- Health issue is one of the major reasons for engaging my metaphysics service, apart from renovation, career advancement, wealth accumulation, relationship, romance, marriage, family harmony or even demonic possession.
- Usually, clients do not tell exactly what he/she wanted, but courteously saying that they need renovation. However, many years in this field telling me that the client always expecting MORE than renovation/feng shui.
- For this case, the owner have indicated that he plans to do a major renovation to his corner lot double storey house.
- In the mid of the site visit/consultation, I found something weird(in term of feng shui) hinting about serious sickness could have taken place.
- However, the father was proudly introducing his house & the son was so focus recording every single detail that I spoke. Sickness was NOT mentioned by them….. till then.
- So, I started to figure out feng shui/Yijing calculation in my mind to counter-confirm my suspicion.
- Firstly, the door is facing N & located at NE sector. This is Door of Sickness(basic feng shui knowledge).
- Yet, more evidences are needed for me to conclude the possible sickness.
- Secondly, based on the info above, The hexagram No.39 蹇(jian) Obstruction was derived.
- Hexagram 39 蹇(jian) 《Obstruction》pictures a dangerous abyss lying before/below the occupants.
- And a steep, inaccessible mountain rising behind/below the occupants.
- In term of feng shui,
- 《Abyss》 means abdomen/intestine/reproductive system.
- 《Inaccessible mountain》means Hidden/Cancerous Tumour below the occupants.
- When Chinese character 蹇(jian) is analyzed;
- The bigger circle is lower body
- The smaller circle(small opening is the uterus/reproductive system).
- This hinted implicitly that the possibility of tumour(obstruction 蹇 ) in the lower abdomen or uterus.
- Thirdly, Side Gate is open at West since it is a corner lot double terrace house; apart from Main Gate at North.
- This combination of gates derives hexagram 47
- Gate opening is a symbol of Mouth & West location is Dui 兑 trigram(also mouth)
- Symbolically, hexagram 47 is an insertion of wood/pillar/beam into the mouth & anus/private part(mouth at the lower body). Strongly, this hinted about medical equipment penetration.
- Fourthly, Side Gate was NOT there originally. The owner made it later, by keeping the main door at NE.
- When west(Dui 兑) Gate integrates with sickness door at NE(Gen 艮), it derives hexagram 41.
- Hexagram 41 Decrease/Diminish 损; where Upper Trigram Dui 兑 is related to mouth and medical equiqment invasion/penetration;
- Lower Trigram Gen 艮 is related to tumour/cancerous cell.
- At this moment, I was about 85% confident that the occupants are/were suffering from serious illness in term of Lower Abdomen/Reproductive System.
- Fifthly, the moving line of the house is 3rd line, Li Trigram.
- There is an opening in the middle of Li Trigram 离卦. It is a symbol for openings of human body like mouth/eyes/ears/anus/private part/womb or abdomen.
- By then I was 98% confident of the serious sickness in the house.
- When the father told me that his friend who had been learning feng shui telling him that the location and direction of the house was very good and auspicious.
- Hence, I replied by correcting him that:” I have different opinion. I see the door as door of sickness. If you and your family have been staying here for more than 12 years; one occupant or more in this house could have been suffering from serious illness( I purposely avoid term of cancer for courtesy).
- Immediately the son responded…. YES…. then the atmosphere turned serious as we started to address the real issue.
- The parents did not believe in feng shui initially but change their mind after 3 hours site analysis/consultation.
- The son sent me a written text to confirm about their illnesses (appendicitis, fibroids in uterus & oral cancer) which had happened to 4 siblings.
微信号 Wechat :MasterSoon
WhatsApp : +60125603333
脸书 Facebook : @mastersoon1
电邮 Email : master@mastersoon.com
- Firstly, the door is facing N & located at NE sector. This is Door of Sickness(basic feng shui knowledge).
Feng Shui Dragon Vein & 龙脉和政权 Political Power
马来西亚华人是在中国、台湾和香港以外,保留了最完整的中华文化、教育、宗教和信仰。大马华人只占总人口21%(2015年),为何其存在感却让占据人口61%(2015年) 的穆斯林感到担忧?
其中之一的原因是华人在100-150年前就懂得在马来亚半岛的龙脉( Titiwangsa Ranges) 附近建立华人义坟地或公冢。 这是利用义山、坟地或公冢来争取,甚至夺取龙脉之气。 百年前的马来亚地理风水师傅的水平非常之高,这可以从散布在全国各地上千座之义山的好风水看出来。
区区占据总人口21%的华人的政治、经济、文教育的存在感就因为这庞大的龙脉之气而变得强大;甚至让61%的穆斯林感到地位受到威胁。要知道一旦华人失去这些上千座华人义山,就是意味失去龙脉之气;也将会失去150年前华人祖先留下的风水机关。 华人子弟要时时谨慎;处处要有维护自己风水机关的危机感。
没有了这些义山的龙脉之气;华人将永久性失去强大的存在感,失去政治、经济、文化、教育的影响力! 切记……….!
上图是马来亚半岛的主要龙脉 – Titiwangsa Ranges. 笔者只是粗糙列出2条龙脉(蓝线)。 红点是Google 有限度显示的大马华人义山(现实上大大小小华人义山上千座)。几乎义山(红点)是沿着龙脉(蓝线)的。 非常靠近龙脉 Titiwangsa Ranges。
- 2018年马来西亚61年来政权第一次变天;绝对与华人的政治态度和理念有关系。新政权被形容为大马华人政权;现在被大多数的穆斯林抨击反而受大马华人拥戴。
- 上图显示,新政权是依靠红色地带的选票得政权。恰恰红色地带就是大马华人义山分布密集的地方。
- 绿色(回教党)和蓝色(国阵) 执政的地带;也恰好极少有大马华人义山的地带。
- 至于政权和风水的密切操作关系是非常复杂的,笔者不在这里揭破。
- 然而,笔者要呼吁新一代的大马华裔后代,要珍惜150年前那时代华人祖先留下的风水机关。
- 清明节来临之际,要回去扫墓祭拜。保住这上千座大大小小华人义山;就是保住你在大马这片土地的拥有权和影响力。 切记。。。。。!
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
微信号 Wechat :MasterSoon
WhatsApp : +60125603333
脸书 Facebook : @mastersoon1
电邮 Email : master@mastersoon.com
I Want to Fly High for My Career in Kuala Lumpur 2017
敬爱的孙老师: 您上回给于我本人之5年前程分析(2016-2020)和指导,离开现在已近两年了。
在孙老师的指导下(事业走向), 我已经于2015年下半年成功的回到“某某”行业。我必须说如果不是孙老师的强烈叮咛和劝勉之下,我应该不会从新回到“某某”行业。基本可以说我是“乞求”我前上司从新雇/器用我。以前,“乞求”在我的人生字典里根本不存在,它是我自尊心的死敌;然而我终究忍辱负重,委曲求全。对此,我不后悔,因为我深信我可以在这行业施展拳脚,更是我热衷的行业。
光阴似箭,瞬间我们早已步入2017年。也许在不久的将来,随着我直接上司的离职,另一个未知的风暴在等着我。我必须未雨绸缪,防患于未然(君子以思患而豫防之) ,以防不测(新任上司会否善待于我是未知数)。前途充满着变数。
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”,Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on“How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
“ Metaphysical Destiny Revivalism” is his blissful psyche power.
“Metaphysical Luck Renewal” is his unconventional motto.
“Destiny Victory” is his audiences’ satisfaction.
Master Soon has completed more than 20 years in researching the established and esoteric facets of Chinese metaphysics and mind strategies, plus unorthodox patterns of Destiny Reinventing method.
and has years to his name, specializing in business feng shui consultation apart from being an adviser in enlightening and inspiring using his Untold Chinese metaphysics. He has also been invited by corporations in Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland, India, Thailand, Hong Kong and China to share his knowledge. Some of his past seminars include topics on
- Riding the Horse Year of 2014
- Unknown yet Effective Feng Shui Secrets
- Unknown Monetary Zone
- Untold Treasure Belt
- Unorthodox Way of Destiny Re-design
- Untold Secrets of Luck Re-direction
- Property Feng Shui for Investors,
- Property Projection by Yijing Prediction
- Corporate Feng Shui for Top Management
- Lantern Festival Long Term Money
His proven unconventional method in luck design is effective, striking and impressive.
Contact: Email : master@mastersoon.com or WhatsApp +6012 560 3333
2017 : The Hand of the ALMIGHTY GOD 上帝之手
- The mysterious number 2017 is a deep secret for Year 2017.
- Deep Secret is a knowledge that is mysterious to average people.
- What you think you know isn’t
Anything. - What you think you don’t need to know is Everything.
- At the centre of each mystical traditions persists a secret, universal truth.
- According to Chinese Metaphysics, Year 2017 is numerologically (2+0+1+7) equals 10.
- 10 is the MOST HIGH for basic digit 1-10. Hence 10 is the MOST HIGH 至高者 the ALMIGHTY GOD 全能者, religiously speaking.
- Throughout the human history, the secret for the MOST HIGH or the ALMIGHTY GOD 全能者 has been expressly forbidden to be revealed to the public in order the strengthen the human enslavement.
- 10 is not only the MOST HIGH 至高者, but 10 is the HIGHEST value for Feminine/Yin power among 2,4,6,8&10.
- Yin value refers to destructive power. The higher the Yin value, the greater the disastrous power.
- This indicates that 10 is the MOST SATANIC 至邪者, besides to be the MOST HIGH 至高者 , the ALMIGHTY全能者.
- It means the MOST HIGH(10) or the ALMIGHTY(10) is also the MOST SATANIC(10); the universal TRUTH.
- The Almighty could never qualify Himself as ALMIGHTY全能者 if He fails to demonstrate the attribute of MOST SATANIC至邪者.
- To qualify Himself as ALMIGHTY全能者 , he MUST possess SATANIC power as much as HOLY power.
- Hence, 10 is The Great Deceiver. 10 is feared as Satan 撒但 on earth and also is worshipped as Almighty全能者 .
- The greatest lie on earth is to make human believe that ALMIGHTY全能者 and SATAN撒但 are two different powers; yet, in fact, they are the SAME Power. Two sides of the same coin.
- According to Yijing 易经, 一阴一阳之谓“道”.
- It means The Ultimate Truth is a bipolarity which consists of 1 part of Yin(Satanic) and 1 part of Yang(Angelic).
- When digit 10 falls into
JealousyandHatred, it is divided into Believer Vs Non-Believers. - 10 is divided by 2 camps(Believer Vs Non-Believer) and eventually turns 5+5.
- By then, war MUST be waged/carried out by human hands (5 fingers + 5 fingers) in order to tarnish each other.
- When one hand(5 fingers) holds another hand(5 fingers); this is a sign of PEACE & LOVE.
- It means the act of 2 hands(5 fingers + 5 fingers) put together in the chest, PEACE be Upon you.
- On the contrary, when one hand(5 fingers) does not meet the other hand(5 fingers); it means division, separation, isolation, alienation, conflict or disagreement and war.
- Who come with Peace? Who come with war?
- In fact, the body language, the customs, the rites, the ceremonies and the ritual have told you the answer.
- This is the scenario throughout the whole world in YEAR 2017.
- Lastly, the arabic digit 10 consists of 2 standing numbers (1+0). Double digits are plural but NOT singular. Does this hint that the ALMIGHTY/MOST HIGH consists of MORE than ONE entity?
- Why Ten(10) in Mandarin character is written as a CROSS 十(pronounced as SHI), a sign of Christian GOD?
- 10 The Almighty, is a special digit …. for all to admire…. some to imitate …. few to understand.
Stay Tuned for the UNTOLD and UNKNOWN
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”,Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on“How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
“ Metaphysical Destiny Revivalism” is his blissful psyche power.
“Metaphysical Luck Renewal” is his unconventional motto.
“Destiny Victory” is his audiences’ satisfaction.
Master Soon has completed more than 20 years in researching the established and esoteric facets of Chinese metaphysics and mind strategies, plus unorthodox patterns of Destiny Reinventing method.
and has years to his name, specializing in business feng shui consultation apart from being an adviser in enlightening and inspiring using his Untold Chinese metaphysics. He has also been invited by corporations in Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland, India, Thailand, Hong Kong and China to share his knowledge. Some of his past seminars include topics on
- Riding the Horse Year of 2014
- Unknown yet Effective Feng Shui Secrets
- Unknown Monetary Zone
- Untold Treasure Belt
- Unorthodox Way of Destiny Re-design
- Untold Secrets of Luck Re-direction
- Property Feng Shui for Investors,
- Property Projection by Yijing Prediction
- Corporate Feng Shui for Top Management
- Lantern Festival Long Term Money
His proven unconventional method in luck design is effective, striking and impressive.
Contact: Email : master@mastersoon.com or WhatsApp +6012 560 3333
2017 : Apocalyptic Phoenix 神奇火凤凰
- Interviewed by The Edge, Malaysia Business & Investment Weekly Magazine, 30 Jan 2017.
- Malaysia Business Projection Year 2017.
- Transformative Phoenix specifically for Year 2017.
- A Year for Gentle Grace, Prosperity & Soft Power Assertion.
- Cash will be King in year 2017.
- 于2017年阳历1月30日,Master Soon 接受大马权威经济投资周报 The Edge 访谈。
- 针对马来西亚2017年经济做出宏观预测。
- 2017年 是世界之 “锐变火凤凰”之年。
- 2017年充满了 柔性的恩典,繁华 和软性的权力施展。
- 2017年,现金多者占优势。
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”,Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on“How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
“ Metaphysical Destiny Revivalism” is his blissful psyche power.
“Metaphysical Luck Renewal” is his unconventional motto.
“Destiny Victory” is his audiences’ satisfaction.
Master Soon has completed more than 20 years in researching the established and esoteric facets of Chinese metaphysics and mind strategies, plus unorthodox patterns of Destiny Reinventing method.
and has years to his name, specializing in business feng shui consultation apart from being an adviser in enlightening and inspiring using his Untold Chinese metaphysics. He has also been invited by corporations in Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland, India, Thailand, Hong Kong and China to share his knowledge. Some of his past seminars include topics on
- Riding the Horse Year of 2014
- Unknown yet Effective Feng Shui Secrets
- Unknown Monetary Zone
- Untold Treasure Belt
- Unorthodox Way of Destiny Re-design
- Untold Secrets of Luck Re-direction
- Property Feng Shui for Investors,
- Property Projection by Yijing Prediction
- Corporate Feng Shui for Top Management
- Lantern Festival Long Term Money
His proven unconventional method in luck design is effective, striking and impressive.
Contact: master@mastersoon.com or WhatsApp +6012 560 3333
Feng Shui TIPS 2017 : Start from December Solstice
Winter Solstice of this year is on 21 Dec. It is a Qi switch over. What could be prepared for better receiving of the new turnover, as:
1) Create possible In-coming Payment into your account.
2) Put Out-Going payment ON HOLD 2 days before and after.
3) Create positive mood 2 days before and after.
4) Get Elderly Blessing/Home Cook.
5) Do some charities with Open and Big heart.
6) Forgive but Remember the lessons.
7) Major plan or business issue should be carried out before 21 Dec.
1) 给自己银行户口营造来银进账
2) 于冬至前2天和后2天暂停银行付款
3) 于冬至前2天和后2天保持高度喜乐的心情
4) 长辈的祝福/家庭聚餐
5) 慈善随喜功德
6) 忘记背后 牢记教训
7) 一切明年计划或课题必须于冬至前展开
Feng shui reset is the stuff after this occasion and before Chinese New Year.
Wish you Happy December Solstice 祝大家冬至快乐
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”,Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on“How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
“ Metaphysical Destiny Revivalism” is his blissful psyche power.
“Metaphysical Luck Renewal” is his unconventional motto.
“Destiny Victory” is his audiences’ satisfaction.
Master Soon has completed more than 20 years in researching the established and esoteric facets of Chinese metaphysics and mind strategies, plus unorthodox patterns of Destiny Reinventing method.
and has years to his name, specializing in business feng shui consultation apart from being an adviser in enlightening and inspiring using his Untold Chinese metaphysics. He has also been invited by corporations in Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland, India, Thailand, Hong Kong and China to share his knowledge. Some of his past seminars include topics on
- Riding the Horse Year of 2014
- Unknown yet Effective Feng Shui Secrets
- Unknown Monetary Zone
- Untold Treasure Belt
- Unorthodox Way of Destiny Re-design
- Untold Secrets of Luck Re-direction
- Property Feng Shui for Investors,
- Property Projection by Yijing Prediction
- Corporate Feng Shui for Top Management
- Lantern Festival Long Term Money
His proven unconventional method in luck design is effective, striking and impressive.
Contact: master@mastersoon.com or WhatsApp 6012 560 3333
MALAYSIA Destiny Code for Economic Outlook 2017 – Part 1
- CASH, Finance & Banking(METAL) constitute the BIGGEST at 29%, but being burnt by FIRE 24%; which means loans & deposit, assets & liabilities, insurance & fund management, automotive & entertainment will be the BIGGEST issues for Malaysians in 2017.
- Market confidence index is further weakened by WATER 26%.
- Purchasing Power is extremely low as shown by EARTH 9%.
- Property Industry(EARTH) is gone/washed away by massive WATER 26%.
- Publishing, Agriculture, Healthcare, Higher Learning Education Industries(WOOD) are among fighting for survival under HOT FIRE 24% and Massive WATER 26%.
- The shrinking EARTH 9% also indicates the high possibility for downsizing of various Industries, including Government Linked Companies.
- The Good News are Tourism, Transportation, Leisure & Hospitality Industries, Cruise lines, Event Planning, Information Technology Telecommunications, Electronics are among vibrant industries.
In short, CASH is the King for 2017
大马2017年经济展望 -1
金融和银行业(金五行) 占据了 2017年度29%的经济总值,但却受制于火行(24%);这意味着贷款和资金、产业和负债、保险和融资、汽车业和娱乐业将会受到严重的冲击。
房产业也随着庞大的水行(26%) 而受到灭顶式的命运。
木业如印刷业、农产业、保健业、高等教育等不但受到强烈之火(24%)的逆境;也可能面对泛滥之水(26%) 而经历不同层次的经营挑战。
至于好消息有,旅游业、交通业、旅馆业、巡航业、节目策划、科技业、电讯业、电子业 都是 2017年 的兴旺行业。
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”,Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on“How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
“ Metaphysical Destiny Revivalism” is his blissful psyche power.
“Metaphysical Luck Renewal” is his unconventional motto.
“Destiny Victory” is his audiences’ satisfaction.
Master Soon has completed more than 20 years in researching the established and esoteric facets of Chinese metaphysics and mind strategies, plus unorthodox patterns of Destiny Reinventing method.
and has years to his name, specializing in business feng shui consultation apart from being an adviser in enlightening and inspiring using his Untold Chinese metaphysics. He has also been invited by corporations in Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland, India, Thailand, Hong Kong and China to share his knowledge. Some of his past seminars include topics on
- Riding the Horse Year of 2014
- Unknown yet Effective Feng Shui Secrets
- Unknown Monetary Zone
- Untold Treasure Belt
- Unorthodox Way of Destiny Re-design
- Untold Secrets of Luck Re-direction
- Property Feng Shui for Investors,
- Property Projection by Yijing Prediction
- Corporate Feng Shui for Top Management
- Lantern Festival Long Term Money
His proven unconventional method in luck design is effective, striking and impressive.
Contact: master@mastersoon.com or WhatsApp 6012 560 3333
- Do NOT be shocked if Tun Mahathir could not be able to topple/overturn Datuk Seri Najib Razak in 14th Malaysia General Election(GE14) on or before 24 August 2018.
- Why? Because Malaysia Federal Administrative Centre of Malaysia, PUTRAJAYA Feng Shui was constructed on the Bearing ± 20° North under TUN Dr. Mahathir administration back in the year 1993.
- Bearing ± 20° North (Gui 癸) is associated and interlinked to time continuum by the year with ending digit 3; for example 199-3, 200-3, 201-3……. according to Chinese Metaphysics.
- Below is a diagram to help you in understanding for Putrajaya Bearing ± 20° North ; which is under N3(Gui) sector. (Kindly refer to 24 mountain Earth Plate)
- Hence, Putrajaya is sitting on Gui 癸山 sector, Chinese metaphysically speaking.
- Amazingly and surprisingly, there were many interlinks/interconnections between Putrajaya and Year ending with digit 3. For, example,
- Putrajaya project was formally approved in June 1993 (Year of Gui You in Chinese calendar), constructed on Gui alignment (Bearing ± 20° North) and took approximately six years before it was eventually completed at a reported cost of over RM4.6 billion.
- Tun Mahathir stepped down and retired from premiership in Putrajaya on 31 October 2003( Year of Gui Wei, 07 days before Gui Month).
- Tun Abdullah took over the premiership on the SAME Day.
- If you trace deeper, you would find out that the 6th Malaysia Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib had taken over the premiership 03 April 2009, but won his Mandate for Putrajaya thru GE13 in Year 201-3 (Year of Gui Si).
- By the way, do you aware that Datuk Seri Najib was born in 195-3 (Gui Si Year)?
- Meaning to say, Putrajaya feng shui alignment at Gui sector(7.5-22.5) has set the Speciality and Uniqueness to Year Ending with Digit – 3; like what had happened in 199-3, 200-3 and 201-3 as mentioned above.
- Unbelievably but truly, among a few candidates for Putrajaya future premiership, ONLY Datuk Seri Najib Razak whose BIRTH YEAR 1953 Gui Si Year aligns nicely to Putrajaya Feng Shui(Gui Alignment).
- Metaphysically, when some one‘s Year/Month/Day/Time of Birth (time continuum) is Synchronized/Tilted with Space (Spatial Continuum); then the personal intentions, wishes, dreams and inspirations could be amplified magnificently and gorgeously.
- Let me show you one more map how Putrajaya Feng Shui is aligned nicely with Datuk Seri Najib’s Birth Place, KUALA LIPIS in Pahang State.
- When the alignment of Putrajaya Feng Shui at Bearing ± 20° North (Gui Water) is elongated into Pahang State,then you would surely find that it is pointing to KUALA LIPIS, the Birthplace for Datuk Seri Najib Razak whose BIRTH Year is 195-3 Also Gui Water.
- Putrajaya Feng Shui is Aligned to Kuala Lipis at Gui Water Alignment( Bearing ± 20° North) which is coinciding/corresponding/concurring with Year 195-3, 199-3, 200-3 & 201-3 mysteriously but factually.
- Does this kind of Putrajaya Feng Shui further enhance Datuk Seri Najib in his pursuit?
- If this is so, then, don’t you see that Tun Mahathir, who was the main political architecture for the birth of Putrajaya in year 199-3; is the key person to push Datuk Seri Najib Razak(born in year 195-3) to enjoy such empowerment since GE13( year 201-3) till today?
- However, practically and rationally, Tun Mahathir has no such idea to empower other than himself, at the first place.
- All these happen by meaningful coincidence; where there are hidden powers instigate for each and every episode. To atheists, it is called Destiny.
- To Malaysians who are majority believers of Almighty God, then, is this classified as “The Will of Almighty God”?
- Lastly, be alerted and be alarmed that the outcome of GE 14 by and before Oct 2018 is very much different if the GE14 is conducted after Oct 2018.
- Is this the loophole allowed by Almighty God for Man to manipulate and speculate…….?
Stay Tuned for More Exciting Information
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”,Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on“How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
“ Metaphysical Destiny Revivalism” is his blissful psyche power.
“Metaphysical Luck Renewal” is his unconventional motto.
“Destiny Victory” is his audiences’ satisfaction.
Master Soon has completed more than 20 years in researching the established and esoteric facets of Chinese metaphysics and mind strategies, plus unorthodox patterns of Destiny Reinventing method.
and has years to his name, specializing in business feng shui consultation apart from being an adviser in enlightening and inspiring using his Untold Chinese metaphysics. He has also been invited by corporations in Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland, India, Thailand, Hong Kong and China to share his knowledge. Some of his past seminars include topics on
- Riding the Horse Year of 2014
- Unknown yet Effective Feng Shui Secrets
- Unknown Monetary Zone
- Untold Treasure Belt
- Unorthodox Way of Destiny Re-design
- Untold Secrets of Luck Re-direction
- Property Feng Shui for Investors,
- Property Projection by Yijing Prediction
- Corporate Feng Shui for Top Management
- Lantern Festival Long Term Money
His proven unconventional method in luck design is effective, striking and impressive.
Contact: master@mastersoon.com or call 6012 560 3333
The Global Outlook 2017- An Introduction
2017 is numerically , 2+0+1+7 = 10 Ten
10 is heavenly completion/divinely realization/saintly finalization according to Chinese Numerology; and Perfection of Divine Order like TEN Commandments, biblical speaking.
10 refers to the realm of divine, angelic, spiritual and religious. Separation between religion and the State NOT only is getting harder and harder, but also fundamentally being challenged openly to the core; if not fading.
It means that 2017 is the ENDING of the previous Era & the Beginning of the New Era; The Meltdown of the Old System & The Reconstruction of the New Procedure.
According to Yijing, 7 always refers to a condition of switching over between the Ending and the Beginning; Between the Life and Death; Between the Mortal & Immortal; Between the God & the Devil; Between The Alpha and The Omega.
According to Biblical Numerology, 7 associates with “TOTALITY of PERFECTION“ like 7 days in a week. 7 churches, 7 bowls, 7 seals & 7 trumpets in Book of Revelation. On the other hand, 7 is Gen Mountain Trigram. Gen means mountain, divider and sign of bowl(up side down).
It means that 2017 is the YEAR of TOTAL DIVIDER between the OLD & the NEW; between the Outgoing & Incoming; between the Former & Current; Between the Disintegrated Barren Land & New Found Fertile Land; Between the Land of the Cursed & the Land of the Promised.
Interestingly, The Sign for Seven in Yijing Trigram is a BOWL(placed upside down). Surprisingly, the 7 Bowls of God’s Wrath are mentioned in Chapter 16, Book of Revelation in the Bible.
- “Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, ” Go, pour out the seven bowls of God’s wrath on the earth.” (Rev.16:1)
Year 2017 is catastrophic and disastrous. It is the Beginning of the Suffering for Humanity.
2 of 2017 refers to duality, bi-polar, dwi-polar, antagonism, hostility, friction, opposition, conflict, dispute, rivalry and clash.
1 of 2017 refers to forcing, piercing, invading, pressurizing, attacking, coercing and penetrating to achieve UNITY.
0 of 2017 refers to religiosity, spirituality, inner self, mental self, and self of imagination.
Based on the above mentioned, the Planet Earth 2017 is going to face a very Decisive Breakthrough(which is political & economical) and Catastrophic Disasters(due to different of religions and ideologies) which will redirect and rewrite the human history.
- What will be the decisive Breakthrough and Catastrophic Disasters?
(This article is only 1/10 of the whole series. This article does NOT represent the whole picture for Year 2017. It is an introduction.)
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”,Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on“How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
“ Metaphysical Destiny Revivalism” is his blissful psyche power.
“Metaphysical Luck Renewal” is his unconventional motto.
“Destiny Victory” is his audiences’ satisfaction.
Master Soon has completed more than 20 years in researching the established and esoteric facets of Chinese metaphysics and mind strategies, plus unorthodox patterns of Destiny Reinventing method.
and has years to his name, specializing in business feng shui consultation apart from being an adviser in enlightening and inspiring using his Untold Chinese metaphysics. He has also been invited by corporations in Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland, India, Thailand, Hong Kong and China to share his knowledge. Some of his past seminars include topics on
- Riding the Horse Year of 2014
- Unknown yet Effective Feng Shui Secrets
- Unknown Monetary Zone
- Untold Treasure Belt
- Unorthodox Way of Destiny Re-design
- Untold Secrets of Luck Re-direction
- Property Feng Shui for Investors,
- Property Projection by Yijing Prediction
- Corporate Feng Shui for Top Management
- Lantern Festival Long Term Money
His proven unconventional method in luck design is effective, striking and impressive.
Contact: master@mastersoon.com or call 6012 560 3333
MALAY Destiny: Is Tun Mahathir the Tun Mutahir
- Tun MahatHIR of Modern Malaysia and Tun MutaHIR(died 1510) of Malacca Sultanate share the same phonetic for “hir” in the end of their names.
- Tun MahatHIR and Tun MutaHIR share the same Indian Muslim ancestry.
- Tun MahatHIR (the 4th Prime Minister of Malaysia) and Tun MutaHIR (the 7th Bendahara of Malaccan Sultanate, a post equivalent to a prime minister) share the same political position respectively.
- Tun MahatHIR and Tun MutaHIR share the same political accusations for practising nepotism, favoritism, racism, prejudice, preferential treatment and discrimination.
- Tun MahatHIR and Tun MutaHIR are blessed to have their respected and well-known heroin and outstanding daughters; namely Marina Mahathir and Fatima Mutahir.
- It is called Synchronized Destiny(Meaningful Coincidence) for 2 separated incidences in two separated timeliness ; with extremely high similarities and homogeneities between the two, according to Chinese Metaphysics.
- If this is so, did Sultan Mahmud Shah of Malacca Sultanate who was said to be responsible to terminate Tun Mutahir politically and physically in year 1510, link to RosMAH Mansor who is said to be a blessing to her husband Datuk Seri Najib, the current Prime Minister in facing one battle after another with Tun Mahathir ?
- With so many repetitive similarities as mentioned above, it is worthy for you to pay the attention as below.
- The final stage of life for Tun Mutahir of Malacca Sultanate witnessed the arrival of new maritime threat 1509-1510 from the West, the Portuguese intervention in Malacca Strait; compared to the later part of life for Tun Mahathir of Modern Malaysia witnesses the new emergence threat from the East, the China maritime threat in South China Sea.
- Both Tun of “hir” witness the foreign threats in respective later part of their life; Portuguese and China respectively in term of maritime routes.
- Linguistically speaking, “hir” in Malay is link to “Akhir”. Akhir means “Ending” or “the Last”.
- Hence, it was no surprise metaphysically, when Malacca Sultanate came to its destructive end in 1511 by Portuguese Invasion, a year after Tun Mutahir of Malacca was killed(1510). Malay History was rewritten from then onwards for 446 years, until Malaya Independence Day in year 1957.
- Interestingly to be noted that, there was another “political ending” happened to Old Johor Sultanate caused by the name ending with “hir” also.
- He was Tun Mutahir of Pahang(died in 1863), the Last Bendahara Seri Maharaja, Raja Bendahara Pahang V, the Last Bendahara of the Old Johor Sultanate and the Last Raja Bendahara of Pahang.
- Upon Tun Mutahir of Pahang death in 1863 in the Pahang civil war, Johor history was rewritten from then onwards and gave birth to the sovereign state of Pahang.
- The point here is that; either Tun Mutahir of Malacca(died in 1510) or Tun Mutahir of Pahang(died in 1863) were killed unmercifully but cruelly, although both had contributed positively and served their respective sovereign polity for many years; yet, left no heroic legacy behind.
- Both Tun Mutahir of Malacca and of Pahang were remembered as defeated person or loser; although both used to hold the position of Bendahara, a post similar to modern concept of prime minister.
- When you look at Tun Mahathir of Modern Malaysia, do you see the trend he is heading to?
- History repeats itself metaphysically with meaningful and remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.
- It is so obvious that the Name ending with “hir” had strengthen the individual in term of MALAY political power in the middle age. Highly applicable to Tun Mutahir of Malacca, Tun Mutahir of Pahang and Tun Mahathir of Modern Malaysia.
- It is also obviously a curse to them, especially in the final stage of their respective lives.
- Will Tun Mahathir of Modern Malaysia break away from this cursing bondage?
- Let’s us witness how Tun Mahathir revitalize himself and free himself from his “hir” destiny.
- What will happen to Federation of Malaysia after Tun Mahathir if one day he is no longer with us anymore?
- Will Federation of Malaysia follow the destructive fate of Malacca Sultanate after the death of Tun Mutahir of Malacca in 1510?
- Will Federation of Malaysia follow the fate of dismantling of Old Johor Sultanate(or Pahang as independent state) after the death of Tun Mutahir in year 1863?
- If the meaningful coincidences have been happening since 500 years ago until today, do you think that Malaysia(spirited from Malacca Sultanate) could skip from this synchronized destiny?
- Malacca Sultanate failed once, Old Johor Sultanate failed once.
- But that “Once” was sufficient to rewrite the Malay Destiny totally without fail.
- “Twice” had happened upon Malay Destiny.
- “Third” time is categorized as irreparable and irreversible mistake.
- If Third Time strikes again upon Malay Destiny; then let your cognitive power tells you the MOST logical and rational ANSWER.
For More Information, kindly stay tuned for MALAY DESTINY by Master Soon
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”,Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on“How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
“ Metaphysical Destiny Revivalism” is his blissful psyche power.
“Metaphysical Luck Renewal” is his unconventional motto.
“Destiny Victory” is his audiences’ satisfaction.
Master Soon has completed more than 20 years in researching the established and esoteric facets of Chinese metaphysics and mind strategies, plus unorthodox patterns of Destiny Reinventing method.
and has years to his name, specializing in business feng shui consultation apart from being an adviser in enlightening and inspiring using his Untold Chinese metaphysics. He has also been invited by corporationsin Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland, India, Thailand, Hong Kong and China to share his knowledge. Some of his past seminars include topics on
- Riding the Horse Year of 2014
- Unknown yet Effective Feng Shui Secrets
- Unknown Monetary Zone
- Untold Treasure Belt
- Unorthodox Way of Destiny Re-design
- Untold Secrets of Luck Re-direction
- Property Feng Shui for Investors,
- Property Projection by Yijing Prediction
- Corporate Feng Shui for Top Management
- Lantern Festival Long Term Money
His proven unconventional method in luck design is effective, striking and impressive.
Contact: master@mastersoon.com or call 6012 560 3333