Back to work….. Feng Shui rearrangement needs human labours. Sometimes, instant change of placements, give instant change….
出发了…… 风水布局需要人力支援.有时,当场改变布局,立刻见效…. 立竿见影…
这是中国的企业,风水也是机密 ,恕不多说...

Malaysia Metaphysician Master SOON
International Feng Shui Master 国际易经玄学老师
While Having Holidays in China.... I am also preparing somethings for my students in Malaysia.... 虽然在中国休闲,但也乘这时间给我马来西亚的学生准备些......
Dear friends, if you are tired with your daily job, just take a rest….
Taking a rest is not wasting your time; but, to empower your goodself
Wishing you to have a good beginning of this week….
周末了,在上好风水的地方养生. 其实 从事风水这行业的确给我遨游世界各地,感恩天地. Today is weekend. It is time for relaxing and self-rejuvenating. In fact, feng shui career has brought me to various part of the world.... thanks to feng shui career....
做了那么长时间的风水顾问,难得又到了周末,就给自己一个好风水的地方修身养气。 今天就把自己藏在这风水宝地。 这地方也是中国高层干部休闲的地方。中国国家领导基本上都有上好的中医给他们指导养生之道,这也可以从领导高寿这角度看到一二。 无论如何,下榻这地方的确是上上策。
我这地方前有一个清翠的池塘,远有星峰来朝. 请问看官对这峦头风水之星峰有何见解?
After long duration of giving feng shui consultation, I decided to take a rest for self rejuvenating this weekend. This is a very good feng shui place to stay in China. This place is also one of the retreat selection for China’s high ranking political leaders. China’s top political leaders have their own Chinese Traditional Medicine Practitioner for personal health consultation…. you can see most of the top political leaders of China are having long life span…. Anyway, my decision to stay at this place is Correct.
In front, you can see there is a pond. No far away, there is a special featured mountain standing high. Can you tell us your opinion about this kind of land form feng shui?
中国朋友的热情,以茶会友、与我的关系于师于友,论《道》谈《易》、遨游宽阔的学海中,乐在其中. Master Soon and A few Students in China Who Are Interested in Feng Shui.
中华瑰宝 五经之首之《易经》 ,其哲理博大精深,大家都虚心探讨古人的智慧,大家受益良多.
本人也同时热爱印度古文明留下的经典 《梨俱吠陀》 RIG VEDA。 如果有一天能将 中国之《易经》与印度之 《梨俱吠陀》相结合;那就是人类揭开玄学奥秘枷锁之钥匙.
Friends in China are so warm. Their warm friendliness showed through 《茶道》 way of tea . We talk about Dao 道, about Yi 易….
The wisdom of Yijing, and its philosophical approaches to challences of life, are so amazing and useful in modern life…
I am also very interested in India’s Rig Veda. If one day, these 2 great old classic could merge, then, many hidden secrets of human mankind will be solved….
This is an international trading company. This company exports a lots of China’s products to the world. The GM invited me to audit one of his branch. I use Yijing to predict and San Yuan + San He to audit this branch.
这是一间中国国际贸易公司。此国际公司代理许多各种中国产品,向世界推销中国货。总经理邀我为其中一间分行勘查鉴定风水。在这种盛情邀请之下,使我也热情地应用易经给改公司卜卦、并采用三元+三合风水来把脉. 该说的我就全盘托出、不该说得就点到为此.
I am reporting from a factory’s office in Guangdong. It is 8:05pm. The temperature is 23 degree celcius. There are still officers stay back for work in the office of this factory at this moment…. This kind of scenerio is hardly to find in Malaysia…. no wonder China is classified as the factory of the world….
Stay Tuned for Interesting story…..
Master Soon reporting from a factory’s office in Guangdong, China…..
This Yi, means "Change". The Chinese writing is pictographic. "Yi" is combination of 2 portions which upper & lower. The Upper partion is Sun, 日. The lower portion is Moon月. This is also the sequence of Later Heaven Bagua后天八卦.
I have been thinking these few days of how can we approach Chinese Metaphysics from a better understanding points of view. Probably we should approach this knowledge from a healthier perspective. Feng shui is the most popular branch of Chinese Metaphysics known to the world. However, it is also the most polluted knowledge been presented to the world, be in Eastern or Western part of the world. Because it has been over commercialized since approx. 15 years ago without proper academic and profesional research. This kind of knowledge is spreaded to the various places, by mostly through commercialization. Although there are some sciencetists and profesors involving in feng shui teaching, yet, it is mostly also doing “passing” on the knowledge rather than evaluate and counter checking or put those theories under experiments.
Modern people could not understand metaphysics due to many reasons. Regarding, Yijing prediction, a branch of Chinese Metaphysic is misunderstood, mostly due to absence of a proper metaphysics presentation and proper explaination. Perhaps, we need to detect the secretive truths of Yijing from its very original way.
Language, is a very effective mean to understand a truth. Yet, Language is also an effective barrier to block the truth. The linguistic speed is always slower that mental speech. For example, sometime we find it is so hard and too slow to express our state of mind through linguistics or languages. Language is unable to express/describe/carry fully in relation to state of mind which is abstract and intangible. Even sometimes, language also cannot express objective matters/issues/happening. Therefore, it is very dangerous to trust(rely) the language to justify a truth. This is the reason why we have so many dispute/quarrel/conflict eventhough with WRITTEN CONRACT, as, contract which is recorded and understood by language is so easily been manipulated. It just simply explains that The Truth of the LAW, or the Truth of the Contract is “CHANGABLE”.
As a metaphysican, I know that my path on the planet earth is very much different from lay people...
Therefore, in real metaphysics, we always approach the TRUTH with NON-LINGUISTIC methodology, which are never appear in your class.. …………..
Stay Tuned If you want to know my insightful knowledge…….