- It derives from your very own birth data information like Year/Month/Day/Time + Place of birth.
- Your Natal Chart captures all hidden information of your very own self on this Planet Earth through out your life.
- It conceals all your Destiny& Life Blueprint.
- Destiny is your fate with Add-On human determinant 人为.
- Destiny is neither Fix and Rigid, nor Static and Unchanged.
- Destiny is highly Changeable & Adjustable if you know your Life Blueprint very well.
- Life Blueprint is defined as predetermined course of events often conceived as resistless power.
- However, when you rise up to see yourself from the level of the higher supreme continuum(some may call it God’s perspective); then all loopholes and way out of unknown destiny becomes crystal-clear visible.
- That is the time you liberate yourselves from the bondage of destiny which is suffocating all the while.
- When you see the loopholes and the exits of the destiny; then, you see the Hope of Life.
- The Hope of Life liberates you from the FEAR of Life.
- The cutting line between The Hope Vs The Fear is drawn along The Known Vs Unknown.
- The Known, liberates your inner supreme power and push you fly with eternal radiant fulfillment.
- The Unknown, oppresses your talents and potentials and pull you down into the everlasting condemnation.
- You have a chance to choose. To choose to be in the domain of Eternal Life Radiant Fulfillment, or, to choose to join the Domain of Forever Life Condemnation.
- You have the power to decide. To decide to fly your life with angelic joyfulness openly, or, to cry your life with hellish suffering privately.
- Kindly be reminded with item 1 as I mentioned above : Destiny is your fate with Add-On human determinant(human action).
- Do not be fated. You must reject any attempt to “fate” your destiny.
- Be liberated. Liberate your fate by Add-On Human Action.
- When the Fear of Unknown(destiny) has gone; Blessing from the Love of Life Fountain is yours.
- If you want to to know the technical-know-how to UNLOCK and LIBERATE yourself from the bondage of life, write to
“自知”和”自明” 让人预见未来而防范未然。
“不知”和“不明” 让人愚知遇见而茫然失措。
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”,Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on“How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.