- If you had known World War II history, you would be able to understand what is the feeling of losing human lives hourly or
once every minute; right in front ofmankind globallyin year 2020(Geng Zi Year 庚子年, Metal Rat). - And from now on mankind of 21st century know deadly coronavirus and live with it side by side at least for this moment, have seen life & death in the nearest distance; although mankind try to keep a distance.
- Most assuredly by now after seeing how coronavirus has hit on each and everyone, we could say that the mankind in year 2020 (Geng Zi Year庚子年, Metal Rat) is divided along the line of Survivor Vs Loser. Yet to see any winner up to this moment.
- Coronavirus outbreak firstly struck mankind quietly in Wuhan and heavily felt its presece around month of Dec 2019 (kindly take note of Chinese calendar Zi Month 子月 equivalent to 07 Dec 2019 – 05 Jan 2020 by Gregorian calendar) far before Wuhan was Lockdown on 23 Jan 2020.
- Even SARS outbreak in year 2003 (caused 774 total deaths) was traceable back to December(Zi month子月) of previous year.
- Why do these 2 strange diseases become dominantly present in December(Zi month 子月)?
- Because Zi 子 refers to all kind of known & unknown species/Beings.
- Then why Covid 19 is much more destructive than SARS 2003?
- Due to Repetition of Zi 子(Unknown Beings/Species) in the lower part for 2020 YEAR PILLAR and signs of metal axe/knife/sword/plow occupies the upper part.
- Then what is the implication and significance of Geng 庚 ?
- Basically Geng is Hard Metal Tool. It could be plow, fork hoe, sword, knife, axe or gun.
- From the structure of the word Geng 庚, it symbolizes winnowing basket/filtering basket.
- Geng 庚 is a winnowing basket/filtering basket to separate
- the wheat from the chaff 小麦 – 秕糠
- the grain from the straw 粮食 -杂草,
- the strong from the weak 健康 – 衰弱,
- the good from the bad 优势 – 劣势,
- the angelic from the satanic 天使般 – 撒旦般,
- the wolf from the lamb 恶狼 – 绵羊,
- the saved from the unsaved 被保护的 – 不被保护的,
- anything within the interplay through Yin Yang concept.
- Therefore, year 2020 Geng Zi 庚子 means :
- the Zi 子 unknown beings/diseases(Covid 19 in this case) are here (space continuum)
- with their sharp metal weapons/tools (symbol)
- to filter/winnow/purify/separate/isolate/segregate/ quarantine / divide / confine / block off
- survivors from
victims; saved fromunsaved; redeemed fromunredeemed - since December (Zi month子月) – indicates time continuum…
- The World Population(Each & Everyone) are now going through the winnowing/filtering process. Coronavirus is blown from 1 point to another by the wind.
- Moreover, according to The 12 Growth & Birth Phases Table 十二长生表 below; 2020 庚子 is DEATH. This is real in front of our eyes.
- The most catastrophic/tragic/fatal months according to Death & Emptiness Chart are
- Chen Month 辰月 04 April 2020 – 04 May 2020
- Si Month 巳月 05 May 2020 – 04 June 2020
- Chinese Metaphysics do not promise 100% accuracy. Because Metaphysics are not Prophecy.
- Metaphysic is a bank of data accumulated since a few thousands years ago which tries to give mankind some kind of Possibility and Probability.
- And the accuracy rating for these kind of metaphysical data is around 70% to 80%
- When there is a will to solve the problem, there will be away/hope for mankind.
- What are the remedies, solutions and countermeasure that mankind could resort/turn to/adopt ?
Stay Tuned
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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