This is a real case happened in Malaysia.
City of incident : Kuala Lumpur Type of house : Semi – D
Number of incident : Couple Problem : Exorcism
Problems described by the female owner of the property:
- Room temperature was always cool without(air-con) even in day time. This was very abnormal in tropical country like Malaysia which room temperature is always between 27 – 31 degree celcius in day time for modern concerete semi – D house with North facing.
- The wife always had nighmare …..spirit always disturbed her day and night (details are protected for P&C)
- The wife could see the shadow and physical image of a long hair pretty woman by her own eyes… ALWAYS … day and night…
- Their business suffered from many difficulties and losses.
- Serious quarrels always happened between husband and wife and nearly caused divorce.
- Physical health getting worse.
- Catholic father (the priest) came and blessed the house but the problems came back in a few weeks.
- All these symptoms happened for more than 1 years and finally told me for solution.
- After a long disucssion, I decided to provide the solution as below
- Date selection. there was a date after Chinese New Year 2012 立春 meant for Exorcism. (real practitoners know about this)
- Time selection. timeliness of clashing was selected for spiritiual “Crushing”.
- Unearth the rosary which was mistakenly buried in the house.
- Certain ritual were performed and the rosary was …..
Immediate Outcomes:
- Immediately, the atmosphere of the semi-D become brighter and warmer, no more cooling feeling
- No more nightmare
- The long hair pretty woman(spirit) disappeared forever.
- Business is getting better.
- Health is getting better
- Relationship is getting better.
There were some procedures and metaphsyical steps undertaken. (P&C). Due to spiritual sensitivity, only certain photos are disclosed here for reference. All steps are Catholic oriented to be harmonious to the belief system of the owners. I applied Chinese philosophy, which are
- 以其人之道;反制其人之身。
- 以夷制夷;
- 拜天 天为父;拜地 地为母,天地作见证, 日月作证明
- 法法有灵,术术可通,灵在法中.
- …….
However, the application were Catholic model of operandi…. ( you must know that Chinese philosophy is very flexible)
Brother and sister, there are a lot of highly effective and efficient metaphysicians within Chinese communities in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Thailand and many other places. Normally, these kind of community based metaphysician speak No English. some of them even could not speak proper Mandarin except their dialects. There are low profile but highly effective.
The world is much wider than you physical could see. The scope of metaphysics is much wider than you could learn from a seminars or books.
By the way, the feng shui knowledge like xuan kong, liu fa, San Yuan, San He, XKDG, XKFS, Yang Gong, etc are all suddenly become USELESS & POWERLESS when confronting this kind of problems.
Master Soon
The rosary (from Latin rosarium, meaning “rose garden”) or “garland of roses” is a traditional Catholic devotion. The term denotes the prayer beads used to count the series of prayers that make up the rosary. The prayers consist of repeated sequences of the Lord’s Prayer followed by ten prayings of the Hail Mary and a single praying of “Glory Be to the Father” and is sometimes accompanied by the Fatima Prayer; each of these sequences is known as a decade. The praying of each decade is accompanied by meditation on one of the Mysteries of the Rosary, which recall the life of Jesus Christ.
Exorcism (from Greek ἐξορκισμός, exorkismos – binding by oath) is the religious practice of evicting demons or other spiritual entities from a person or place which they are believed to have possessed. Depending on the spiritual beliefs of the exorcist, this may be done by causing the entity to swear an oath, performing an elaborate ritual, or simply by commanding it to depart in the name of a higher power. The practice is ancient and part of the belief system of many cultures and religions.