Malaysia Metaphysician Master SOON
International Feng Shui Master 国际易经玄学老师
This event was sponsored by Red Tone and organized by Money Compass.
A special Tailor made Feng Shui talk was designed to suit the taste of the audiences. The official registered audiences were 180. However, there were more than 250 audiences turned up. I met many old friends this night. Most of them are businessmen. We have discussed for the possibility how I will be invited to their respective business organizations for informative feng shui talks.
Master Soon at Sunway Hotel for Feng Shui Talk 2011. Sponsored by Red Tone and Organized By Money Compass
As per requests from the fans of my blog upon my female feng shui presentation in “Bella” Program of NTV7 on 9 January 2011, I would like to share the second sub-topic of the presentation for the benefit of the public and to the career woman in particular. In modern cities of Asia, women have contributed a lot and play a very significant role in economy and business world. We call them as career woman. This article is specifically I dedicated to single mothers especially, who also participate in working force and contribute to the growth of economy, besides spending her time in taking care of her babies and growing her children independantly.
Enhancing Career Performance Luck for Woman is at West. This information had been shared by Master Soon During His Program in "Bella" on NTV7 Channel.
Female Feng Shui Series From Master Soon. How to Increase Career Luck and Ability of A Woman in Term of Competing In The Career Field Which is Always Dominated By Man.
As the requests on my NTV7 program – ” Bella” about Female Feng Shui 2011 keep coming into my email, therefore, I would like to wirte a short article to share instead of answering email by email. I am going to write a series article about female feng shui from multiple aspects like career, finance, romance, love, relationship, fashions and anything related to woman.
Let me start this series with the first title : – ” Increase Financial Advancement for Female in 2011″.
In this aspect, financial advancement of career woman could be analysis at least from 4 pespective. And, today we are going to discuss about one of the areas, which is the Ability of A Woman to Monitor Her Financial Control from Feng Shui perspective.
Feng Shui for Woman in 2011. Saving Account Sector. This information Had Been Revealed by Master Soon During "Bella" Program by NTV7 on 9 Jan 2011.
In year 2011, Rabbit Year, the finance control of a career woman is at her house’s South West sector as shown in the above diagram. Methodologically, I recommend pie chart as the tool to draw your feng shui chart as it provide average methematical distribution.
If the storeroom or washroom is located at SW sector, then, this simply tells that your finance control of 2011 is going to be very weak. Why? Water Flushing out from the washroom would flush away your money saving ability. The Stagnant Qi in storeroom is going to make you to be selfish to spend for daily expenses for 2 reasons: either you are financially tight or stingy.
A pretty woman is always nourished and mesmerized by good financial position. An urgly woman is always associated with poverty… Although this statement is not correct 100% but explains the reality of our current society pretty well. Therefore, as a female, you need to back up and strengthen your financial status as it directly determines your self-confidence and self- image.
How to strengthen your finance position in year 2011? The solution is in the diagram and as below
SW must be dominated by RED and Brownish colour. No Green, No White and No Plants. Off course there are many more remedies in next article….
Stay Tuned……. for More interesting information.
Today is 15 Jan 2011. The weather at KLCC was cloudy and the temperature was find when the invited guest came at 9am. It was about 800 pax audiences crowded the ballroom. Overall, you could see the professionalism in Maybank management and its team spirit.
Officers of Maybank Were Busy to Escort The Honorable Guests to Their Respective Dining Table into The Ballroom of KLCC
Many points had been highligted like
More info in the next article…..
1。 完全打开大门。
Please be reminded that it is more auspicious if you have more friends or colleagues to do it, as, you have more Human Qi at that particular time. Moreover, when the feng shui is activate, the auspiciousness would go more to attendees.
Daphne Iking, Master Soon, Elaine Daly and Deborah in "Bella" program on 09 Jan 2011(Sunday) The Very First Live Show of "Bella" Program.
Master Soon was invited to participate in the very First LIVE show of “Bella” by NTV7 on 09 January 2011. We talked about How Career Woman Could Make Use of Feng Shui to help herself and also her family as a whole.
Master Soon in the First LIVE show of "Bella" Progam on 09 January 2011
Master Soon Listened to a Question During " Bella" Program of NTV7. In The Middle was Shasa Saidin
Master Soon Explaining Feng Shui Activation to Daphne Iking and Sasha Saidin During " Bella" Show Time
Master Soon Showed Shasa Saidin and Daphne Iking With A Diagram About How to Increase Career Woman Finance's Strength.
Master Soon showing Daphne Iking About How to Strengthen Woman Career By Feng Shui.
Master Soon During Bella Show Time
Bella aims to prove herself as the pioneer in the daytime, urban magazine talk show genre – highlighting the true strength of a woman by blending genuine warmth and humor. The show will feature a diverse mix of celebrity interviews, audience participation and segments spotlighting everyday woman with extraordinary stories and talents. Bella celebrates and support women who are branching out and making a difference in this “man’s world”. Hosts Daphne Iking, Elaine Daly, Sasha Saidin and Deborah Henry will deliver uplifting,hilarious personal experience to the viewers in this urban English women magazine show Monday to Friday, and sweeten your Sunday furthermore with the live airing.
Deborah Henry
Sasha Saidin
Elaine Daly
Daphne Iking
NTV 7 , "Bella" on 9th Jan 11(Sun) from 1:30pm - 2: 30pm
A magazine style talk show starring four women of varying races & personalities who come together to discuss & bring to light all things feminine. It’s a daily show covering various topics of interest that are sure to keep both male and female viewers intrigued and yearning for more.