- Malaysian Floods 2021-2022 was NOT a surprise, but it happened just in accordance to Malaysia Destiny(BaZi) as below.
- 2022, REN YIN 壬寅 is Water Malayan Tiger to Malaysia.
- Ren 壬 means Big Water/Running Water/Flood, Yin 寅 refers to Malayan Tiger.
- Tiger is only powerful in the mountain/jungle(natural habitat).
- Tiger is relatively weak when it comes to the water/river.
- Malaysia is under the influence of Water Malayan(REN YIN 壬寅) from 2015-2025.
- So, floods just happened within the boundary of Malaysia Destiny(Chart).
- The floods also told that Malaysia’s progression is accurately in accordance to Malaysia Destiny.
- According to Malaysia Destiny(BaZi) :
- Malaysia reached the most auspicious /golden period (1995-2005)
- Malaysia experienced 2nd most auspicious/golden period (2005-2015)
- Malaysia is under Transitional Period (2015-2025)
- Malaysia will be getting weaker after April 2025
- Malaysia is walking away from GOLDEN Time,
- By around Feb /April 2025, Malaysia is no more at the PEAK.
- The outcomes of Malaysia’s socio-politics were elaborated in my article as below back in Dec 2014, 8 years ago. You may click the link below.
- https://www.mastersoon.com/malaysia-prophecy-v-2015-2025-the-sparkling-of-malay-mindset/
- Non-Malay & Non-Muslim are relatively well prepared for the arrival of this moment; if compared to Muslim & Malay. (referring to Middle & Upper Incoming Group)
- However, regardless of race & religion; the predominant majority refuse to face the moment when Malaysia is NO longer at the peak/golden time.
- Unpreparedness will cause chaos & social unrest.
- Personally, I hope the best for Malaysia.
- But when Malays also feel the same for Malaysia, then….. better for us to take a look.
- If you are agreeable with my opinion and would like to find out my view on further details;
- Stay Tuned for more information
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