This is the man who gave and proposed the name after my workshop as ” Supercharge Your Career With Real Feng Shui” and I accepted it by incorporating it as part of my workshop series…. I know Wong family since year 2012. A client becomes friend eventually. I revisited this family at their feng shui-ed home during Chinese New Year 2013 in Feb.
This is his testimonial by his own willingness on 08 Apr 2013, last week.
This was testimonial 6 months ago.
If you are interested to learn about “Supercharge Your Career With Real Feng Shui” what you need to is book an air ticket and fly in via Penang International Airport to attend Module A & Module B.
Module A -Unlock The Truth Of Money(PDF)
Module B -Capatalizing The Truth Of Money
We had completed Module A in March and April. However, you may join us in Module B on 26 May 2013, Sunday, 10:30 am to 5:30 pm.
To be fair, this kind of feng shui result also very much based on Mr & Mrs Wong Bazi (destiny) and their good Karma. Feng Shui is just a booster to uplift and energize what they have in their BAZI and Good Karma.
Before ending, let me wish you to have a pleasant day and be a successful person in your life.
Master Soon
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Mobile : +6012 560 3333