- We are indeed coming to a time that is really going to be horrendously shocking up to now , with predictable disastrous outcomes at the end of year 2020, in term of humanity as a whole.
- We doubtlessly have never seen anything like these kind of situation, perhaps during the war.
- This crisis in year 2020 is changing the direction and dimension of mankind drastically as never before since World War II.
- Most of the countries in the world are under Movement Control Order or Lockdown.
- However, majority of mankind are
- physically safe,
- biologically healthy,
- mentally strong &
- spiritually vigorous.
- Covid 19 crisis will stay will mankind until effective vaccine is found earliest by mid of 2021 according to the scientists.
- Covid 19 is absolutely shaping the future of mankind, from
- politics in term of power shifting & new rebalancing,
- economy in term of productivity with new dynamism & unusual inventiveness,
- social in term of unique worldview construction & unfamiliar psychology re-landscaping
- lifestyle in term of old values disintegration & distinctive behavior changes
- market in term of supply & demand with unfamiliar tendency & new direction,
- purchasing and spending dissimilar pattern reformatting,
- and many more…..
- Then, what does Chinese Metaphysic sees this crisis in year 2020?
- How can you prepare yourself according the wisdom given by Yijing 易经 from Ancient Classics?
- Year 2020 of doubled 4 (remainder) refers to Hexagram 51 – Zhen震为雷, Thunder.
- Let me quote you those wisdom from Chinese Classics as below:
- According to Hexegram Explanation 《说卦》for Hexegram Zhen Thunder : Everything is out of the shock, and the East is shocking “万物出乎震,震东方也。”
- It means every aspect / all thing of mankind is sprouting OUT ringingly / revitalizingly / energetically and forcefully .
- East, means new powers / capacities / potentials are arising in new dimension.
- According to Origin of Chinese Character Commentary《说文》: 东, 动也: East, refer to Moving, Shifting, Turning. 阳气动于时为春, Vigorous Energy starts in Spring Season.
- It means East, refer to New powers / qualifications / criteria are taking place / in creation.
- The alert people have seen the emergence of opportunities since 04 February 2020.
- 春为四时之始,是即乾元之始而亨者也. Spring is the starting point of a year, it is the great originating force with penetrating power.
- Some may fall. some may asleep, some may day dream;
- yet those who are highly alert and awaking would grab this tremendous golden opportunities to reinforce change onto oneself by venturing / advancing / enterprising deep into newfoundland penetratingly / distinctively.
- According to Structure Explanation 彖 of Hexagram 51 – 《震为雷》 The Arousing Thunder,“虩虩”,恐惧也;“哑哑”,和乐也。Some are horrendously / frightenningly / fearfully crying / weeping; but some are cheerfully / jovially / lightheartedly smiling / laughing.
- The people are divided into two distinctive categories; Winners Vs Losers, Victors Vs Defeated.
- Either you are Winner / Victor or Loser /Defeated. You cannot be both or neither.
- It is either he /she’s progressively making oneself to be lifted by the thunder to be a winner;
- he / she’s passively waiting for the thunder to strike him / her into the the darkness of the ground.
- According to the text of Hexagram 51 震惊百里 The Thunderous Thunder which is reverberating / thundering / drumming / blasting / roaring / deafening / cracking / exploding from hundreds of thousand miles away ; is heading towards the leaders / priests who are performing sacrificial ceremony /rituals. 不丧匕鬯 = However, those leaders / priests are not being disturbed / distracted / provoked / insulted simply because they are wise to differentiate the real danger from unreal danger. Therefore, the leaders / priests are still in power to perform
HUMAN SACRIFICE.- It means the life penetrative / destructive coronavirus (Covid 19) is spreading rapidly / globally to perform Human Sacrifice as a modern form of religious ceremonial offering to the invisible force; whether you like it or not.
- However, the alert ones (the priests) are safe, steady, calm and patient that coronavirus (covid 19) would never hit them; simply because they (the priests) are the ones (winner / victor) hold the knife to perform Human Sacrifice (loser / defeated)
- In term of Economy & Financial Rebalancing 2020 & Beyond;
- Have you changed your cap to be looked like the priests / winner /victor ?
- Are you still relaxingly lying in bed /on the sacrificial altar to be slaughtered by the invisible force (winner) as
human sacrifice(defeated) economically …?
- In term of Market / Products Realignment 2020 & Beyond;
- Have you aligned your products / qualifications to be the priest (winner) with a knife (skill / quality / weapon) ?
- Are you still daydreaming on the pointy sacrificial knife of the priest / competitors ?
- In term of your quality competitiveness / market compatibility 2020 & Beyond;
- Have you started to reinvent yourself to be more superior than the priests / competitors ?
- Do you ease off by spending sweet time eating potatoes at home during Lockdown ?
- In term of Leadership Reshuffle in corporate world 2020 & Beyond;
- Have you identified yourself as the confident priest with the knife(winner) in Hexagram 51 as mentioned above ?
- Are you possibly to be the one as scapegoat on the sacrificial altar?
- In term of your family 2020 & Beyond;
- Do you know whether the family harmony is in the verge of the sacrificial altar right in front of the priests with his knife?
- Are you the priest who is kidnaping others’ family harmony as
human sacrifice?
- In term of your ethics 2020 & Beyond ;
- Do you still practise crafty & cunning manipulative way to prey / capture / hunt your friends / relatives / colleagues / partners as your
Human Sacrifice? - Are you still weak and always being victimized by the priests /bullies ?
- Do you still practise crafty & cunning manipulative way to prey / capture / hunt your friends / relatives / colleagues / partners as your
- Yijing Classics nicely / smartly /wisefully explains the scenario / phenomenons in year 2020 wholistically / meaningfully / inspiringly. Yijing explanation for Covid 19 is very enlightening / civilizing / instructional / scholastic / humanizing and enriching.
- There are more and so much I would like to share those positive energy / messages with you from the fountain of Chinese Metaphysics.
- If those humans died due to Covid 19 are not classified as Human Sacrifices 2020 metaphysically, how would you classify them then….? Hexagram 51 tells so clearly & obviously.
- Yijing widens your horizontal spectrum & elevates your scope vertically; so that you know better.
- With the guidance from ancient wisdom, you will never be the loser or victim.
- But rather you will be lifted up on high by ancient wisdom and help the others consequently.
P/S :
The priests in the text should be read interchangeably as a) the winner, b) the invisible force c) the leaders/chieftains / superior of various modern sectors / industries / discipline.
The sacrificial cauldron should be read interchangeably as a) career platform, b) tools, c) strategies & stratagems, d) opportunities
Stay Tuned
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