- Malaysia is now in a period of decline since 2017.
- However, Malaysia will only feel the severe pain around year 2024/25.
- 《Malaysia Destiny beyond 2020》 could be seen from Kuala Lumpur & Putrajaya Mega Feng Shui.
- Feng Shui Formation of Kuala Lumpur is Scorpion.
- The Backbone of this Scorpion is North( Auspicious from 1975 – 1995).
- Yet, the mouth of this scorpion pointing to Kuala Lumpur is measured around N3 (Auspicious from 1996 – 2016).
- Therefore, this Scorpion formation had brought the Greatest Luck to Malaysia as a whole for 42 years in total; from 1975 to 2016; especially to Malays.
- Some significant achievements during these 42 years include :
- From Poor Rural Malays to Rich & Urbanized Middle Class Malay
- From Equal Coalition to Single Party Domination by UMNO.
- From Multi-Racial Shared Power to Racial Based Malay Supremacy.
- From Secularism to Islamism
- From Low Literacy rate & improves to 98%
- World Class High-Way since 1990-s
- Used to be the Fifth Asian Tiger during 1990-s.
- Mega Projects like KLCC, KLIA, Putrajaya etc.
- UMNO successfully implemented her hegemonic power by 2 cutter looking claws / arms / jaws of the scorpion formation ;
- Race
- Religion
- However, when feng shui timeline changed and entered Period 9 in 2017; Drastic changes happen.
- Some significant event happened immediate 1 year after entering Period 9(2017 – 2043) include :
- UMNO lost political power for the first time after in power for 61 years.
- Islamism & Malay Supremacy are slowing down after UMNO losing power.
- Tun Mahathir continues his fight against UMNO (that put him 22 year as Prime Minister)
- Malay political power & solidarity further fragmented after Tan Sri Muhyiddin becomes new Prime Minister since March 2020.
- Malaysia Economy is badly affected by Covid 19.
- From 2020 to 2023, Malaysia is still able to handle with those challenges.
- After that, year after year, both cutter looking claws / arms / jaws which represent Religion & Race will be very
aggressive, destructive & catastrophic. - If Malaysia Destiny is proven to have 42 years (1975 – 2016) of Vibrant / Positive Great Luck; so it is justifiable & reasonable for us to get prepared if she is undergoing a period of decline for 26 years of fluctuations, uncertainties & drastic challenges.
- Lots of impossibilities had happened. For example,
- UMNO lost her political in 2018,
- PH lost hers in Feb 2020.
- MCO locked down the whole country from 18 March to 08 June.
- All these happened so fast within 3 years; after entering Feng Shui timeline Period 9 (2017-2043).
- It does not mean Malaysia Destiny is bad, but rather that other neighboring countries in South East Asia are not only catching up but doing much better comparatively.
Stay Tuned for the whole story
Malaysia Destiny Beyond 2020 (I) : Scorpion Feng Shui Formation
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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