Career Planning Does NOT ENSURE Career Advancement. PERFORMANCE does not ENSURE Promotion. This is cruel but True.
December is the month of energy transitional period. Yin Yang would cross and blend each other during this month as Winter Solstice is approaching. December, is also just timely to do one’s career enhancement.
Each and everyone plans well for their own career. Executives plan for their careers, managers also plan carefully for their jobs. Even CEOs also do the same strategically for their career advancements. This is being done with the hope that they would get the salary increment in the coming financial year or a promotion. As long as career is concerned here, we are referring to those belong to “employee” category, which means the person receives his/her monthly pay check from a business entity or his boss by rendering his/her physical or mental efforts. This means, the term of “career” covers from a clerical clerk in Subang Jaya and operator in any production line in Bayan Lepas Penang; and from a CEO of an insurance company in Kuala Lumpur to a minister in Putrajaya.
However, the very fact is, we have witnessed many incidences and occurrences some may excel and labeled as “winners” and some may be classified as “losers”. Statisticians say that this yearly syndrome of winner/loser career games are purely due to statistics which must rule out the inferior from superior. The economists say that this yearly career events are due to recession and economic downturn. The corporate claim that this is due to “survival of the fittest” in world of business.

Career Advancement is NOT ensured by Hard Work and Efforts; but by many non performance factors like FENG SHUI
But according to my experience in auditing house/office/factory feng shui, I have a very different opinion. I have been invited to do audits for so many businessmen and corporate heads. As we focus on career, but no business, so my flow of mind would only focus on “career” or “employee”.
I have seen many heads of corporate losing out their jobs despite year long efforts had been putting into the company. I have seen many managers suffer from career “setback” in spite of their market intelligence and so called “well marketing”.
I could conclude points as below:
- Career Planning does not mean Career Advancement. Planning does not necessarily ensure advancement and excellence.
- Salary increment does not come from performance. Performance does not ensure salary increment.
- Pay Check is mostly determined by NON-Performance factors which is invisible and intangible factors.
- Increment is ultimately determined by state of one’s vibrational energy and magnetic aura.
- Pay Check and Increment are determined by one’s residential feng shui POWER.
Have you ever seen any perfomancer does not get rewards/returns according to his/her efforts? yes, it is very common in working place.
Have you ever seen extraordinary promotion for average performancer? oh.. it is so common in KL and Penang….
Each of us have seen in fact the world of career is NOT operating on “equal footing”. Perfomance and hard work are NOT the factors determine your pay check; but some kind of invisible and intangible factors inflence and re-direct your career life. This what metaphysicians call as” Bazi”, “Luck” and “Feng Shui”.
If the world of career is NOT operating on “equality” and “tangible performance”, why do you stick to “hardwork” & “effort” ? Brother and sister, there so hidden rules operate at the back, rather than the what you see so far? The “King” will never tell you the true story how to be a king? The emperor will never tell you how to replace him as an emperor?
In the same way, the “King” of corporate will never tell you the hidden rule of their reign……..
In the same way, the “Emperor” of career will never tell you the intangible LAW of career ADVANCEMENT….
If you are seriously looking for career advancement, you need to consider NON-PERFORMANCE factors which are intangible but POWERFUL.
One of these POWERFUL factors is Imperial FENG SHUI.
to get powerful feng shui for career enhancement, contact Master Soon at
email : master@mastersoon.com
mobile: 6012 560 3333