- Period 9 九运: 2020 – 2040 (Since The Great Conjunction Between Jupiter & Saturn on 21 Dec 2020).
- Trigram: Li 离卦, literally means ascending, dependent, gorgeous, bright, civilized, etiquette, discerning, upright, discovering, expanding, spreading, externally vigorous, medium-level, restless, inciting, repulsing, resisting, denying, criticizing, popular, …
- or in chinese : 进升、依附、华丽、鲜艳、文明、礼仪、明察、磊落、发现、扩张、漫延、外强、中干、焦躁、煽动、排斥、抗拒、否定、批判、流行、 …
Official5 Element Category: Fire 火OfficialSymbol: The Sun 太阳OfficialColor: Orange, Red, Pink & Purple.OfficialNumber: Nine (9)- However, the Hidden Number is 3 . Why?
- Specifically based on
- Li Trigram(The Sun) in Yijing is Number 3. Not number 9
- The Sun is associated with the 3-legged crow in Classic of Mountains & Seas 山海经
- Specific Evidence
- 3 Years: Covid 19 takes 3 years from 2020 to 2022
- 3 Camps: Russia/China Vs The United States/The West Vs Non- Aligned
- Reduction of nearly 1/3 as New Normal :
- Business /Operation hour is reduced unofficially from 8 hours to +/- 5 or 6 hours
- Working Days (primarily home-based) are further reduced to 4 days.
- Practical Application :
- Set aside a minimum of 1/3 of your fund for security and safety purposes.
- Always retain 1/3 of your strength for unpredictable
- U.S and China are doing it now.
- They are building up many areas including food reserves.
- Launch your program and mission 1/3 earlier than your competitor
- The U.S is more effective than China & Russia at the moment this article is written.
- It would be best if you have Plan A, Plan B & Plan C
- The U.S is Far more ahead at the moment I write this article
- You must have a minimum 3 seductive faces(refer to the picture above)
- The U.S is the best example we should learn from.
- The U.S has 3 different faces respectively to
- The West ( Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand)
- Russia & China
- Non-Allies like ASEAN, Africa, and Islamic Countries.
- The U.S has 3 different faces respectively to
- The U.S is the best example we should learn from.
- At this moment, I see the U.S is predominantly in control based on Chinese Metaphysics.
- The stratagems adopted by the U.S are highly synchronized with the Military & Corporate Strategy theorized by Yijing & Classic of Mountain & Seas
Remarks: You may apply according to 3 years, 6 years 0r 9 years. So far, we have seen that Covid 19 has demonstrated it effect around 3 years(2020-2022)
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