- Back in the year 2011 when I was in China, I told my counterparts in China that China should thank Islam for diverting US Attention from 2001 – 2011.
- The rise of China after 2020 is closely associated with these UNDISTURBED 10 years from the superpower, the United States.
- https://www.mastersoon.com/china-should-thank-islam-for-diverting-us-attention-from-2001-2011/
- Today, this careless global power balance stratagem by the US could serve you as a lesson by negative example; for your personal destiny reengineering.
- The US is paying the heavy price now for its miscalculation back 20 years ago.
- Similarly, many individuals are quietly paying the bills now for their DESTINY due to wrong moves made in their past.
- Your past shapes your future.
- I have important points for you below :
- Period 9(2020-2040) is closely related to Period 6(1961-1981). Why? Because
- Period 9 Li Trigram 离卦 derives from Period 6 Qian Trigram 乾卦. How?
- By triggering /breaking the center line 二爻破
- Qian 乾卦 is always associated with Masculine Power, for example, military power.
- The Soviet Union & the United States in this case back in Period 6 (1961-1981)
- Both shaped the global domination 50/50
- After 60 years (1 cycle in the Chinese Lunar Calendar or 3 cycles for the feng shui period),
- The US must finish off(at least further weaken) Russia, else
- The broken center line(Period 9 Li Trigram 离卦) could be breaking the US inside out.
- The US must contain/corner China, else
- The broken center line (Period 9 Li Trigram 离卦) surely hit the US domestically in all aspects including the economy & weakening the strength of the FEDERATION as a UNITED polity
- In short, If the US does not hit/break other countries from 2020-to 2040(Period 9); then itself will be hit by the center broken line (Li trigram) internally/domestically
- In other words, If China could restrain itself/ prevent any war, then the US surely will experience a FREE FALL in the abyss /underworld of the broken line of Li Trigram 离中虚.
- The US must finish off(at least further weaken) Russia, else
- Similarly, this also happens to individual destiny, including your good self.
- Some are just unprepared like The Soviet Union during her peak in Period 6(1961-1981)
- Some are just like the US narrowly focusing on the Taliban from 2001-2011 & forgetting the future threat, China.
- Period 9(2020-2040) is closely related to Period 6(1961-1981). Why? Because
- Do not be the Soviet Union & the United States.
- The unpreparedness of The Soviet Union in Period 6(1961-1981) caused its downfall after 10 years in 1991.
- Putin said that the United States is following in the footsteps of The Soviet Union.
- If the United States is unable to export its domestic problems to some other countries, then will the broken line 离中虚 of Li Trigram explode/blow up domestically & further disintegrate the federation of The United States?
- Will the United States follow the footsteps of the Soviets, to be disintegrated approx in the year 2051, 10 years(like the case for the Soviet Union) after Period 9(2020-2040)?
- All things are possible; the Soviet Union did not expect itself to disintegrate in 1991.
- How about you? The United States is too late to strategize effectively to contain China now.
- This is the lesson for you. Do not be too late to re-engineer your destiny.
- https://www.mastersoon.com/your-destiny-2022-the-successful-always-plan-ahead-with-profound-view/
- How to make yourself GREAT AGAIN, click the below
- If the United States wants to avoid the footsteps of the Soviet Union(1991), it has no choice but to adopt The Reversal of the Extremis(Enantiodromia).
Remarks :
- Numbers 6 & 9 are very special in Yijing Numerology.
- 6 is Major/Maximum Yin(Femininity) 老阴 & 9 is Major/Maximum Yang(Masculinity)老阳.
- Both always shape the future for the upcoming Period.
- Because Maximum Yin or Maximum Yang always invites Reversal in Extremis 物极必反
- Just like Period 6(1961-1981) caused the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991(Period 7).
Stay Tuned for more info about The United States & China/Russia.
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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