- After 2020, more & more corporate seniors are being challenged by their juniors.
- Because after the Great Conjunction Between Jupiter & Saturn on 21 Dec 2020, Period 9 Li Fire Trigram starts to show preferential & favorable to
- Age Category 30-39-year-old(associated with Period 9), because
- junior executive/manager experiencing empowerment to challenge their senior.
- more capable & I.T savvy
- New School of Thoughts for Period 9 Firey & Spicy Values System
- Pandemic is a breaker between NEW VS OLD in all dimension
- Age Category 30-39-year-old(associated with Period 9), because
- After the Great Conjunction(21 Dec2020), these 2 categories below are weakened.
- Age Category 40-49-year-old(mostly born in the 1970s) Under Zhen Wood 震木
- Age Category 50-59-year-old(mostly born in the 1960s) Under Xun Wood 巽木
- Why? Being Burned by Period 9 Li Fire Trigram; Fire burns Wood.
- The implications are:
- Old School (40-59-year-old) is challenged by New School(30-39-year-old-Period 9)
- The clash between 2 schools of systems in working place.
- New School(30-39-year-old) is fully supported by NEW NORMAL.
- There is no way you could stop the replacement
- The Old School(40-59) must learn and adopt NEW NORMAL.
- Because New School(30-39-year-old) is the King Maker during Period 9(2020-2040)
- basically, they are mostly the generation born in the late 1980s & 1990s
- Not ALL 90s generation 90后 will be the kingmaker;
- but those with BRAIN POWER to shine brilliantly like the SUN.
- NOT all Old schools (40-59-year-old) will be demolished and replaced.
- But only those who are rigid, inflexible, and holding to the outdated Period 8.
- Else, more & more senior managers(40-59-year-old) are replaced by their juniors……
- Why?
- Senior(40-59-year-old) is outdated AFTER New Normal arrival.
- Junior(30-39) is so confident knowing that Period 9 Fire
- is supporting Junior, and
- burning rigid Senior into ashes
- It is NOT your age that blocks you; rather it is your rigid mentality resisting the change that pulls you down.
- Destiny Re-engineering is NOT only BaZi and feng shui calculation; rather you need to understand the megatrend & redirect your personal position within the MACRO TRANSFORMATION of the New Normal.
- Welcome to Period 9, Fire Li Trigram 九紫离火.
StayTuned for more information
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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