
Malaysia Metaphysician Master SOON
International Feng Shui Master 国际易经玄学老师
There are a number of inquiries by emails and by calls to ask me to clarify content in Module A of ” Supercharge Your Career With Real Feng Shui”; which will be conducted on 14 April 2013 at YMCA Penang.
2013 WORKHOP -Unlock The Truth Of Money(PDF)
Let me summarize as below for your quick reference.
a) The reason why the Module A include sub- topics 1-5 as below
You could find my lengthy analysis but very insightful; why these are very important to Asians. Kindly click http://www.mastersoon.com/2012/09/14/the-reality-of-prosperity-1/
b) The reason why below are included in Module A
Basic is where the top secrets embedded and hidden.
By knowing Real Yin Yang concept, it helps you to uncover why certain families suffer from scandalous issues like extra-marital affair, homosexual, ext…..By Knowing Real Five Elements, you should be able to identify why member of family are sufferings from certain deceases and illness. By knowing Bagua feng shui, you should be able to recover from your “leaking” money…. By Knowing your animal signs thru 10 heavenly stems and 12 Earthly Branches, you are delighted why and how you could upgrade your self financially and physically.
c) The reason why Stove, Bed, Door, Storeroom, Kitchen, Side Door and Window are important
Placement and orientation of Stove in fact shape your sexuality and overall financial well being, besides determine your livelihood and your personal charisma.
Placement and orientation of Bed in fact tell your luck and career advancement, besides your romance luck and your attractiveness.
Fruits… Fruits… at your dinning table and kitchen are in fact catalysts of luck changing…..
Pictures at the wall are also either multiply your luck or weaken your career performance….
There are many stuffs and issues to share with you as long as Feng Shui for career advancement is concern.
If you are keen to upgrade your career by power of feng shui, kindly click this : http://www.mastersoon.com/2013/03/18/feng-shui-workshop-on-14-april-2013/
Feng Shui Audit in China Feb 2012. This is a Chinese Painting. Chinese Painting always comes with Chinese Calligraphy.
In China, a feng shui master is expected to prove himself in practical work in order to their RESPECT. Based on 2 items in the room, it is easy to tell your business condition..... Instant and Accurate.....
Let’s talk about some of my feng shui audit in China, Feb 2012. China is the birth place of Feng Shui acknowledge which has been spreaded to many countries today. Mainland Chinese are living in the culture of feng shui and they experience and enjoy the core value of feng shui. Compared to oversea, the demand of feng shui in mainland China is much higher, the people here are more informed of Yijing, Daoism and also application of feng shui. All clienteles are very “CHINESE”, very “Yijing”, very “Yin Yang”, very “dynamic” and very “creative”.
What I try to tell you is that ” they are not ignorant like a blank paper about feng shui. You are dealing with the people who have been living side by side with FENG SHUI for thousand of years….. The content of their feng shui demand is “wide & deep” in term of culture, history, politics and social relationship and symbolic traits. I am very thankful that I had gone through CHINESE education since my primary school….. and I could assure you that NON CHINESE educated feng shui master is going to face various huge obstacles here in mainland China due to ignorance of culture, language, social interaction and etc… Among all obstacles, your command of Chinese language (refer to Chinese Classics) shows the Length, Width, Height, Depth of your Chinese Metaphysical WISDOM (where feng shui is part of Chinese Wisdom)
When they talked about “司马昭之心,路人皆知“, you should be correspond accordingly….. when they said”身在曹营心在汉” should be aware of something….. If you could understand effectivekly and isntantly, you are instant cut off from deeper communication with Mainland Chinese…… Back to South East Asia and even India, people are more vulnerable to FAKED feng shui …….
In this case, I was invited by a boss who is Chinese culture enthusiast. He is collector of Chinese Painting and Chinese Calligraphy. Socially, you are requested to commend on paints and calligraphy. This is the way how Chinese evaluate how far you command about Chinese philosophy…… ( paintings and calligraphies carry the wisdom of Yijing & Daoism)….. ….
Now, if you apply xuan kong玄空 or san he 三合 to read and justify those Chinese Paintings and Calligraphies…. you are going to make yourself a joker then…. …. Brothers and sisters, Having knowledge of San Yuan and San He are important, but NOT enough to understand the TRUTH fully….
Based on item A and item B, I told the owner that : ” Apparently your business looks good. However, your hardwork (item A) is wasted (item B)….This means you work so hard, you have prospects, however, you COULD NOT convert those prospects to be your customers (spend money to buy)…… You have walk-in prospects but they do not buy…. most of the walk in prospects are with political background…..
The Boss replied immediately:” yes, most of them are government officers…. Master Soon, let us have a good dinner and I would like to get your professional feng shui consultation……..
One of my method of teaching metaphysics and feng shui is introducing students to various proven cases of study, ancient sites, and modern proven cases and spots which have produced good results.
I put very much focus into old classics text of feng shui. However, I would like to share my view that it is pointless and meaningless to limit feng shui study in class room alone or academic analysis into the old classic text either. Knowledge of feng shui has been translated in many ways. The drastic divergence of the views and perspectives which had been held by various scholars and practitioners provide certain truth but NOT all. Therefore, it is good to be more open minded to listen and learn, rather than rejecting the view instantly.
Nevertheless, some of the meanings and interpretations given to feng shui classic are very wrong fundamentally with regard to its effectiveness significant. The result of superficial considerations and carelessness in understanding the real meaning, has cost “zero positive result” in feng shui applications. By leaving aside traditional background of feng shui and occult background embedded which should be considered, feng shui knowledge has been cut into pieces and this makes real picture disappearing.
Secondly, Chinese language is wonderful language in some ways and one reason of its richness and expressiveness lies in the fact that the same word can be used to convey a number of cognitive meanings. Nevertheless, this fact makes it highly possible for the phrases and sentences in feng shui classics to be interpreted in great variety of ways thus causing confusions in the mind of students. Reason may help students in understanding. Tradition may guide him. But, ultimately, he still needs a golden key to unluck the golden knowledge from his proven master.
It is not possible to arrive at the correct meaning by interpreting the feng shui text strictly according to the rules of grammar becasue the real meaning should be based ultimately in the context, mind of feng shui but not on the grammatical forms of the words used. We could not ignore grammar in interpreting Mandarin classics and texts, but, this is no the ONLY one of the factors to be considered.
Before you could take up a detailed consideration of the meanings embedded in the feng shui classic, you need to have “feng shui mind” to help you to note many points of feng shui mind mapping, which only pass down through verbal to inner circle of students by virtue (not by money). And most importantly, the feng shui mind mapping ONLY possible to be transferred , to be inspired (real knowledge is by inspiration and not only by teaching) with help of LAND FORM. Without the land form feng shui, all formula of feng shui is USELESS and POINTLESS.
Therefore, in my teaching, students are always been brought to outdoor practicals in Malaysia, Taiwan and China. In Outdoor training, your mind will be connected to actual topography and real geo-power by feng shui mind mapping transformation. All feng shui sages experienced this kind enlightenment and enabled them to acheive ” REAL Feng Shui” empowerment.
email : master@mastersoon.com
I am glad to to hear from this businessman client that he is planning to buy shop lot property….great NEWS…… which 9 months ago, this was financially impossible….. I revisited his esteemed factory last week. He met me for the first time in Dec 2010(9 months ago) . This was my third visit within 9 months. It is a huge improvement in his business since first feng shui enhancement.
For better understanding on this particluar positive effective feng shui enhancement , you may click to
1) http://www.mastersoon.com/2010/12/30/factory-office-feng-shui.
2) http://www.mastersoon.com/2011/02/20/feng-shui-result-oriented-testimonial-in-2-weeks
From an ordinary businessman….. I am going to see him to become one more Rising Star in his respective field…..
For I am Master Soon, who has GOOD track records of producing Millionaire in Malaysia….
You check as below for my track records…..
a) http://www.mastersoon.com/2011/07/21/testimonials-thank-you-master/
e) http://www.mastersoon.com/2010/06/20/making-millionaire-in-24-months-a-client-of-mine
f) http://www.mastersoon.com/2011/04/26/top-secrets-must-read-of-master-soon-feng-shui/
g) http://www.mastersoon.com/2011/08/15/feng-shui-top-secrets/
h) http://www.mastersoon.com/2010/12/25/the-new-multi-millionaire-in-making-2/
i) http://www.mastersoon.com/2010/11/01/testimonial-of-a-feng-shui-practitioner-from-india
If you want to enjoy vibrant feng shui as people above contact master@mastersoon.com.
If you want to learn Master Soon feng shui, click
Good luck ! Bad luck! Success ! Failure! Always are associated in one’s life from the birth to the death.
Every human on this earth, regardless of his religion and race, is fighting for his/her better future. However, the different is so thorough and huge from one individual to another individual, when, the outcome is concern. Meaning to say, NO one is going to get the same RESULT/LUCK eventhough the SAME EFFORT has been done. This is a fact of our daily life which we witness and see by our eyes.
Success and Failure in this life of oneself very much depend on TWO basic concepts; Destiny and Fate.
a) Destiny 命运
Destiny is the Fate with the add-on human determinant/effort/intervention(Humantics). Destiny is the life outcome after human correction by any means. The Outcome of life depend on the degree and extend how the human exercise his wisdom and advancement of his methodologies in life re-directing. In the context of Master Soon, destiny is the course of events which is actualized through the ultimate interplay among Heavenly Factors (Cosmantics 天理), Earthly Factors (Goemantics地理) & Man Factors (Humantics人理).
b) Fate 宿命
Fate is destiny without the human determinant/effort/intervention (Humantics). Fate is the principle or determining cause or will by which things in general are supposed to come to be as they are or events to happen as they do. In Indian concept, it is similar to KARMA. In the context of Master Soon, Fate is the course of events which is realized through the inevitable interplay between Heavenly Factor (Cosmantics) & Earthly Factor(Geomantics), without the role of Man (Humantics).
Metaphysical Methodology in Luck Changing – A Basic Introduction
As a metaphysician, I focus more on a) destiny aspect, as, the value of a metaphysician is embedded at this level. The value of a metaphysician is upon the fact that destiny of one could be controlled and well handled. according to concept a) Destiny 命运.
Basically, there are 3 factors to be controlled in order to changing one’s luck, namely:
1) Cosmantics – Celestial Realm (including angelic and spiritual dimensions)
2) Humantics – Human Realm (Metaphysical Knowledge,Ethics and Metaphysical Methods)
3) Geomantics – Earth Realm (REAL feng shui, Dragon Spot, Law of the Earth)
A master MUST comprehend these three factors mentioned above in order to change one’s luck and destiny on earth. I would say bazi (Chinese birth data info) is just a reference point. Bazi is only sub-subdivision of Humantics level…. It is a very misleading info that , one could change his luck by focusing purely on bazi, or , on feng shui alone.
Bazi, a birth data to read your luck on this earth by Chinese calculation, is a very powerful “luck reader”. It is just like data report on stock market TREND. However, this kind of data report has NO power to change or re-direct the future trend of the stock market. In reality, more powerful intervention from political and economic influences onto stock market, would surely and ultimately lead to BIG change in stock market outcome.
Brothers and sisters, so does this happens in the process of Luck Changing. It needs a higher realms and higher authorities,and higher metaphysical methods to intervene one’s luck cycle and get the luck’s pattern to be changed, to be re-directed and also to be re-wiritten. Without Interplay of Cosmantics, Humantics and Geomantics; it is impossible to change one’s luck effectively, truely,thoroughly and holistically. Making some data changing in Bazi alone, has NOT reached and has NOT capitalize the higher realm and higher authority in term of LUCK IINTERVENTION/ CHANGE. This is a very simple logic understanding. Luck changing is a PROCESS. It is not “data changing”.
For example, a marketing manager sets his regional market target as 3 millions sales for year 2011. He breakdowns the marketing data report in a sub-regional and sub-division categories. He tries very hard for sales data changing and makes the data looks great each and everyday. However, he has no idea about HOW , WHAT and WHERE to carryout actual and real marketing strategies and implementations. He has no idea about marketing and sales strategies. Do you think that he is going to get the RESULT and OUTCOME as the way he CONTROLED data. The answer is NO. In the same way, changing one bazi or any self-believed “bazi-changing” or a flying star feng shui could change one’s luck is categoried as HIGHLY superstitious
Professionally and academically, if LUCK could be easily re-directed by “bazi data changing” alone, “flying stars feng shui” alone, or any method ALONE; it means you are greater and more powerful than at least 6 world religions. Namely, Buddhism, Daoism, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
In my olden day of feng shui training, we were exposed to various religions and school of thoughts. Religion and philosophy were and are always important part of our metaphysician training. I could still remember how Daoism were imparted in my olden day of learning and training. However, in 21th century, this kind of training has disappeared drastically due to heavy commercialization of feng shui. Honestly speaking, those students who are trained in Mandarin Medium (who can write and speak Mandarin) are more REAL and TRUE in term of Chinese BAZI, Feng Shui and metaphysical Wisdom. Brothers and Sisters of Feng Shui, if you could read Mandarin, you should refer to Mandarin Classic in order to avoid distorted and FAKE knowledge.
Master Soon
email: master@mastersoon.com
Feng Shui Enhancement does not have to carry Chinese elements like dragon, phoenix, white tiger etc….. In this is a buidling was built in 19th century in China with western style. And, this is also considered as heritage by China’s government (if not mistaken).
Feng Shui is a knowledge of pragmatism;instead of putting and dragon, the owner replace with a LION head as a feng shui tools to “make use” of the sharp edges.
风水布局不必带有浓厚的中华文化色彩,如龙、凤凰、白虎、麒麟等。 这是中国境内一座建于19世纪的洋楼。
Auditing A new Corporate Office for An International Japanese Multi National Company on 04 Jan 2011, 10am
On 4th Jan 2011 around 10am, we arrived at the site of the Japanese MNC office in Subang. At the door step, I was introduced to 2 interior designers from a well known designing company in KL.
Carefully taking direction reading.....
After I had finished feng shui audit, we discussed and exchanged ideas about the structural layout of the MNC office. This was to make sure that esthetic values were preserved while feng shui element also being applied. It took us about 2 hours to thoroughly analysis and design the most feng shui conducive environment to this market respectful Japanese MNC. In this event, professionalism was uphold to render to most sufficient service, as we are dealing with an international company.
Discussing office layout and structural design for Japanese MNC.
Explaining Why I Suggested Such An Extraordinary Structural Layout.......
Next week, 14 Jan 2011, I need to come back for secondary feng shui audit. The job is sizeable, as there are still some aspects to look into and counter-check…
Wow....Go for Delicious Lunch After Feng Shui Audit at Chinese Restaurant ..... I love to enjoy good food in luxury restaurant..... Having Nice Food in An Condusive Environment is Really Fantastic....
About 12:15pm, we went to a famous Chinese Restaurant for lunch.
This is part of the restaurant interior design.... Visual pleasure while having nice food....
The host showed the warmest Asian hospitality. While we enjoyed our lunch, we also talked about feng shui. As one of them had flied to Penang to attend the December Numerology Course last month, I took this chance to reinforce many metaphysical essence onto her. Strengthening the metaphysical wisdom is also my mission and vision.
While The Dishes Were Served, We Talked about Feng Shui & Yijing......
Penang is a place with many feng shui dragon spots 槟城是个拥有许多真龙的穴
Welcome to Dragon SPot in Penang 欢迎观光槟城的风水宝地
Penang, is one of the destination where I always lead and expose to my feng shui students. An condusive place where you could catch up a lot of San He & San Yuan land form feng shui in 3 days.
In the picture I show you the Mertajam Hill which is a typical Military Form Mountain or Star number 6 in Xuan Kong Feng Shui.
Penang has many typical example where you can see how ” water gathers dragon breath” 水聚龙气, ” Crossing Gap” 过峡,”Incoming Dragon“ 来龙, “ Mountain Shoulder ” 山背, ….. “Water Mouth” 水口, “Salary Preserved Mountain” 禄存山 …..