We had completed Daoism System Vol. I 道统 一讲 last Saturday, 02 Jun,2012 in Penang. During the workshop the students were exposed to
- An Introduction to Genesis Ceration Vs Chinese Creation Theory
- Disappeared Ancient Civilizations Vs Surviving Anceint Civilization
- Monotheism Vs Non-Monotheism
- Religiosity Vs Spirituality
- An Introduction to Proto-Daoism
- An introduction to the Missing Link of Chinese Metaphysics
- ……….

Mr.M from Singapore

Mr We from Penang

Prepared by Mr We.
Since all of the participants are highly educated and bilingual (English & Mandarin), therefore the class is mainly conducted in both languages, where English being used to refer to Western academic reseach references ( especially for comparative study) and Mandarin is being used where the originality and authenticity of Mandarin classics in Daoism are quoted and referred.
If you are interested kindly take note of the next 2 workshops as below
《道统》课程 一、二、三讲
重点:何谓《道统》、其源流、重要性、其涵盖领域. 为学〈符咒〉建立强大的基础功夫.
日期:2012年6月02日(Sat) 、6月30日(Sat)、7月28日(Sat)
时间:10:15am – 4:15pm
地点: Masyarakat Penyayang, Jalan Utama(Opposite Padang Polo) 爱心大厦