Tonight is 13 Oct 2013. It is the 9th day of 9th Month in Chinese Lunar Calender.
A Night that would definitely change your luck if you would the technique….

Big Dipper. The Big Dipper is a group of 7 stars, easily recognizable in the night sky. It has been used as a celestial tool to predict the future.
Religiously, Chinese celebrate this day for their Nine Emperor Gods (Nine Jade Gods). Yet, Metaphysically, it is referred to 9 Stars of Big Dipper ( 北斗七星 + 左辅+右弼); where there are 7 visible stars + 2 invisible stars. The power is explosive. That is one of the reason that you could witness so many miracles taking place during these 9 days in all temples of Nine Emperor Gods throughout countries with huge percentage of Chinese populations, be in Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Taiwan, Hong Kong or Mainland China.
From Yijing,
1,2,3,4,5 are Preliminary Number; 6,7,8,9,10 are Advanced Number.
3+3+3=9th Day of 9th Month There are 3 times of 3 month cycles + 3 times of day cycles…. 3 times of Lunar cycles + 3 times of 3 days cycle WITHIN the Lunar Cycles…..
Where 3 is categorized under preliminary number according to Yijing. 3 times of 3 are referring to Maximization of Yang Energy….. So, the night is Explosion of Yang Energy Within the DOMAIN of YIN.
13th of Oct, 1+3+1+0 =5 , Five is the center of Yijing numerology. Five is the catalyst of CHANGE…….
2013, 2+0+1+3= 6, Six is the Beginning of Advanced Number….
Zi Hour, Rat hour… Rat is the Beginning of a NEW day 天开于子 ,地辟于丑, 人生于寅……..
12 am ; 1+2 = 3, the First Humantics Number , which means for CREATION by Trinity.
If you have attended my Yijing class, you should know what I mean here…. and how important the day is…..
Lastly from my blog , I sincerely wish you successfully Change your LUCK from TO-night on-wards.
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