Daoist Metaphysicians know that the right season to go into deep Daoist physical enhancement to grap dragonic energy in year of 2012, is a “few” days before Qing Ming Season 清明节 and this would continue for minimum 15 days. The instant results of this practice are many, to attract animals to your presence, improvement of health condition, and ability to see the energy movement and sense the smell of the Qi ‘Tangibly” and “Objectively”. If your training of metaphysic is always associated with Meditation, I would like to conglatulate you… and probably you deserve my respect as “Real metaphysician”.
As this is the first time I expose something about meditation + feng shui, therefore, let us start from the surface of this subject. This is becuase it is no good to expose your unprepared mind into deep “reality” beyond the surfacing reality. There are a numbers of rules and regulations to follow before you go into deep Daoism meditation. All monotheism like Christian, Islam, Judaism and Catholics are against meditation, to them, the believers should only pray to god but not meditate. The restriction by monotheism is mainly to prohibit their followers to go into this spiritual level which would enable the mediator to see the higher “reality” dimension of “GOD”. So, all followers of monotheism are prohibited to “taste” this spiritual dishes due to the reason that the followers will be exposed to higher “wisdom” and eventually challenge the authority and legitimacy of Almighty God.
The amazing part of deep meditation is energizing your inner energy. You could feel your body is full of energy and warmer. Your face and your hands become reddish…. On top of that, your sensitivity is open to the nature in different level. You get closer to “whispering of the nature“…. (I will elaborate more after a few articles when your mind is prepared for all these “impossible”)
What I try to share with you is : “MOST” of the times the whispering of nature tells more In-Depth Knowledge and Wisdom compared to feng shui formula. Dear brothers and sisters, it is only beneficial to you to have one more source of wisdom besides feng shui formula; if your mind and heart are open to this….. The dragonic energy would go into your body when you are ready to be the sacred energy conductor…..
Today, this article is written to soften your mental barrier ONLY. There will be more REAL facts to share with you in the future.
Time’s up… it is time for me to go into the jungle again….. see you….