
Malaysia Metaphysician Master SOON
International Feng Shui Master 国际易经玄学老师
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详情请游览 :https://www.facebook.com/events/817871311574689/
或联系 手机 :Mr Ong 012 – 420 3046 或 Weely 012 423 9013
It is mind blowing workshop to expand your knowledge beyond ordinary understanding.
Extraordinary tactic & techniques for Extraordinary Luck Changing.
Register your seat NOW! Email : master@mastersoon.com
All workshops will be conducted in Mandarin, except 2 courses for Supercharge Module A & Supercharge Module B. The place will be in YMCA Penang.
以下的课程除了 Supercharge B 是英语教学之外; 其他的一律以中文教学。 地点是 马来西亚槟城中路YMCA
Master Soon Time Table May&June 2013(C)bb
If you need to download timetable, kindly click PDF as below
If you need further details , kindly contact and email master@mastersoon.com.
Email : master@mastersoon.com
Module |
Contents |
Module A
Unlock The Truth of Money
One Day |
In Order to Shoot the Problems Above, The Solutions Are As Below
Therefore, This Workshop Covers
“SUPERCHARGE Your Career With Real FENG SHUI” WORKSHOPS are specially designed by myself after many years of fieldwork experience to commercial, residential and personal consultations.
梅花易数 |
第一册 :谈爻论象预测法
第三册 :体用分析法
第二册 :一贯之起卦法
第四册 :本卦、互卦、变卦
While having my retreat in Penang Hill for my personal spiritual refreshment and rejuvenation for the up-coming new year, many “Normal Incidents” have taken place on the hill. Yet, in the eye of the lay people, these “Normal incidents” are “Abnormal”. For example,
While I was communicating with Goddess of Jiu Tian Xuan Nv 九天玄女 via meditation , one of the Goddess in Dao and whom imparted the very knowledge of feng shui and the whole system of Chinese metaphysics to Huang Di 黄帝 (Tradition holds that Huangdi reigned from 2697 to 2597 or 2698 to 2598 BC) , the ancestor of Chinese., who built the cornerstone for Chinese civilization (You may trace this lineage in Wikepedia) ; micro-climate change took place for about 30 – 40mins… At first, the circumstances were normal, calm and steady…. then, after burning ONE single incense of certain fragrance (according to my lineage) to the heaven in the open space; wind started to blow from gently to moderately. From moderate air flow, it turned into highly moderate Qi flow within 2 mins…. turned to moderate rapid air flow… the clouds on top were moving due to climate change.
The air was embracing spirally in the place where I sat for meditation…. calmly and motherly was the embrace. I could heard the sound from 2 swinging Chinese lanterns due to sudden change of rapid air flow…. from the sound you could judge how rapid was the wind flow… It was soothing…. Blissfulness, Marvelousness, Wonderfulness, Magnificence and Calmness were beyond words descriptions. Brightness from Above. The micro-climate change only took place surrounding the approx. 50 x 120 square feet open space. I could clearly see the trees were blown by the wind yet those trees a few feet away from 50 x 120sqf were standstill, no blowing wind. Amazing. Besides, there were many Abnormal happening. A few visitors were there and amazed by what was happening yet dare not to ask me because we do not know each other.
Brother & sister, inviting for a small mirco-climate change was NOT my intention. It was NOT at all in my mind. Nevertheless, year end is normally my practise to go deep into meditation in a few chosen places. Some in China and others in Malaysia. It just happened due to my “simple” yet ” child-like” heart, a crystal-clear heart seeking for deeper spiritual realm.
As most of blog readers are not familiar with Daoism meditation, let me quote from Bible for general understanding.
“Verily, I say unto you, except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt. 18:3)
“Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God”. (John 3:3)
These 2 quoted verse simply tell you, the key of spiritualism is “ become as little children“.
In Daoism also, “become as little children” is vitally important for you to move the Qi in your body…. “become as little children” is essentially critical to transform a condition into a desired condition….. The essence of Daoism is also about : ” get back to the stage of childhood”….. yet, the “childhood” is not what you understand literally… it is not what you see from the alphabetic of ” childhood”. It is the ….. Sadly, even Christian themselves also has no physical realization from their own scripture…. because Church has clothed the Christianity into a dogmatic system which had gone astray from the True Teaching of Jesus after 300 years Jesus Ascended into Heaven.
Let me quote one more scripture, this is a stumbling block to most Christians:
” If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you.” (John 15:7)
Very few Christians believe it is true and possible realization. Most of Christians are even silently sceptical or NOT believe 100 % of their own scripture above…. Sadly, this is due to the Church had “lost” the real meaning of these words….. Words of infinite value, and yet, so meaningless to most people, including Christian themselves. If you read carefully, this shows the familiarity of Jesus with Eastern Wisdom. After all, Bible keeps quiet and silent over “Where About” of Jesus from age 13-30. Just to give you glimpse, the current Christianity is very much shaped and mounded by St. Paul, whom himself was NOT one of 12 disciples of Jesus while He was on Earth. …. The True Teaching of Jesus was NOT accurately imparted.
On top of that, the energy or Qi in your body was also mentioned by Jesus, yet, the meaning miss out during the process of translation.
King James Version (KJV)
38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.
Yet, other version translation has lost the meaning as below:
New King James Version (NKJV)
38 He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
38 He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’”
Three kind of translations are giving three kind of meanings
To Church goer, these 3 kinds of literal translations are the SAME. Yet, for those who seek for the truth is NOT the same. This is because Jesus had exposed and unveiled the heavenly secrets here. We cannot take the literal words for granted. As a Chinese metaphysician, we learn the ancient classics very carefully, right to the point to unveil the TRUTH or SECRETS.
In Daoism, Belly refer to abdomen, which the Lower Dan Tian 下丹田 for Qi cultivation is located. It is associated to Kidney( Water element). The Heart in Daoism is The physical heart, your biological heart, it is fire element and where Shen 神 resides. To normal Bible readers, there are the same, yet, to Daoism, it is NOT the same.
Whereby, Innermost is only possible After The Qi is cultivated to connect the HEART Vs KIDNEY, then, only innermost is possible.
If you compare Eastern Wisdom ( Daoism, Veda, & Buddhism) to the common understanding of Bible, you would find something are missing…… I let your good self to elaborate……
Jesus did taught a lot of Heavenly Secrets, yet, they were not passed down accurately.
Master Soon Profile :
A Buddhist temple located far away from city and deep in the jungle of a remote area. The weather is chilling….
There are numbers of Hermits. Most of them are more than 65 years old but looks much younger than their actual age…. It seems that aging process has been unintentionally well controlled. This is the living proof of Kundalili from Tibetan Buddhism perspective and as Great Circulatory Cycle of Living Force 大周天which assure experiencers of “ slowing down aging process in term of preserving youthfulness …. They speak very less, yet, every single word from their mouths is FULL of cosmic wisdom, spiritual enlightenment and life inspirations.
The site feng shui is awesome, magnificent, splendid, and gorgeous. This is dragonic feng shui. When I stay in this temple, you could feel the dragon living force/power/energy/Qi is mesmerizing your physical-self and spiritual-self. You could feel the dragonic living force tangibly by each and every single cell of your body…. At that very moment, your physical body starts to experience changes INSIDE OUT….. from there, your heart changes comfortably with full of spirit…..
According to Buddhism, your face feature and energy are determined by your heart… 相由心生…. In English, there is a concept in Bible which is similar to this Buddhist conception on how your spirit-self could alter your physical outlook in term of your personal charisma. This concept is Transfiguration , chapter 17:1-9 at Gospel of Matthew.
“ After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. 2 There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. 3 Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus.
4 Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.”……
Nevertheless, the very drastic different between Christianity and Chinese Mysticism is that fundamental of Christianity only acknowledges Transfiguration by Jesus alone…. But this concept is rarely or impossible implied among Christianity believers.
On the contrary, the concept of Qi/energy/living force in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qigong, Feng Shui, or prana concept in Hindu/Yogic practices; therefore, Transfiguration is always possible to anyone/any place as long as the person is connected to cosmic life-force.
The acceptance of cosmic energy along metaphysical comprehension in Daoism/Buddhism/Hindusim, has opened up the realm of “higher possibility” to his devotees.
Brothers and sisters, you also could experience this kind of Transfiguration. It is an experience of a matter how your heart changes your physical body…..
If you cannot control your physical body which is tangible and comprehensible by your awakening heart, how are you going to change your life and luck, which is intangible and sometimes are incomprehensible and impenetrable?
Transfiguration is just the beginning of Chinese Mysticism….. During the Year End Sabbatical 2013, I am able to take many pictures of Transfiguration….. some of my the pictures were taken by hermits and the monks….
In our course of Chinese Mysticism on 14 Dec 2013 at Penang YMCA, we would discuss further on more unknown issues yet very vital in term of luck changing.
you may click : http://www.mastersoon.com/2013/11/25/chinese-mysticism-workshop-1-on-14-dec-2013/
Master Soon Profile :
那一天 你遇见 真理 ;你的命运从此改变
There will be 2 days intensive Practical Yijing Workshop( in Mandarin) on 08-09 June, Sat & Sun at YMCA Penang. Time : 10:30am – 5:30pm.
The workshop will cover 3 major practical issues in world of BUSINESS
I) ALL ROUNDED Name Card Reading – to know a person’s Business ethics and corporate talent
II) TOTAL Mobile Number Reading – to know a person’s finance, integrity, character, sexuality, personality, practicality
III) On top of these 2 issues, HOW YOU CAN OVERCOME HIM.
Master Soon
email : master@mastersoon.com
Mobile : +6012 560 3333
There are a number of inquiries by emails and by calls to ask me to clarify content in Module A of ” Supercharge Your Career With Real Feng Shui”; which will be conducted on 14 April 2013 at YMCA Penang.
2013 WORKHOP -Unlock The Truth Of Money(PDF)
Let me summarize as below for your quick reference.
a) The reason why the Module A include sub- topics 1-5 as below
You could find my lengthy analysis but very insightful; why these are very important to Asians. Kindly click http://www.mastersoon.com/2012/09/14/the-reality-of-prosperity-1/
b) The reason why below are included in Module A
Basic is where the top secrets embedded and hidden.
By knowing Real Yin Yang concept, it helps you to uncover why certain families suffer from scandalous issues like extra-marital affair, homosexual, ext…..By Knowing Real Five Elements, you should be able to identify why member of family are sufferings from certain deceases and illness. By knowing Bagua feng shui, you should be able to recover from your “leaking” money…. By Knowing your animal signs thru 10 heavenly stems and 12 Earthly Branches, you are delighted why and how you could upgrade your self financially and physically.
c) The reason why Stove, Bed, Door, Storeroom, Kitchen, Side Door and Window are important
Placement and orientation of Stove in fact shape your sexuality and overall financial well being, besides determine your livelihood and your personal charisma.
Placement and orientation of Bed in fact tell your luck and career advancement, besides your romance luck and your attractiveness.
Fruits… Fruits… at your dinning table and kitchen are in fact catalysts of luck changing…..
Pictures at the wall are also either multiply your luck or weaken your career performance….
There are many stuffs and issues to share with you as long as Feng Shui for career advancement is concern.
If you are keen to upgrade your career by power of feng shui, kindly click this : http://www.mastersoon.com/2013/03/18/feng-shui-workshop-on-14-april-2013/
Dragon Spot by Master Soon
Finishing my weekend class for my students, as usual I still keep my daily evening activity, venturing into Hill for Dragon Spot…. this kind of enjoyment is unique but rare people understand and appreciate… June in Penang is hot but humid. The temperature at 5pm could be 32 degree celcius.
However, the fountain in the hill is cooling….
Attached picture is meant for this blog readers who have been supportive. I would like to share this REAL picture with you, brothers and sisters. Although the angle and perspective is not 100% correct, nevertheless, it still could provide you some kind of information about dragon spot formation…. Malaysian Chinese is influential in Malaysia economy especially at the one hand, and quite assertive politically in Malaysia at the other hand; very much depend on DRAGON SPOT…..
Thank you for visiting this site.
May this photo gives you some info about land form feng shui in REAL life.
Have A Nice Day
I was surprised that a picture of laughing Buddha and a sculpture of 8 horses were displayed at the back of the back of the chair where the boss sit.
On the other hand, I was shocked to see a picture of Laughing Buddha and a sculpture of 8 horses were displayed at the back of the boss’ chair.
By considering the location of the place then I spoke to the boss : ” The support from your staffs is very weak and poor. Many insiders and outsiders criticize you negatively. As the horse is your favorite animal sign according to your Bazi, therefore, most of your friends would ONLY give you empty promises but no tangible asistance.”….
Besides the consideration of Bazi, the feng shui reasons are as below:
a) The back is Yin, which must be inactive, stillness and quiet.
b) 气贵于同声同气 不可互相背弃
Feng Shui Audit in China Feb 2012. This is a Chinese Painting. Chinese Painting always comes with Chinese Calligraphy.
In China, a feng shui master is expected to prove himself in practical work in order to their RESPECT. Based on 2 items in the room, it is easy to tell your business condition..... Instant and Accurate.....
Let’s talk about some of my feng shui audit in China, Feb 2012. China is the birth place of Feng Shui acknowledge which has been spreaded to many countries today. Mainland Chinese are living in the culture of feng shui and they experience and enjoy the core value of feng shui. Compared to oversea, the demand of feng shui in mainland China is much higher, the people here are more informed of Yijing, Daoism and also application of feng shui. All clienteles are very “CHINESE”, very “Yijing”, very “Yin Yang”, very “dynamic” and very “creative”.
What I try to tell you is that ” they are not ignorant like a blank paper about feng shui. You are dealing with the people who have been living side by side with FENG SHUI for thousand of years….. The content of their feng shui demand is “wide & deep” in term of culture, history, politics and social relationship and symbolic traits. I am very thankful that I had gone through CHINESE education since my primary school….. and I could assure you that NON CHINESE educated feng shui master is going to face various huge obstacles here in mainland China due to ignorance of culture, language, social interaction and etc… Among all obstacles, your command of Chinese language (refer to Chinese Classics) shows the Length, Width, Height, Depth of your Chinese Metaphysical WISDOM (where feng shui is part of Chinese Wisdom)
When they talked about “司马昭之心,路人皆知“, you should be correspond accordingly….. when they said”身在曹营心在汉” should be aware of something….. If you could understand effectivekly and isntantly, you are instant cut off from deeper communication with Mainland Chinese…… Back to South East Asia and even India, people are more vulnerable to FAKED feng shui …….
In this case, I was invited by a boss who is Chinese culture enthusiast. He is collector of Chinese Painting and Chinese Calligraphy. Socially, you are requested to commend on paints and calligraphy. This is the way how Chinese evaluate how far you command about Chinese philosophy…… ( paintings and calligraphies carry the wisdom of Yijing & Daoism)….. ….
Now, if you apply xuan kong玄空 or san he 三合 to read and justify those Chinese Paintings and Calligraphies…. you are going to make yourself a joker then…. …. Brothers and sisters, Having knowledge of San Yuan and San He are important, but NOT enough to understand the TRUTH fully….
Based on item A and item B, I told the owner that : ” Apparently your business looks good. However, your hardwork (item A) is wasted (item B)….This means you work so hard, you have prospects, however, you COULD NOT convert those prospects to be your customers (spend money to buy)…… You have walk-in prospects but they do not buy…. most of the walk in prospects are with political background…..
The Boss replied immediately:” yes, most of them are government officers…. Master Soon, let us have a good dinner and I would like to get your professional feng shui consultation……..