- First of all, you need to know who Yahweh/Jehovah 耶和華 is, in the practical context of the last 300 years(1720-2020), instead of being blinded & cheated by the Jewish & Anglo-Saxon global elites.
- 99.9999999% of Catholics and Christians have been misguided/misled to believe that Yahweh/Jehovah is the Father(Heavenly) of Jesus for 2000 years.
- In fact, according to Jesus, Yahweh is NOT His Father. Jesus said and pointed him(Yahweh) out in the very Jewish synagogue as recorded in the Book of John 8:44
- Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He(Yahweh) was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him(Yahweh). When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he(Yahweh) is a liar and the father of it.
- The more than 250 years of crimes and wars committed against Native Americans by Anglo-Saxon Christians(with the help of Jewish Capital) have resulted in the decline of the populations of many indigenous nations and the extinction of others( North & South America, Australia, New Zealand).
- All these bloody genocide occurrences were supported by this supernatural being, Yahweh.
- It is hard to take this statement for Christians, but the point is that Yahweh never felt shame and proudly recorded all the details of how he killed/ wiped out the indigenous people of Canaan(Palestine) in the OLD Testament.
- The true jealous face /identity of Yahweh is uncovered now when we enter into Period 9(2020-2040).
- The uncovering of the real identity of Yahweh escalates the fall of the American Empire.
- I put some indicators in the diagram above. It could help you to see the trend in Period 9(2020-2040)
- If the Islamic god is Yahweh(most Islamic scholars agree), Abrahamics is truly a curse to the believers.
- As a Chinese, you shouldn’t be a believer in Abrahamic religions; unless you have surrendered your soul to this self-proclaimed deity from the desert in the Middle East.
- Because you should be smart to see the TRUTH.
- In Chinese metaphysics, Gods and Deities are subjected to Heaven. Heaven 天 could kill any god/deity when they become devilish and deviant. 天道 高于神道。
- To the Chinese, Almighty God is a rubbish concept because only the devilish god claims himself to be the almighty. 只有魔才自封獨一真神!狂稱自己是真神的 不是假神就是魔!
- By the way, the diagram also shows the reason why Period 9 kills middle-aged women(30-39) especially those involved in adultery & committing in premarital sexual activities. Because the symbol of Period 9, Li is the fishy vagina (further elaboration if have sufficient time)
- You should be able to decode the hidden meaning if you have a strong Yijing foundation.
Happy Reading
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