- There is no 100% PERFECT Luck.
- Because even the Almighty God Himself is also Helpless in certain divine circumstances (Heaven Vs Hell; Believer Vs Non-Believer, Salvation Vs Damnation) ; not to say an individual whom are trapped within the Human Realm which is at the lower end compared to Realm of Divinity.
- BaZi basically has coined 60 x 60 x 60 x 60 = 12.96 Millions combinations/types/categories of LUCK.
- If the Time of Birth is divided into 3 parts; then the types of Luck will shoot up to 38.88 Millions.
- 38.88 Millions x Both Gender(Male&Female) = 77.76 Millions
- If the Place of Birth + Family Name are taken into consideration; the types of LUCK are infinity.
- It is a common motive why people come to consult for their LUCK mainly after 30 years old.
- Because the First 30 years of your life span is sufficient enough to teach you a lesson that Man is NOT in Full Control of his/her Luck.
- There are certain combination of Invincible Pushing Factors + Pulling Factors craft the story of your life.
- You determine to turn the steel to the right, but it turned by a force to the left beyond your will power. What awaiting you ahead could be impressively surprising or depressingly disappointed.
- At this point of helplessness, you could not blame God about your frustrations and depressions as He definitely has a way to mute(silent) your outspoken vocal cord, by His very Own concept : Will of God(Takdir) or God’s Plan.
- On the contrary, Chinese Ancient Wisdom has proposed a MUCH more revolutionary version about Destiny.
- Chinese Wisdom put Man, Heaven(God) and Earth(Galaxy) on the SAME footing, under the concept of Triumvirate 三才天人地.
- They are 3 in 1 and One in Three. It is very similar to Trinity in Christianity but with different characteristics. (Does this explain why China will be the BIGGEST Christian Nation by Year 2050?)
- So, under trinity of Triumvirate, Heaven(God) is NOT above Man, but at the same LEVEL. Man can negotiate with Heaven(God) because Heaven(God) also does NOT possess Absolute power over Man kind.
- This concept makes Chinese mind to be more open and dare to challenge the FALSEHOOD of Almighty God.
- Triumvirate concept enables Chinese mind to debunk the so-called concept of Will of God(Takdir) or God’s Plan.
- Philosophically, these compulsive forces which re-direct your life are defined as Karma (originated from Ancient Hindu Wisdom).
- Yet, Chinese Metaphysics adopted Karma concept but developed further for the way how to improve the defects within the Karma.
- Hence, Chinese Metaphysics has proposed Feng Shui, BaZi, QMDJ, ZWDS and many others branches in the respect of how to improve your LUCK on this planet earth.
- If you are older than 30 years of age, then, you must wise enough to admit that Life/Luck is imperfect, or full of disappointments and imperfections.
- You can be optimistic. Because spirit of optimism keeps you move on and maintains your fighting spirit.
- Yet, optimism does not promise you with a set of solid and concrete workable solutions or curative actions.
- It is unwise to keep fighting under spirit of optimism, WITHOUT Effective & Practical Solutions for Destiny Defect Repair.
- Wake up from the FALSEHOOD of over-optimism spirit.
- Turn your face to the Practical Solutions for
- SELF Preparation for Destiny Defect Repair :
- Identify Your Destiny Defect Correctly.
- Adopt Effective Destiny Defect Repair Strategies.
- Ensure Correct Metaphysical Repair Procedures
- Improve High Alert & Productive Counter Measurements.
- Reduce Destiny Defects Resulting From Ignorance.
- Reduce the Defects by Increasing Destiny Safety Alert.
- For More Information, email to master@mastersoon.com
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”, Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on“How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
Contact: master@mastersoon.com or WhatApp: 6012 560 3333