- When Period 9 Fire 九紫离火 set in on 21 Dec 2020 to replace Period 8 Earth八白艮土, then
- age category of Period 8 Gen (70-79 years old) became expired & terminated by Covid-19.
- age category of Period 2 Kun (80-89 years old) also pulled together due to 2 reasons:
- Period 8+Period 2 = 10, Number of Death
- Period 8 & Period 2 same the same element: Expired EARTH
- Period 9(fire burning/ashes burning) has already replaced Period 8 set in because
- global human genocide has happened since 2020
- Great Conjunction Between Jupiter & Saturn had taken place on 21 Dec 2020.
- Is Period 9 killing the age category Period 8(70-79) & Period 2(80-89)? Not really, but
- Blatantly speaking, it is the age category below 29 years old that KILLS(clears the path)
- age category 70-79(Period 8) Gen Earth 艮土
- age category 80-89(Period 2) Kun Earth 坤土, and
- age category 60-69 (Period 1) Kan Water 坎水 to a certain extent…
- Proof? See the attached as below
- But why? These 3 categories MUST BE Terminated :
- age category 70-79(Period 8) Gen Earth 艮土
- age category 80-89(Period 2) Kun Earth 坤土, and
- age category 60-69 (Period 1) Kan Water 坎水
- Because these 3 batches experienced the multiple climaxes(forerunners) of The Sexual Revolution launched by the United States of America back in the 1960s 六十年代美国性爱大开放 遗毒残留至今世界各地
- They were the victims 60 years ago, and
- They are the victims AFTER 60 years NOW. Why?
- 60 years cycle is one ripening Karmic Cycle
- 30 years = 1 generation
- 60 years = 2 generations (completing Yin Yang)
- Meaning to say, the world is tightly in the hand of the elites.
- They shaped the outcome 60 years and 60 years later.
- The Sexual Revolution corrupted/victimized the mind of those born in the
- 1940s
- 1950s
- 1960s
- 1970s
- 1980s
- up to 1997
- Among 5 generations of their respective decades,
- The 1940s, 1950s & 1960s are seen as Eve eating the forbidden apple (The Forerunner)
- The 1970s, 1980s & 1990s are seen as Adam taking over the apple (The Followers)
- No matter Adam or Eve, these 6 decades(soul born during these 60 years) are having the most corrupted mind AFTER World War 2; in general.
- For a better world and peaceful society, corrupted souls must be exterminated. Why?
- Because Chinese Old Saying :
- 但凡所有的伟人,不是孤儿就是童时父亲离世(免得克制后代)
All great men are either orphans or their fathers passed away during childhood (avaoidance blockage to new growth) 你细品, 细细品味!
- Therefore, it is better for you to make a change, or to be exterminated. Your choice!
- In Period 9(2020-2040), generally, those born between 2000-2040 are going to rethink/reevaluate/question the craziness done by their parents & grandparents in terms of
- Mass Abortion
- Free Sex
- Co-habitation
- Factor 2(Free Sex) + Factor 3(Co-habitation) = Human is Transformed Into Animal 禽兽!
- When Factor 1 (Mass Abortion) is added into Animal 禽兽 = Human is FAR BELOW Animal 禽兽不如.
- Instantly, you will agreeable with Buddha that humans could be reincarnated into Animal Realm After Life.
- With the new technology available, China has witnessed a new trend for pre-marital medical check-ups INCLUDING how many counts in terms of
- Abortion
- Pregnancy
- Estimated Sexual Intercourse Regularity
- Because China knows the Strength of a Nation starts from the vagina.
- Similarly, A nation could be destroyed by bombing the vagina.
- Then, you could easily understand why war rape is always carried out to destroy a nation.
- If you find it contradictory, then it simply means you have not grasped the issue comprehensively.
- Each and every country/nation is under the intoxication of this 60-year-old American Sexual Revolution. No one escapes.
- However, China makes use of the Covid pandemic as a turning point to filter destructive foreign elements.
- How sex could enhance /destroy your career/family?
- How you can re-engineer your destiny by referring to your penis & vagina?
- How do Yijing, Yin Fu King, and Meditative Daoism talk about this topic?
StayTuned for more information
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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