- The Three Treasures(Jewels) 三宝inside your physical body are the 3 golden keys to unlocking your hidden potential and further redirecting your destiny.
- Completing the Chinese Triumvirate 三才 as below is not enough
- Right Timing 天时
- Right Place 地利
- Right Person 人和
- Because Triumvirate 三才 is only 1/3 of Three Treasures 三宝; under Qi 气category
- Listen carefully to the below old Chinese saying :
- 得 天时地利人和; 如有神助。
- Upon having a complete Triumvirate, your success is spun by the spirit (Shen)
- Spirit(Shen 神) is wrongfully translated as
a god from western or Abrahamics concepts. - Spirit(Shen 神) refers to 1 of 3 treasures(jewels) within you.
- Spirit(Shen 神) within you is the medium that connects you to the power from the universe.
- Once you are able to do so, then immediately you could understand as below :
- The Lord Jesus said,
- “I and My Father are one” (John 10:30).
- “Have I been so long time with you, and yet have you not known Me, Philip? he that has seen Me has seen the Father; and how say you then, Show us the Father?
- Believe you not that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me?”
- The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work. (John 14:9–10)
- From a Daoism perspective, the Father of Jesus
- is NOT The Almighty God
- is NOT a god
- is NOT the god of the Old Testament
- is NOT Jehovah neither NOR Yahweh
- The Father spoken by Jesus is the Dao(Ultimate Truth)
- You can connect with the Ultimate Truth(not the angry/jealous god in the Bible) with your own Spirit(Shen 神).
- By then, your personal miracles just…. happens…
- Without spinning the spirit(Shen 神), Triumvirate has NO power of change.
- The only difference between Jesus’ father Vs Dao of Daoism is :
- Daoism approaches Dao 道 & Spirit(Shen 神) as one and a whole WITHOUT separation
- Christianity personifies Spirit as external holy power that is OUTSIDE of your body.
- However, Jesus’ explanation is very close to Daoism(check scriptures above), yet
- The Church/Christianity/ Theology tried to ban you from connecting yourself to the cosmos.
- If you want to get my personal insights on
- Yijing Study (approx. more than 25 years)
- Daoism practice (approx. 20 years)
- Bible Study (approx. 40 years)
Stay Tuned for More inspiring wisdom
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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