The Downfall of Malaysian Chinese Economy Power since 1980s is closely accompanied by the Decline of Chinese traditional values since 1980s. The Decline of Chinese Family Value System started in mid of 1980s. In the decade of 1980s, Malaysian Chinese had witnessed the gigantic power of seductive Hollywood movies which spread American Values to all over the world. Malaysian Chinese (be Chinese Speaking Chinese or English Speaking Chinese) were NOT excluded from being influenced and being seduced by those romanticizing and seducing values through all kind of media like movies, magazine and news.
The Americanization of Modern Life Style Propaganda also swept across Pacific Ocean and triggered/caused the decline of moral standard including family values in Hong Kong & Taiwan during 1980s which was the decade (1980s) Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan over took Malaysian Chinese in term of modernization, urbanization and industrialization. Interesting to know that, Malaysian Chinese was very influenced and swayed by Hong Kong Movie since 1970s-90s. Therefore, the decline of moral standard which was reflected and filmed in Hong Kong movies also caused and expedited the further decline of MORAL DECAY in Malaysian Chinese community. The Melt Down of Family Values & Moral process (cohabitation, extra-marital sexual intercourse, pre-marital sexual relationship, abortions, divorce, family disputes in court, homosexual……) was rapidly taking place during 1990s. Perhaps MCA and GERAKAN (2 Chinese components inside ruling party) should be answerable why did not protect the community in 80s from being seduced by corrupted films as how the effective way UMNO protected their community, Malay, being polluted by corrupted values……?
By Year 2002, those incidence mentioned above has become social problems for Malaysian Chinese. Whether you like it or not, you could see all those news reported in daily newspapers, like in 星洲日报 、光明日报 、光华日报 、中国报 and many other Chinese language tabloids. Recently, there was a family dispute which could represent the current situation of Malaysian Chinese family condition. This case is very typical. It was not an exceptional case… these kinds of quarrel between husband-wife ( old age who are born in 1940s, whom are the key generation responsible for the decline of family value since 1980s) between parent and the son for example are so common in Malaysian Chinese since 1980 but getting even worse decade after decade. Today, this has become an accepted scenario in Malaysian Chinese society. Upper class Malaysian Chinese is also NOT excluded… normally, it manifests in the form of legal dispute in court or internal friction within a family business empire where outsider hardly to see. You may click this for your understanding.
Kindly be reminded that Malaysian Chinese community was very conservative and traditional when they arrived in Malaya since 19th century till 1950s. After 1957, there were NO MORE Chinese immigrants from China due to local policy. Those traditional values of family solidarity was very obvious and thoroughly present in all part of community until 1970s. However, when time entered into the decade of 1980s, Malaysian Chinese community lost their direction. Out of sudden, in 1980s, Malaysian Chinese started to feel the deepest pain and lost of education and business opportunity due to political marginalization which was enforced upon non-Malay since 1970s. This means Non-Malay ONLY started to feel the thorough and multiple effects after 10 years of New Economy Policy implementation; which caused the Non-Malay youths and teenagers in 1980s had extremely less chance compared to their elderly.
On the contrary, the indigenous people, Malay were experiencing and receiving all kind of helps from government in terms of politic, economy, business, education, social, culture and religion since 1970s. Hence, by 1980s, you could easily see the great outcome of UMNO’s brand of social engineering, which was and are very impactful, successful and powerful. The LEFT OUT, Non-Malay, (Chinese, Indian, Eurasian) had to struggle for themselves. Today, in 2014, if you visit Chinese temple and Hindu temple in Malaysia, kindly do not be shocked if the space and infra-structure of those sacred and holy places are still remain in the standard of 1980s.
Perhaps due to marginalization since 1980s, Malaysian Chinese found hard to get financial loan from government to kick off a new business ventures; also perhaps due to government selective policy, many young and qualified Non-Malay talents found no help from government scholarship for their tertiary education. Kindly pay attention to the points next to come at below.

The former Malaysia Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. who ruled Malaysia for 22 years,from 1981-2003. He knows the Mind of Malaysian Chinese very Well.
In the mist of marginalization in term of policy making, business venture chances and economy opportunity since 1980s, interestingly and fascinatingly to take note, that, the Malaysian Chinese did not get closer to each others, did not get to work honestly with each other, did not get more solidified in term of trust among themselves, did not get help from each others. But, on the contrary, we saw a drastic change in MORAL value swift in the mid of 1980s until today which still continue to happen in Malaysian Chinese community. They could be list down at below.
- Coward Syndrome. The only reason to explain why Malaysian Chinese did not get united and strong when they were facing the SAME marginalization pressure and discriminatory policy upon them as a whole since 1970s, but reversely became even MORE fragmented, fragile, disintegrated, disunited and divided internally ( in their party, social, business and family), is Coward Syndrome. Instead of uniting and get more solidified when there were under the SAME pressure from the ruling party, Malaysian Chinese chose NOT to fight and unite; but turned towards his own community, his own political party, his own society, his own family in order to grab, to snatch whatever residue were still there. A hero would not grab from his own community. An ethical man would not “squeeze monetary juice” from public association of his own community. An accountable politician would not CHEAT his own community. A responsible husband would not grab his wife’s property. A father would not abandon his own children. A son would not abandon his own parent. However, in the reality, what happened since 1980s after Malaysia Chinese felt the deepest pain and the most pressure from their ruling party; they chose to be coward. When the economy cake was purposely narrowed down in 1980s, they chose to turn INTERNALLY in order to advance personal pursuit. They know that they could not fight the ruling party, then, sadly to say, they turned to their own community for personal advancement. From that onwards, “internal fighting friction” 内斗 becomes an undividable and unavoidable episode in Malaysian Chinese political parties, Malaysian Chinese Public Associations, Malaysian Chinese School, Malaysian Chinese temples, and Malaysian Chinese family. Why? Because Malaysian Chinese had abandon and disregarded those moral and ethics standard and allowed any form of action in the name of democracy and individual advancement.
- Hypocrite Syndrome. Since 2008-2014, you could see so many demonstrations took place in Malaysia. Superficially, there are a huge number of protestors and demonstrators are Chinese. It seems that Chinese has united under one umbrella and pursuit the rights of their community. However, the essence of Malaysian Chinese is still the same as before. A change in voting pattern in General Election 2008 & 2013 does not prove that Malaysian Chinese has changed their mind-set and philosophy. You should not be deceived by the “Huge” numbers of Chinese protesters and demonstrators. When come to tangible and objective action, Malaysian Chinese disappear to nowhere. Now, let me give some concrete examples. If a Chinese is robbed and helplessly cry for help, 90% of chance that the person who turn up to help him is NON- Chinese. 90% of the crowd that keep a distance and watch this “show”(most of Malaysian Chinese assume this robbery as a show) is Malaysian Chinese. When a Malaysian Chinese is having serious car crash in Highway, 99% of the passed by cars that STOP and render you the instant HELP to save your precious life is NON-Malaysian Chinese. To Malaysian Chinese, they would tell you that:” Pity the victims, but I have NO TIME to save your life.” This happens everyday in any traffic within the boundary of Malaysia. Besides, when a Malaysian Chinese house is being broken by burglars and the house owner shouted for help loudly, his neighbour whom also is Malaysian Chinese origin would immediately close the window and tightened the curtain and pretended that he heard nothing, although his friend cried painfully for help at 10 feet on his left hand side. Brother and sister, what kind of neighbourhood is this? what kind of friendship is this? Obviously, this is not friendship at all. It just tells you that you are living with a Hypocrite as your neighbour. On the next day, he would come and approach the victimized neighbour and ask : ” My dear brother, what happened to you last night? A friend of mine in Kuala Lumpur just lodged a police report on house break in. During the appreciative dinner, this gentleman told me that:” After lodging police report and spend hours for inspection by police to my house, from the police communication I notice that Malaysian Chinese house are always being targeted by burglars although they have the most advanced burglary preventive system, yet they are having the least neighbourhood solidarity, which enabling the burglars to take their sweet time to do the “job”. The Malay house is not the priority because Malay has much stronger sense of neighbourhood solidarity and support.” You could read this kind of news in daily. Hence, a chance in voting pattern in 2008 and 2013 is a separate issue. As long as an individual is required to come forwards and help in a concrete and objective manner , then, you would see how hypocrite a Malaysian Chinese is. The self-centredness with the collapse of moral among Malaysia Chinese is not only hurting their own community; but also is one of the major obstacle that troubles the racial relationship between Malaysian Chinese and Non-Chinese.
- Betraying becomes an accepted norm of social behaviour whether in politic, business, social or family. You could see this practice so clearly in internal party election thru MCA, GERAKAN and also DAP since 1980s till today. In business, you also could always hear so many business cheating happened in Chinese business between Chinese partners, or between 2 siblings in Chinese family business. To Malay community, they DO NOT compromise with “Betrayer”. To Malay, “Betrayer”(Pengkianat) is a serious social misconduct. You could see how uncompromised Malay ethic standard is, when they encounter “Betrayer”. However, to Malaysian Chinese, Betrayer has become a common personality since 1980s. Sadly to say, Malaysian Chinese have to live with so many Unknown Betrayers everyday because Malaysian Chinese community has accepted this as a way of life. If you are working in a predominant Malaysian Chinese environment like in big factories, corporates, you would easily feel that you are in the ocean of “SURVIVAL of the FETTEST“. You hardly see any “True friendship” ,”True honesty” among Malaysian Chinese colleagues. On the contrary, Malay community tends to uphold ” team-spirit” , “team-work” and community spirit. In the name of “Individualism”, Malaysian Chinese accept “Betraying” as a way of life…. At that moment, Moral starts decays….
- Disrespecting Seniority in all strata social in Chinese community such as within nuclear family and extended family. There is less and less addressing senior or elderly by proper manner. Today, young Chinese could easily address their elderly by his/her Name or Without Name…. which in the eye of Malay, this is called as “KURANG AJAR”. ( kurang ajar means lack of disciplinary guidance from their parents) Besides, in the name of democracy, we have witnessed how Malaysian Chinese political leaders climb up by challenging their mentors and senior who had cultivated them. This has become an accepted trait in Malaysian Chinese community since 80s, where you seldom see this in Malay politics or in their society, because Malay still hold to seniority. Respecting elderly is so obvious in Malay community. Although, respecting senior is part of Confucianism but Malaysian Chinese has long given up completely.
- Unappreciative & Unthankful Attitude. Since Malaysian Chinese gave up their traditional values in 80s, the community has become more and more unappreciative. There are many things that Malaysian Chinese take for granted daily and never realize. In Malay society, they have social attitudes like “Appreciating” (Mengenang Budi), ” “Indebtedness” (Terhutang Budi), ” Acknowledging & Paying Indebtedness by Contribution (Membalas Budi). All these Malay values also could be found in Confucianism. Yet, since 80s, Malaysian Chinese totally give up these values. Today, social interaction among Malaysian Chinese are very materialistic and realistic. If your Malaysian Chinese friends are appreciative and thankful, then, you must be very luck to have a very limited % of appreciative Malaysian Chinese. Hence, if they take you for granted, then also do not be surprised. Recently in Kuala Lumpur, a SME boss told me his personal experience regarding Unappreciative & Ungrateful Attitude. A Form 5 school Malaysian Chinese student lady came to his company to apply for a general clerk position. Upon sympathizing poverty condition of her family background; the boss rendered her the job as partly to help( as the boss could had more qualified intake). The boss groomed her and paid the fee for her LCCI night school upon her request repeatedly. As a rich businessman, he did not mind to help as the fee was relatively a very small sum of money. However, the issue is, upon finishing and getting LCCI certificate, the lady instantly gave 1 week notice resignation letter to the company secretary due to slightly better offer outside. There was no official contract being signed between the company and the individual lady, therefore, the company has no formal reason to make her to stay back and serve the company with her newly acquired knowledge. The boss told me that he let her to go as the help rendered to her is unconditional. The issue made the boss felt sad was the yesteryears’ appreciative and grateful’ attitude in olden Malaysian Chinese society ALREADY GONE. At the mid of 50s years old, this businessman shared the same view on the deteriorating social ethics condition among Malaysian Chinese as I do; according to his business world experience in Malaysia. On a separate case, a Malaysian Chinese manager told me that she was victimized by her colleague whom she introduced and brought into the company as her close friend before joining the company. Due to competition of the career advancement within the company, her close friend “sold her” , “betray the trust of friendship”, “disregard respecting seniority”, “forget about personal relationship” when economic benefit is concerned. I told her to relax as this has become Malaysian Chinese corporate culture where “Appreciative & Grateful” Attitude mind set had long disappeared among Malaysian Chinese since mid of 1980s. I told her to learned to accept this kind of social norm as the fact that Malaysian Chinese has given up ethics of traditional values like “feeling indebted to” “feeling of appreciation” 感恩之情已经非常稀薄.
- Manipulate Others for Self achievement. Making use of others for personal advancement.
- Calculative Mind Set
- …..
We could go on and on for the list. In the long term future of Malaysian Chinese in this country is NOT optimistic enough. To Malaysian Chinese, they are very short sighted. They only see for the immediate 5 years down the road. That explained why and how the ruling party could easily bought the vote over in 80s-90s, although voting pattern has changed since 2008.
Most of them only see 3 years in the future. Very least of them could see the next 20 years to come. Those could see the 20 years in future and are rich enough, most of them had migrated to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and UK…. Why most of them could not see much long down the road? Besides the constraint of political and economic factors, basically, this is due to their self-centredness and self instant pleasure way of life. As long as they could enjoy the current material fulfilment and pleasure for the next 3 years down the road, then, basically they would keep quiet from more important issue. Or as long as he himself is rich materially enough, he does not care too much about his community……. As long as he has enough money to pay his house loan and enjoy his dinner in reputable restaurant, then, ethic and moral to him is tradable, merchantable and sellable.
for further reading, you could click :
Master Soon Profile :
- Specialize in “Untold Secrets of Chinese Business Feng Shui”
- Specialize in “Unknown Secret of Chinese Business Strategies”
- Specialize in “Untapped Power of Chinese Metaphysics”
- Specialize in “Unorthodox Programs of Luck Changing”
- Technicalize in ”Unfamiliar Techniques of Instance Success”
- Technicalize in ”Unawared Tactics of Career Excellency”
- Technicalize in “Unconventional Methods of Life Advancement”
- 20 years research in Unknown Chinese Metaphysics, Untold Chinese Mind Strategies, Unorthodox Luck Changing Methodology.
- 12 years specializing in Business Feng Shui Consultation. Guru of Enlightening & Inspiring Chinese Metaphysics.
- Being invited by corporates in Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland, India, Thailand, Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou.
- Proven Unconventional Methodology of Luck Design is “Effective, Striking and Impressive”
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