- There is NO End of the World or Judgment Day after pandemic coronavirus / covid 19 immediate after 2020.
- According to scientists, The End of Planet Earth will happen Four billion years from now.
- When the increase in the Earth’s surface temperature will cause a runaway greenhouse effect, heating the surface enough to melt the Earth we live in; that is the time for End of the World.
- By that point, all life on the Earth will be extinct.
- Scientists also warned that the End of the World could be anytime if nuclear weapons are being used simultaneously / concurrently by countries possess them like
- United States
- Russia
- United Kingdom
- France
- China
- India
- Pakistan
- North Korea
- Israel
- Political Analysts are open to the idea that there could be some kind of war immediate after 2020, but highly hesitant that nuclear war could be engaged simultaneously by all Nine countries above to destroy the EARTH in 2021-2022.
- Based on those logical and rational facts above, the chance that the End of the World /The Judgement Day / The Second Coming of Jesus to happen in year 2021 – 2022 is
POSSIBLEbut the probability is very LOW. - While many pastors are making use of coronavirus to spread the hope (fear as well) of the Second Coming of Jesus & the Judgement Day (full of melancholy) ; Ancient Chinese cosmology gives a very different perspective.
- When mankind was threatened by the Big Flood, ancient chinese did not hide inside the Noah’s Ark but eventually learned a skill how to divert the water flow to fight the Big Flood, proactively & positively.
- There is no fussy /demanding / jealous / self-centred almighty god in ancient Chinese philosophy to punish / destroy mankind.
- The personality that a god MUST possess was self-sacrificing, humanitarian, charitable, big-hearted, generous altruistic & selfless in ancient chinese cosmology. For Example :
- Pangu 盘古 the super deity to hold up the Earth from final destruction and eventually sacrifice HIMSELF for mankind. So that the cosmos could continue to exist.
- NuWa 女娲 the female deity repaired / remedied and mended the broken sky which caused Big fire & Big flood. She saved mankind from extinction /extermination / eradication / destruction.
- ShenNong 神农 taught mankind about agriculture & medicine. He eventually died and sacrificed as a result of his researches into the properties of plants by experimenting upon his own body.
- FuXi 伏羲 taught mankind about the cosmology and built Bagua八卦 & from there Metaphysics developed.
- HouYi 后羿 the Lord Archer helped mankind to fight against the hottest sun / climate……
- Just to name a few of the deities in ancient Chinese stories.
- All of them were there in ancient time to save / guide / teach mankind
WITHOUT condition; instead of bloodshed / jealousy / genocide / infanticide characteristic portrayed in Old Testament or Abrahamics. - If you could believe those stories/legends in Old Testament & New Testament (hard to swallow but still swallowing);
- Moses were able to perform The plagues (water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the killing of firstborn children)
- A heavenly chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and Elijah was lifted up in a whirlwind to heaven.
- Big Flood & Noah’s Ark
- David defeated Giant Goliath
- How Almighty implemented Divide & Rule through The tower of Babel
- Jesus resurrected the DEAD for many times
- Jesus ascended into Heaven with His Physical Body
- Then, you should put the same weight of mind / intelligence /brainpower for chinese legends on the same footing ground for spiritual inspiration as your academics and professionalism.
- Therefore, mankind could have highly positive / constructive view on coronavirus aftermath, when we look at side effects due to Lockdown caused by coronavirus; which include
- Clean Air
- Clean Water
- Earth is Healing Herself
- Wild Animals become happier
- Mankind has a chance to introspect themselves.
- According to Dao De Jing 道德经, chapter 39
- Phrase 1 :昔之得一者; Of those who in ancient times attained oneness
- Fullness / Completeness / Wholeness has been attainable in the past many times; NOT once.
- Coronavirus 2020 as a plague is NOT new but an old issue since ancient times; hence take it easy.
- Phrase 2 :天得一以清 ; Heaven attained oneness, thus becoming pure and clear
- The blue sky becomes clear & pleasant after Fullness /Completeness /Vastness is accomplished.
- Lockdown due to coronavirus has influenced over the luminous sky above mankind.
- Phrase 3 : 地得一以寧;Earth attained oneness, thus becoming stable.
- The earth & land become peaceful & auspicious after Vastness / Potency / Abundance is attained.
- Lockdown cleanses rivers / seas / cities /pasture on earth and makes animals much happier.
- Phrase 4 : 神得一以靈 ; Spirit attained oneness, thus becoming potent.
- Earthly spirits including human spirit become extraordinary virtuous / moralistic & healthy.
- Lockdown only locking the physical body but releases / frees human spirit from slavery of material.
- Phrase 5: 谷得一以盈 ; The valley attained oneness, thus becoming full.
- Various beautiful topographical features including valley are full of flora and filled with joy of lives.
- Lockdown enlivens / rejuvenates / stimulates lifeforce on the surface of Mother Earth.
- Phrase 6 : 萬物得一以生 The ten thousand creatures attained oneness, thus becoming alive.
- Various species of lives joyfully multiply due to attainment of Fullness / Enrichment / Surplus.
- Lockdown restores / renews / repair ecological balance of planet EARTH.
- Phrase 7 : 候王得一以為天一正 Nobles and kings attained oneness, thus serving the world faithfully.
- Suitability / righteousness / morality / integrity of political leaders would be tested / revealed causing them either to improve their ethicality / servicality or to be wiped out.
- Coronavirus reveals the truth / true color behind the political veil of North Korea, China, United States, Europe & many other 3rd world countries leadership, for good or for bad.
- Phrase 1 :昔之得一者; Of those who in ancient times attained oneness
- In short, coronavirus 2020 is a very positive / dynamic / constructive phenomenon to fullness / wholeness / oneness between human, earth, nature and the sky; if we see from Dao De Jing 道德经 perspective.
- With more focus on humanity, continuality, adjustability, servicality, ethicality, morality, physicality and practicality; ancient wisdom provides a brilliant hope after Coronavirus.
- Without the element of terror, horror, abomination and fear as common picture painted in apocalypse / prophecy / revelation through the perspective of Abrahamics ; Dao De Jing 道德经 provides a practical hope / prospect / aspiration / faith / ambition / optimism to mankind for a better tomorrow after Coronavirus.
- Why not change to a perspective that making you see a more down to earth, more practical resolutions/ remedies…?
- From there, I have successfully strategized my plan for post aftermath, during Lock-down.
- How about you….?
If you are keen to learn more about different perspective.
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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