- Singapore, the Jerusalem of South East Asia planted by the late Mr. Lee Kuan Yew in year 1965, with the mandate and endorsement from UMNO(Malay Muslim party), the ruling party of Malaysia since 1957.
- The biggest sin(dosa) committed by UMNO towards Islam is none other than endorsing the creation of Jeru-Singasalem(Singapore as Jerusalem) right in the ocean of Nusantara Islam since 1965.
- From Chinese Metaphysics Dragonic Imperial Feng Shui perspective, Singapore is named after as Jeru-Singasalem(Yeru-Singasalemyim) because the focus-locus feng shui of Singapore Island is located at Dragonic Pearl, the Southern converging point of whole Mainland Asia. It is the most powerful emancipation of Dragonic Feng Shui as the feng shui point in accumulating all power from Mainland Asia into one city-state, before the energy dispersing into various islands of Indonesia in Southern hemisphere.
- In short, Singapore captures all energy which is running from North to South from Mainland Asia before releasing into Southern Hemisphere.
- The size(quantity) does not spell out the power of feng shui, but the focus point(quality) does. This also happens handsomely to Israel in Middle East, where the feng shui power is focusing in Jerusalem(Yerushaláyim or Baitulmuqaddis).
- That partly explained why Islam enjoyed its consistent growth from infancy to golden age, when Islamic centres were built around Levant territories(modern Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Israel etcs) and Peninsula Arab; during the First Half Period of Islamic Expansion(622AD-1400s AD).
- From Chinese Metaphysics Imperial Dragonic Feng Shui perspective, the Levant territories are the MOST powerful feng shui areas to be captured for Military Might Supremacy not only for Middle East, but also for the WHOLE World.
- However, for the Second Half Period of Islamic Expansion (1453 AD -1918 AD) when Turkish shifted Islamic centre from the Levant to Istanbul(Turkey) after successfully conquering the capital of Christendom, Constantinople and renamed it as Istanbul in year 1453, Islam had experienced its highest peak for a few hundreds years then followed by the Biggest Fall of Islam in conjunction to the RISE of the West.
- Apparently, it looked like Islam had achieved the highest peak and the glorious moment when destroying the capital of Christendom, Constantinople in 1453 by shifting Islamic centre away from Levant to the North, Turkey.
- However, from Chinese Metaphysics Imperial Dragonic Feng Shui perspective, Levant territories are the MOST POWERFUL feng shui location.
- Kindly be reminded Jewish Golden Time, Persian Golden Time and Islamic Golden Time were firmly established by enforcing hegemonic control over Levant Territories.
- It was a Big Feng Shui mistake by Shifting Islamic centre away from Levant territories, but to further north to Turkey. Why?
- Loosening control and less intention towards the Levant after Islamic centre Shifting to Istanbul in 1453; was in fact a “Blessing to The West”.
- Because the Fall of Constantinople in 1453 and Shifting Away from Levant were in fact instigating the WEST to find alternative way in reaching to Far East Asia, by passed Turkish control of the Mediterranean.
- Shifting away from Levant was a Blessing in Disguise to the WEST, after the FALL of Constantinople in 1453. Why?
- Because it gave chance for the WEST to conquer MORE territories in the NEW WORLD, which are North & Latin America, Australia, New Zealand and many other islands.
- By Shifting Away from Levant territories, Turkish Islam gave up the whole NEW WORLD to the WEST since 15th century. From here, the history spelled out the 500 years domination by the WEST since then.
- Now, Do you see how important is Levant to World Domination from Chinese Metaphysics Imperial Dragonic Feng Shui。。。。????
- The creation of Islamic State in the Levant territories and Russian involvement in Syria(Levant area) are not coincidence but the SIGN of the END TIME.
- Both represent the Christendom & Islam respectively.
- If you zoom down into the territories of Levant, Jerusalem is the DRAGON SPOT from feng shui perspective. Dragon Spot refers to the Military Might Accumulative Spot, from Chinese Metaphysics perspective.
- Now, back to South East Asia in 20 & 21 century.
- The establishment of the State of Yeru-Singa-shaláyim (Jeru-singasalem) in 1965 was a serious setback for Islamic Dominance in Nusantara Islam since 15th century. This was done by Malay Muslim of UMNO.
- The Levant of South East Asia is not located in Indonesia. It is spelled out in Peninsula of Malaysia guarded by Nine Sultans. This explains why Indonesia has no Islamic Sultan but has turned into Republic. Yet, In Peninsula of Malaysia, the Islamic Sultanate institutions survive. This is meaningful coincidence from Chinese Metaphysics perspective.
- If the Dragon Spot of the Levant in Middle East is located in Jerusalem; then, Singapore is the Dragon Spot of the Levant in South East Asia.
- In 1965, Malay Muslim had endorsed the creation of Yeru-Singasalem of South East Asia.
- This was the similar mistake done by Ottoman Empire by Shifting Away from Jerusalem back in 1453.
- In year 2016, Singapore will be the focus of WORLD NEWS.
- Because her status as Yeru-Singasalem in the mid of South East Asia Islamic ocean invites World ATTENTIONS in year 2016.
- 2016 is the 1st year for Singaporeans WITHOUT the blessing of their founder, the late Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.
- What is the significance of UMNO endorsement for “Yeru-Singasalem” back in 1965 and ignorance for the importance of Levant?
- Perhaps it is time for Muslim scholars to refresh the call of Prophet Muhammad about “Seek Knowledge Even As Far As China”.
Stay Tuned for More Information
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”, Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on “How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
Contact: master@mastersoon.com or WhatApp: 6012 560 3333