We had completed Daoism System Vol. I 道统 一讲 last Saturday, 02 Jun,2012 in Penang. During the workshop the students were exposed to
- An Introduction to Genesis Ceration Vs Chinese Creation Theory
- Disappeared Ancient Civilizations Vs Surviving Anceint Civilization
- Monotheism Vs Non-Monotheism
- Religiosity Vs Spirituality
- An Introduction to Proto-Daoism
- An introduction to the Missing Link of Chinese Metaphysics
- ……….

Mr.M from Singapore

Mr We from Penang

Prepared by Mr We.
《道统》课程 一、二、三讲
重点:何谓《道统》、其源流、重要性、其涵盖领域. 为学〈符咒〉建立强大的基础功夫.
日期:2012年6月02日(Sat) 、6月30日(Sat)、7月28日(Sat)
时间:10:15am – 4:15pm
地点: Masyarakat Penyayang, Jalan Utama(Opposite Padang Polo) 爱心大厦