- There is no way you could penetrate into the core of the global economic elite circle, with your laughable feng shui superstitious practices.
- Many Chinese are ignorantly living in their Sino-centric Great Chinese Feng Shui mentality.
- Not knowing that this Planet Earth has been in the hand of Jehovah from 1820 until 2020, but elongated to the year 2044.
- If your Sino-centric Chinese Feng Shui is as great as your claim, China should be the global superpower until today since then.
- But in historical reality, China started to be weak around 1820. Why?
- Because Jehovah is almost fully in control of the whole world; except
Far East AsiaandGreenland, since 1820. - The missing link in Chinese metaphysics is that it is totally ignorance of the Force of Abrahamics.
- You will be always defeated by Abrahamics for sure; if your feng shui kungfu(standard) has not covered
- Dragon Spot
- Metaphysics
- Abrahamics
- Then you will see the reason why The West is controlling the world at least up to 2044.
- If you want to break into the domination of the West metaphysically, you need to master those areas as mentioned above.
- Else, your superstitious feng shui techniques are always a laughing stock in front of global elites.
- However, you can continue to cheat those less educated with less exposure and live in ignorance.
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《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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