng shui dicussion were not urgent yet very important.
The heads of each departments were still there for further discussion for business planning like
Corporate Feng Shui
Business Strategies Feng Shui
Office Feng Shui
Advertisment Feng Shui
Marketing Feng Shui
Selling Feng Shui
Promotion & Campaign Feng Shui
Name Card Feng Shui
It was a huge job to cover corporate feng shui. The above mentioned are just part of it.