- Malaysia Destiny Beyond 2020 is hidden in the gigantic Scorpion Feng Shui Formation that embraces Greater Kuala Lumpur.
- This Gigantic Scorpion Topographical Feng Shui Formation is one of the major mountainous branches from Titiwangsa Ranges(The Backbone for Malaysia Strength / Destiny).
- The uniqueness of scorpion are :
- The venomous stinger(poisonous tail)
- The 2 powerful cutter looking claws/arms/ pedipalps /jaws.
- The significance of venomous/poisonous stinger(tail) refers to the poisonous racial/religious card being played in Malaysia politics and has been proven highly effective/powerful in garnering political power/support.
- Venomous stinger is always been adopted to kill political opponents by means of defamation/slandering & character assassination.
- However, the emerging of Malaysia economic power back in 1990s was also stimulated by venomous stinger into South China Sea for petroleum(venom). From there, Malaysia used to be the 5th Asian Tiger back then.
- Meaning to say, although venom is poisonous, yet the venom stimulated the emergence in 2 aspects vibrantly & energetically during 1990s :
- Malay Supremacy & UMNO domination.
- Malaysia Economy Miracle as the 5th Asian Tiger
- Why this venom does not contribute politically and economically as before, especially after the era of Pak Lah(2008)? Due to feng shui timeline has changed…..
- Where is this feng shui venom NOW ? Is it hidden in Titiwangsa Ranges?
- Regarding the 2 cutter looking claws / arms / jaws; it used to strengthen UMNO to further excel and be standing tall among members of National Coalition(Barisan Nasional) by cutting off /diluting the political power of MCA, MIC, GERAKAN & other non-Malay parties.
- The 2 gigantic cutters(claws) are pointing directly to Cheras & Kepong respectively.
- These 2 gigantic cutters(claws) are almost symmetrical and impressive.
- Both are heading / hunting / running / targeting to the same direction & competing to each other.
- Hence, we saw stiff competition between 1st Person in Charge(Left) Vs 2nd Person in Charge(Right) since 1957 till today :
- Tunku Abdul Rahman Vs Tun Razak
- Tun Hussein Onn Vs Tun Mahathir
- Tun Mahathir Vs Tengku Razaleigh
- Tun Mahathir Vs Tun Musa Hitam
- Tun Mahathir Vs Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim
- Datuk Seri Najib Vs Tun Mahathir
- Tan Sri Muhyiddin Vs Tun Mahathir Vs Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim
- Both arms / claws are fighting each other to grab gold mine in Greater Kuala Lumpur.
- The short information above serves as introduction for Malaysia Destiny Beyond 2020.
- If you want to see closely Malaysia Destiny beyond year 2020, then you can DIY by following the step below.
- Download Google Earth in your laptop/smartphone.
- Zoom down into Kuala Lumpur (KL)
- Observe the terrain and topography of KL carefully.
- Then you will get the finding as above.
- The scorpion formation is REAL, tangible & objective. You can verify the formation yourself in google map.
- If you want to see further & deeper on Malaysia Destiny Beyond 2020 thru Google Earth(mountains, rivers, topography, geographical formation) with your own eyes; then make sure you follow Malaysia Destiny Series in www.master soon.com
- More to be revealed………………..
Stay Tuned
Malaysia Destiny Beyond 2020 (2) : Entering a Period of Decline
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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