电邮 Email: master@mastersoon.com

Malaysia Metaphysician Master SOON
International Feng Shui Master 国际易经玄学老师
尊敬的孙老师 :
非常感谢您独到而扣人心弦的启发。当我坐在马来西亚国能大厅里,脑海里不断的盘旋着、过滤着如何为那失去的资金而战斗。过去数月我在思考孙老师说的正义、公义和真理。我想,最后终于明白了它们的意义和应用,尽管用上了一段时间 — 或我必须说好长的时间。现在我有信心和准备好而“战斗”。今天在马来西亚国能柜台前的职员事件进一步开启我的眼睛;感悟我过去就应该更加勇敢为了公义,正义和真理而立场坚定不移。无论如何,《迟到总比不到好》。若没有孙老师的帮助,我依然受困于人生低潮里。感谢孙老师开启了我视野/眼界。
只有服务费 不需额外的红包
最后,容我给予孙老师一些建议(我肯定我代表了孙老师的英语系的客户群):恳请老师多给予面对面的辅导因为老师的诸多八字报告中的图表和仟言万语,对于我们(受英语教育背景的群体) 却是绞尽脑汁也无法参透的谜语。
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon WhatsApp : +60125603333 脸书 Facebook : @mastersoon1 电邮 Email : master@mastersoon.com 《易经》、《玄学》、《风水》、《龙穴》、《命理》、《天文》、《地理》、《佛学》、《道统》、《宗教》
在这见证的末端,让我与大家分享一段名言:“若我比别人看远一些,那是我站在巨人的肩旁上。” 牛顿。
Profile of Master Soon
Contact: master@mastersoon.com or WhatApp: 6012 560 3333
Testimonial Translation in English Text :
Although many people are doubtful & unsure about “Destiny”, and some may cautious and wary about feng shui reality/existence. Yet, when they are hit and punched repeatedly by the “destiny” along their life path, then, that is the time they will sigh and express their sadness regrettably.
In this testimonial, I must say you have no reason to not rest your trust on Master Soon for his expertise in destiny reading. I dare not to say his reading is 100%, Yet, I can assure you his reading is AT LEAST 70%-80% accurate.
If you could command and control yourself efficiently at the present moment, PLUS a better understanding of myself and the future projection in front of me; then, I have a better chance to re-create a much brighter future for myself.
I trust Master Soon. My home feng shui was audited by Master Soon and my new house was renovated based on Master Soon feng shui consultation (about 2 years ago). And now, I consulted Master Soon for my Life Path Reading(BaZi).
I am very thankful and appreciative to Master Soon for feng shui consultation and Life Path (BaZi) analysis with future projection. It helps me to see myself clearer. This enables me to plan well for my future to increase auspiciousness on one hand, and to avoid unwanted inauspicious possibilities on the other hand. Thank You.
There are Four Vitally Important Life Tasking for a person to be born into this Planet Earth.
Life Enriching. Life Honoring. Life Fulfilling. Ultra Life Reorienting.
These 4 Vitally Important Life Tasking Which could Transform one’s destiny is WITHIN oneself. Without these 4 Life Tasking, then his/her life is no different from animal being; regardless of how great,majestic or impressive his status was, as high as an emperor or as noble as an empress;or, as gigantic as a mighty conqueror. Without these 4 Life Tasking, he could had less value compared to animal.
Hence, The Ancient Chinese Sages & Wise Men had Warned their Children :
The Wise will take this warning seriously to walk their life and gradually become more & more auspicious.
The Fool will take this as a fun to joke and gradually becomes more & more UNLUCKY.
Be Hold…..
For further info about Life & Career Planning, kindly check : http://www.mastersoon.com/2015/07/09/mastering-yourself-is-true-power-to-change-your-luck/
Profile of Master Soon
Contact: master@mastersoon.com or WhatApp: 6012 560 3333
Profile of Master Soon
“ Metaphysical Destiny Revivalism” is his blissful psyche power.
“Metaphysical Luck Renewal” is his unconventional motto.
“Destiny Victory” is his audiences’ satisfaction.
Master Soon has completed more than 20 years in researching the established and esoteric facets of Chinese metaphysics and mind strategies, plus unorthodox patterns of Destiny Reinventing method.
and has years to his name, specializing in business feng shui consultation apart from being an adviser in enlightening and inspiring using his Untold Chinese metaphysics. He has also been invited by corporations in Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland, India, Thailand, Hong Kong and China to share his knowledge. Some of his past seminars include topics on
What do they say about Module A on 14 April 2013.
For who are interest to join Module B on 26 May 2013 (Sun), kindly
open this PDF file for Module B course content. Module B -Capatalizing The Truth Of Money on 26 May 2013
If you are interested in Feng Shui or Yijing class in Mandarin, kindly click this PDF for time table in May & June 2013 at Penang. Master Soon Time Table May&June 2013(C)bb
This is one more feng shui testimonial from Singapore feng shui audit case. The testimonial is from a family of up-rising upper middle class in Singapore. Personally, I did not ask for his testimonial. However, out of sudden, he dropped me this testimonial into my email. He said that he did this willingly to share his view and feelings. At below,I attached 2 emails he sent to me yesterday for public reference.
There are a few points you should know as below:
email : master@mastersoon.com
This is a testimonial from a Feng Shui master in Europe. The objective is to share some of the thoughts from the perspective of a feng shui master who has been practicing for 10 years in Europe. An European feng shui master who had learned from many masters before rendering his/her own professional consultations to the people in Europe. ( this identity, his/her email address and true name are deleted and hidden due to P&C)
email : master@mastersoon.com