This is my advanced student, Mr Neoh of Trillion Gold. Mr. Neoh has learned feng shui from me and adpoted what he has learned and made himself multi-millionaire after completing feng shui course with me in 2009. He is a dedicated businessman with deep REAL feng shui knowledge.
This article is to provide one MORE life case and testimonial of how Master Soon feng shui created multi-millionaire…..
I have a student, his name is Mr. Neoh, who has successfully making himself multi-millionaire after completing my feng shui courses in year 2009. Upon cmpletion, he started his new business venture – Arowana business in, Bukit Merah (Mr Neoh is one of 2 students of mine who has making himself millions by my feng shui secrets through Arowana business), you may refresh your memory by clicking to http://www.mastersoon.com/2009/12/06/the-rising-arowana-kings-feng-shui/.
Today, he just like me, expended his business to China. He has 2 branches in Guangzhou. I , Master Soon am able to make my students to be multi-millionaire. Can your master make you so?

Mr. Neoh, another self making multi-millionaire after completing my REAL feng shui courses. This is his farm office with REAL feng shui enhancement
On 10 August 2011, I revisited Nr Neoh at his Bukit Merah Fish Farm on the way back to Penang from Ipoh feng shui audit .Two of my students followed me to Ipoh for feng shui audits to feel the Power of REAL feng shui…. Nr. Neoh gave us the warmest welcome at his farm. He built his farm and building with REAL Water Dragon, San Yuan + San He…. One more life real testimonial of my REAL feng shui …. which he integrated in 2009 and since then his luck shoots up like ROCKET. Mr. Neoh is Chinese educated, humble and polite. From my observation, he could say he treated his staffs and labourers so well with compassion, and if you were with me, you could feel how his staffs dedicated themselves towards this fish farm …… Basically, he adpoted traditional Chinese value to treat his staffs… I feel happy to see a humble but wealth Chinese man treated foreign workers from Bangladesh and Indonesia so well….. I feel proud of him, a rich man who carries himself with virtues and good deeds.

Bryan Ong, Mr Neoh, Master Soon and Ong Wee Jin. We are in the fish farm for metaphysical enhancement for wealth by REAL Feng Shui.
In term of his water dragon feng shui (which he learned from me), I have no comment as his works on it are so Perfect…. As he is my advanced students…. (once you with me and be my students, my blessing is always with you), I performed a range of metaphysical enhancement in his farm for betterment….

Real Feng Shui... When I say Water Element, I mean real water from the earth... I don't mean number 1 for Kan .... If you are thought that water is number 1, then, calculate numerology on paper by number, then, basically your feng shui quality is limited.
Besides, you also can refer to http://www.mastersoon.com/2010/06/17/self-making-millionaire-by-top-secret-of-feng-shui-a-student-of-mine/ for another life case of millionaire of Mr. Ng, another student of Mine…
or a life case in KL http://www.mastersoon.com/2010/06/20/making-millionaire-in-24-months-a-client-of-mine
If you are a proven feng shui master, you should be able like me , providing proven case study………
Change your luck, contact Master Soon at master@mastersoon.com or mobile Tel: +6012 560 3333