- The first week of Month of Chen 辰月(equivalent to April in Gregorian Calendar) is dedicated by Chinese community in remembrance and honouring their ancestors.
- Ancient China called this season of ancestry honouring & slotted it into 1 of 24 seasons in Chinese calendar as Clear & Bright Period / Pure Brightness/ Cheng Meng / Cheng Ming 清明.
- It is a mistranslation/misunderstanding to interpret this to be Ancestor worship season; because it is about appreciating and honouring ancestors contributions to their offsprings.
- With reference to Chinese Almanac, April/Chen Month 辰 is associated with Geng 庚. Geng 庚 as we have discussed in previous article as
- Metal Tools
- Weapons
- Winnow /Filter
- Hence, This month, April is Geng Chen Month庚辰月(04 April – 04 May). A repetition for inauspicious signs like tools/weapon/filter.
- Therefore, when Geng 庚 is meeting Chen 辰, traditionally Geng Chen 庚辰(04 April 2020- 04 May 2020) is classified as 1 of 4 Marks for Death, Lifeless,Cut Off, Expired, Perish, Buried, Extinct, Deceased or Breathless. (one of the factors that hints the sharp increase for total death during this period & coronavirus data proves this probability)
- Nevertheless, I would like to introduce new concept for those who are prepared and ready for new paradigm shift or those are not rejecting the possibility for reinventing/recreating/reforming destiny for mankind as a whole. If you are prepared, kindly listen carefully.
- Geng 庚 is neither necessarily to be negative implications, nor Chen 辰 to be mark of Asleepness / Death.
- According to Ancient Chinese Classic plus database of experiential data from centuries of observations;
- Geng 庚 is perceived as Metal Bell or Diamond Crown. ( Alarming or Power)
- Chen 辰 is perceived as Renewal or Rejuvenation. (Recovery or Reawakening)
- Why? Because Chinese metaphysical philosophy is based on many centuries of social findings with qualitative research and tangible observation where the methods/ conclusions are consistently evaluated and proven over time holistically, methodologically and analytically. For example,
- April or Chen Month 辰月 is a month symbolizes,
- Dragon in term of animal sign 龙
- 7am – 9am in term of daily hour 辰时
- Sun, Moon & Star in term of 3 celestial bodies 三辰
- One of 12 Zodiac Allocation between Planet Earth in Direct Relation to Jupiter木星
- Water Reservoir / Pasture in term of topographical geography 水库
- Venus 金星 is the only visible star in the morning(ard 7am)
- Meaning to say, this is a month to remember deceased/departed one in celestial / divine / angelic / eternal / astral / immortal / timeless / living / everlasting / never-ending / imperishable & blessed hope & trust like a morning star;
- although the deceased was buried terrestrially/ earthly / worldly / mortally.
- The is the true messege for Chen Month 辰月(generally) and Pure Brightness Period / Chen Ming (particularly).
- In Year 2020, Chen month 辰 is from 04 April to 03 May(almost consistent on yearly basis).
- Interestingly & coincidentally , Easter(12 April 2020, Sunday), the most important and oldest festival of the Christian Church, celebrating the resurrection of Christ and held (in the Western Church) between 21 March and 25 April, on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the northern spring equinox.
- Either Pure Brightness/ Clear & Bright Season 清明节 in the East or Easter 复活节 in the West, both imply / signify / manifest / symbolize / express Renewal / Rebirth / Rejuvenation / Revitalization / Revival / Regeneration / Awakening.
- In short , Geng Chen month 庚辰月 (04 April – 04 May)
- Geng 庚 is alternatively referring to Power for Rejuvenation & Alertness for Protection
- Chen 辰 is alternatively referrings to Water Reservoir 水库 for Renewal and Revival.
- Therefore, Geng Chen month 庚辰月 (04 April – 04 May) is a special month for (those who are enlightened)
- us to prepare ourselves mentally, psychologically & spiritually in facing death with smiling face.
- How lucky for the mankind in 2020 are given such a golden month for preparedness /alertness / willingness to choose between life & death with open arm and determination.; especially, confidently & proudly smile
to the deathhigh-spiritedly. - out of sudden mankind are aware that they are the privileged one that determine the button of life
& deathsimply by locking themselves inside their respective house, strictly abiding to the preventive steps. The key of life & death is in the hand of mankind who are awake /watchful.
- Even for those who are slightly less awaken / less cautious /less attentive but a little bit asleep /dormant / drift off ones, who are walking / heading into the underneath / otherworld; they are still given a chance to defense themselves for their spiritual rights.
- Because human spirit is a form of energy written as Qi 气, transcending & penetrating everywhere & anywhere according to Chinese philosophy.
- Spirit as a form of energy; is non-created but self- existing, indestructible but transformative as proven by modern science.
- According to Chinese philosophy( Yijing + Taoism + Buddhism),
- Human spirit is 道 logo (NO beginning Nor Ending).
- Death is none other than a channel for new phase of energy(human spirit)
- I, me or myself in Chinese is written as Ziji 自己 where
- Zi 自means spiritual self & 己 ji means physical self ;
- Term “I am” 自己 in chinese means spiritual + physical self.
- Zi 自 in Chinese means : The source of becoming, for example
- 自从 Zi Cong means From / Since (Time & Spatial Continuum),
- 自非 Zi Fei means Self denial(by looking into own spiritual fault),
- 自性 Zi Xing means original self from spiritual perspective
- 自救 Zi Jiu means Self Salvation be physically or spiritually
- 自明 Zi Ming means Self Enlightenment(Spiritually)
- 自问 Zi Wen means Self Introspection /Contemplation
- 自完 Zi Wan means Self Fulfillment & many more….
- 己 Ji in Chinese mean the perishable physical body, for example:
- 养己 Yang Ji means feeding own physical body
- 持己 Chi Ji means carry ownself with manner
- 守己 Shou Ji means guiding physical behavior
- 刻己 Ke Ji means disciplining physical body
- 己见 Ji Jian means my physical observation
- 己有 Ji You means physical possession/property
- 虚己 Xu Ji means taming own physical body & many more…..
- Meaning to say, the tomb / grave is only able to bury the perishable self(己) .The grave cannot lock the spiritual self (自).
- Obviously, the self is consist of 1 part of perishable body self + imperishable spiritual self according to Chinese philosophy.
- Then, where does the Spiritual Self (自) go to after burial ceremony?
- What are the factors that determine the destination for the spiritual self ?
- Since I AM spirit. Hence, I AM similar to penetrative energy Qi.
- Therefore,
- I AM the ALL, since I AM the energy.
- I AM in everywhere, since I AM the energy.
- I AM eternal, since I AM having the vitality of energy
- I AM the beginning, since energy could not be created.
- I AM the everlasting, since energy could not be destroyed.
- If you want to know more about yourself(whom you address as I AM), then STAY TUNED.
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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