Today, I would like to make use of Chinese Classic – Yijing 易经 to predict and analyse Malaysia as a federation after independence for 57 years. “Malaysia” Prophecy has been rapidly discussed in my class since 2007. Today, this is the first Time I reveal “Malaysia” prophecy publicly as I think all Malaysia has the rights to know their future in advance. The reason why I only reveal this after many years is that I find that year 2014 Wood Horse Year (Donkey Year to Malaysia) has arrived and the people are more open minded to understand deeper knowledge. I hope that this would given assurance to people that status-quo should be maintain for peaceful, prosperous and harmonious country, Malaysia -, the country we love. The other reasons are due to the fact that Malaysia 马来西亚 is closely associated with world of “MA”马, Year of horse马年 or any prefix with “MA” like “MAhathirism 马哈迪主义,MAmak (Indian Muslim in Malaysia)印裔回教徒, Mak Rempit and so on.
Allow me to separate “MALAY-SIA” prophecy into a few articles, as it is a huge content to cover. Let me start with “MALAY-SIA” Prophecy 1. The analysis only put the focus on Malay issue after 1957. Historically, Malay race becomes very powerful and dominant after independence in 1957. If you study history, you could see the destiny of Malay is so different before & after 1957.
In accordance to Yijing concept of Yin Yang, the word of ” MALAYSIA” is split into 2 domains as above and becomes “MALAY-SIA”. There are two domains, Yang and Yin.
Yang Domain above is “MALAY” ; and, Yin Domain below is “SIA”
Kindly pay attention for explanation below:
- Yang Domain(Red Colour) is the First Half Mission of a Life Span
- Yin Domain(Blue Colour) is the Second Half Mission of A Life Span
- The Subject of Metaphysical Analysis is ” Federation of Malaysia“, hence,
- Life Span refers to Ability of Mission Existence.
- “MALAY” (of Yang Domain) in Chinese is constituted by 2 words MALAI “马来“.
- “MALAY” (of Yang Domain) or Malai 马来 is separated in MA 马 and Lai 来.
- MA 马 in Chinese means Horse马.
- LAI 来 in Chinese means “come”, “move forwards”, “turn out”, “happen”, “show up” & “sign in”.
- Literally, Malay (Malai马来) means Coming Horse, or a Rising Horse.
- Is Malay having the divine power as “Rising Horse” for Islam resurgence after 911? Let’s leave this question to Malay Muslim to analyse. Yet, immediate after 911 incidence, on 29 Sept 2001, the former PM of Malaysia, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad famously declared: “Umno wishes to state loudly that Malaysia is an Islamic country. This is based on the opinion of ulamaks who had clarified what constituted as Islamic country. […] If Malaysia is not an Islamic country because it does not implement the hudud, then there are no Islamic countries in the world.”
- From point 7—8, Malai 马来 (which is MALAY) means Malay is an energetic race whom spirit and physical strength are like the power of Horse. Horse is nature loving, horse loves freedom of movement and horse is adventurous. Implicitly, this empowers MALAY(Malai 马来) to have divine blessing and since 1970s, Malay has proven themselves as the dominant MA马(HORSE) among Horses of multi-racial country.
- When Malay open their heart and has started to accept Islam since 14th century, there are an addition strength added into the character of Malayness (Malai 马来); that is an extra characteristic of ARABIAN HORSE (Arabian horse is having the strength to cross desert and had proven itself when Islam was widely spread since Prophet Mohammad era) Therefore, when former PM, Tun Dr Mahathir ( his name is with MA 马) started to adopt Islamic values into public administration since 1983; from then onwards, Malay takes the role as ARABIAN Horse for further Islamization; just as the way how Arabian Horses serve the Spread of Islam during Islamic Golden Age. Remember, Ma 马 the Horse is a very luck sign to Malay in particular.
- Islam gives new dimension to Malay. Yet, the name as “MALAY-SIA” empowers the race of Malay specifically and eventually enables Malay standing high among multi-racial society in Malaysia.
- DAP(Democratic Action Party – Opposition party predominantly Malaysian Chinese) who has objected the Malay’s special rights since 1960s, has been always shouted anti-Malay special rights by slogan ” Malay-sian MALAYSIA” to counter “Malay’s Malay-Sia”.
- However (kindly pay attention), a reverse outcome has been made. In accordance to metaphysics, the more often you pronounce, announce and declare the verse and idea of ” MALAY-SIAN Malay-Sia” loudly by vocal or printed material into the tangible world; in fact, you were multiplying the power of “MALAY-SIA”. The more often DAP shouted and uphold ” MALAY-SIAN Malay-Sia“; the word of “MALAY” is repeated twice each time you profess ” Malay-Sian Malay-Sia“. The reality shows that 40 years of professing this slogan”Malay-Sian Malay-sia” from 1960–2008; the outcome was that MALAY became even more stronger and more powerful than before. The slogan was in fact intensifying the power of “MALAY”. Hence, in this case, DAP had failed himself due to the ignorant of MANTRA power, the metaphysical power of the voice.
- Interestingly, the former Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who had served for the longest premiership for 22 years in Malaysia ,from 1982-2003. His name also carries Horse “MA” 马.
- During he was in power, he, MA-hathir 马哈迪 successfully pushed forward his domination by MALAY Supremacy to the highest peak even achieved by Malay since the Fall of Sultanate of Malacca to the west.
- After the fall of Malacca Sultanate in 1511 into the hand of Portuguese, MA-hathir 马 is the only one and the first one to successfully restore the MA-LAY self confidence after more than 450 years been humiliated by the WEST. During his reign, MALAY has achieved national and international successes for the first time after the FALL in 1511.
- It is theoretically impossible to have a Malaysia Prime Minister to be in power for 22 years, but MA-hathir did it. In other words, it is very hard for future PM to stay in power longer than 22 years due to current political constraints.
- MA-hathir’s reign signified the fulfilment of Point number 1, the FIRST HALF MISSION, which is the climax of MALAY Supremacy pursuit. He did it very successfully. Generally, he had made use 1983-2003 to almost perfectly exercising MALAY Supremacy in all aspects of life in Malaysia.
- MA-hathir’ stepping down voluntarily in year 2003 also signified the Completion of the FIRST HALF MISSION(MALAY Supremacy)
- 2004-2008 was the period SWITCHING OVER from FIRST HALF MISSION(Malay Supremacy) into SECOND HALF MISSION(Intensifying of Islamization). These 5 years duration was under former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Badawi.
- Domain Yin (kindly refer to diagram above-blue clour) is “SIA” 西亚.
- “SIA” 西亚 in Chinese is constituted by 2 words : “Si “西 and “A” 亚.
- “Si”西 means West ; and “A” 亚 means Asia. So “SIA” suffix means WEST ASIA.
- WEST ASIA refers to Middle East. What does Middle EAST mean in 21th century especially after 911?
- It means “Islam” or ” Islamization” and ‘Jihad”. Hence, “SIA” means “Intensification of Malaysian Way of Islamization”.
- Therefore, it was NOT a surprise in 2009, (one year after 2008) that tension between Muslims and Christians has been on a high since 2009, after the Home Ministry banned the Catholic weekly Herald from using the word “Allah” in its Bahasa Malaysia section.
- The clash between Muslims and Christians becomes more intensified year after years and in year 2014, you are going to see more intensification in this issue because:
- Year 2014 is Jia Wu 甲午年, which is Green Horse in accordance to Chinese Almanac. Nevertheless, to Malaysia it means something SPECIAL as below
- Jia 甲 in Chinese metaphysic system means Beginning, First, Alpha, Start, Green, Wood. Whereby Wu午 means Horse, Fire, The Sun and Noon. Kindly do not forget that the prefix of “MA” 马 in MALAY means Horse, and metaphysically, Malay is always blessed with sign of Horse as per discussed above. Metaphysically and historically proven that, MA 马 the horse is very auspicious to MALAY.
- Therefore, 2014 Jia Wu year to MALAY(whom population is almost 100% Muslim) is very significant. Listen carefully, in metaphysical context, 2014, Green Horse could be analysed as : “Green” refer to colour of Islam, banner of Islam, logo of Islam and spirit of Islam.
- Horse to Malaysia in 2014 means ARABIAN Horse. Arabian Horse is famous for its strength and endure of hardship and survive in desert. Arabian Horse was proven powerful in the battle when Islam spread through out the world from Mecca since 7th century.
- Undoubtedly, 2014 is the year for “MALAY-SIA” officially enters the SECOND HALF MISSION; which is “Further Intensification of Islamization” as embedded in “MALAY-SIA” prophecy which I try to explain by diagram above.
- According to Yijing Numerology, “4” of 2014 refers to ” Greenish pasture or green breeding farm. On that account, it has double verified that “MALAY-SIA” has truly entered the SECOND HALF MISSION, which is “Further Intensification of Islamization“.
- In Accordance to 12 Chinese Zodiac, Horse is the number SEVEN among 12 Chinese Zodiacs. Seven is the BEGINING of SECOND HALF of 12. Once again, it confirms that “MALAY-SIA” is entering the SECOND HALF MISSION, which is “Further Intensification of Islamization“.
- Moreover, all incidences happen recently have shown the awareness of religion among multi-religious society of Malaysia, where religion was a a-politics subject and seldom been discussed publicly. Yet from 2014 onwards, religion is a major socio-political issues.
- Kindly bear in mind that each and every country has her own destiny.
- To Malaysia’s economy in 2014, it is a year of DONKEY( looks like horse but it is NOT) which means we are having smelly, stubborn, ugly but hardworking economy outlook in 2014.
- To Malaysia’s politics in 2014, it is a gigantic and victorious ARABIAN GREEN Horse.
- Diagram below is the summery and conclusion of “MALAY-SIA” Prophecy 1.
If “MALAY-SIA” prophecy 1 has shown that the federation of Malaysia took 56 years(1957-2013) to finish the FIRST HALF MISSION predominantly and vigorously successful, so, how about SECOND HALF MISSION?
Stay Tuned for “MALAY-SIA” Prophecy II.
Master Soon Profile :
- Specialize in “Untold Secrets of Chinese Business Feng Shui”
- Specialize in “Unknown Secret of Chinese Business Strategies”
- Specialize in “Untapped Power of Chinese Metaphysics”
- Specialize in “Unorthodox Programs of Luck Changing”
- Technicalize in ”Unfamiliar Techniques of Instance Success”
- Technicalize in ”Unawared Tactics of Career Excellency”
- Technicalize in “Unconventional Methods of Life Advancement”
- 20 years research in Unknown Chinese Metaphysics, Untold Chinese Mind Strategies, Unorthodox Luck Changing Methodology.
- 12 years specializing in Business Feng Shui Consultation. Guru of Enlightening & Inspiring Chinese Metaphysics.
- Being invited by corporates in Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland, India, Thailand, Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou.
- Proven Unconventional Methodology of Luck Design is “Effective, Striking and Impressive”
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