- Step 1: You need to plot your birth data(let’s take Lichun of 2024 as the example here)
- Year/Month/Day/Time of Birth
- Lichun立春 2024/Feb/04/Monkey Hour
- Step 2: Identify your personal Day Master 日主
- Wu Earth 戊土 Middle Path at a personal level
- It will help if you were conservative, traditional & conventional this year
- Wu Earth 戊土 Middle East 中东 the global perspective
- How the U.S. reacts to Isreal aggression in the Middle East will determine how many years the U.S. can stay as Superpower No.1
- Hence, now you know why taking the Chinese Animal Zodiac for Luck Re-engineering is “shooting at” the wrong direction/way?
- If the U.S. tries to be the Green Dragon in the Middle East just as in the past 30 years, without considering the feelings of Arab/Middle East/Wu Earth 戊土, the U.S. is in big trouble!
- Similarly, if you think that you are the energetic dragon this year to expand aggressively, you may end up in disappointment!
- Because your energy/vibration is Middle Path 戊土(moderate)!
- Wu Earth 戊土 Middle Path at a personal level
- Step 3: Your Intangible Emotion(EQ) can determine your destiny outcome!
- Bing Fire Sun rays 无形有象@丙火阳光 is your radiant emotion (power)
- From a global perspective, this is China, the morning rising sun in the East!
- If China sides with the Middle East, then Israel & U.S. are not in an optimistic position.
- However, the U.S. could take up a sunny positive humanitarian ground & distance itself from Israel. This could add a lot of value to the U.S.
- From a personal perspective, spin/transfigure/ your internal radiance, and let your positive EQ shine naturally.
- Do you know most of the time that IQ kills one’s luck?
- Step 4: Pick up your Hidden Weapon from Time Pillar of Birth
- Do you see more reddish fire or more greenish trees this year? Think & refer to facts.
- The world is heading to more friction/conflict fiercest weapons(heavy metal 庚申) or a more environmentally/ friendly woody jungle 甲木?
- With the trapping water reservoir 辰水(trapped dragon/water 水库之水是不流动的);
- 远水救不了近火 All supports are ineffective!
- If water is trapped, that means China(Eastern Dragon), U.S.(Western Dragon) & Russia(Northern Dragon) are ALL also trapped!
- The whole scenario is full of Sunfire (China) & Glaring Golden Metal Weapon(The U.S & Russia)!
- The energy is more towards golden rays of metal weapon 庚申, rather than wood dragon! (Kindly refer to the picture above)
- 2024 is NOT greenish At ALL! It is full of murderous energy 杀气腾腾! 肃杀之气!
- Now, you know why judging 2024 by the dragon symbol is super misleading?
- If you take 2024 as green wood(dragon), then your whole analysis does not explain the current global scenario!
- If your method cannot explain the objective current global situation; that means it also cannot prescribe/medicate/transform your luck!
- Step 5: Your Time Pillar is the Final Power Resource
- Israel has no choice but to continue to Kill the Gazans(genocide) with heavy metal weapons (庚申); else, the end of Israel is numbered!
- The U.S. has no choice but to military if her global capitalistic financial weapon is getting ineffective beyond repair!
- The U.S., Russia, China & India could sustain their respective economic growth via weapon business!
- Do you see a friendly living green color or a deadly killing gold-bladed sword’s radiance?
- At a personal level, it means resourcing to unconventional/untraditional/unorthodox methods for optimum results! 绝境之处,绝对手段!
- Now, you see why I say repeatedly that Lucky Color/Direction serves no point in Period 9?
- It is all about Tactical Stratagems & Combatic Strategies!
- Step 6: See Thru & Get Tru
- Green Dragon is faked!
- Middle Path is a hypocrite!
- The true face for 2024 is… Back Stabbing!
- How about you?
Stay Tuned
Master Soon
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