An Email from Singapore
Master Soon
email : master@mastersoon.com
mobile: +6012 560 3333

Malaysia Metaphysician Master SOON
International Feng Shui Master 国际易经玄学老师
Dragon Spot by Master Soon
Finishing my weekend class for my students, as usual I still keep my daily evening activity, venturing into Hill for Dragon Spot…. this kind of enjoyment is unique but rare people understand and appreciate… June in Penang is hot but humid. The temperature at 5pm could be 32 degree celcius.
However, the fountain in the hill is cooling….
Attached picture is meant for this blog readers who have been supportive. I would like to share this REAL picture with you, brothers and sisters. Although the angle and perspective is not 100% correct, nevertheless, it still could provide you some kind of information about dragon spot formation…. Malaysian Chinese is influential in Malaysia economy especially at the one hand, and quite assertive politically in Malaysia at the other hand; very much depend on DRAGON SPOT…..
Thank you for visiting this site.
May this photo gives you some info about land form feng shui in REAL life.
Have A Nice Day
This time to Singapore basically I was invited by Mr.S for his condo feng shui. Just like many Singaporeans, Mr. S is from upper middle class who enjoys his life in a comfortable condo. We spent 2 & half hours to “make over” his condo feng shui. Since Mr.S knows feng shui like flying stars and Eight Mansion system, so straight away went for advance feng shui activation…
I had given him a long list of “simple, practical but effective” technical know how to boost his house feng shui in term of material, health and spirtual gain. He was amazed by the way I predicted his current luck and his wife conditions… (this part better I leave to his comment and testimonial soon) However, immediate after the internal physical re-arrangment(pictures, vase, furniture, console table, coffee table, working desk, toilet…… many re-arrangements which beyond your imagination…), Mr.S shouted and pointed to balcony:” Energy changes … Energy changes….. Master Soon, you see there is small bird comes to balcony.”… Without hesitation, I looked to the balcony pointed by Mr. S: ” oh…. a small bird…. rest on an incent burner.”
I could saw Mr S happy mood facial expression while he kept continue to say: ” energy changes….. ” repeatedly…. Mr S told me that the incent burner is purposed placed in balcony for him to pray to Heaven…. this is the first time he saw a small bird coming into balcony, espcially rest on top of the incent burner… a quite pretty small bird……. ( blog readers should see this issue from Daoism perspective and re-read my previous article in Mandarin for understanding that, while harmony energy is being restored… you could see the natural verdict, 天垂象以示吉凶) To me, drawing nature to my surrounding is a normal phenomenon (nothing is coincident, everything is meaningful coincident, for further understanding kindly refer to synchronicity concept of Carl Jung) there are many issues had been recorded by Mr S… and it is better to let him to tell you personally in his testimonial next time….. after finishing audit, Mr. S drove me to Fulleton Hotel, where I was expecting to meet up someone else…. During that time, Steven( an Singaporean I never meet called up to request for a meet up at 4:30pm)….
On another case, it was more interesting which happened in Changi airport while waiting for my flight back to Penang. By chance also, a Malaysian also was in the waiting area who looked so familiar. Eventually we exchanged greeting. She used to attend my feng shui talk before….no wonder… I have no idea about her background. She told me she was in my feng shui talk many years back. Normally my face could easily be recognized in any public place as I posted my pictures in my blog and facebook. As usual, always friends try to ask many questions as far as they could think of.
She asked:” how do you see my love luck now?” she just posted me a simple question and looked at my eye… expecting some input from me…looking at my watch, I got gua of Gen 艮卦. Then , I said: ” I get Gen Gua for your love condition. Gen means hardship, suffering, victimization. In term of love, you are facing bad condition in your love life. Since you moved your upper body and lean against the chair immediately after finishing your question, so this symbolizes your love life is experiencing “setback” or your love life is deteriorating and worsening… you are highly possible in an intolerable levels of hardship in term of your love life currently. She interrupted :” Master Soon, are applying face reading, Mian Xiang面相 or Yijing 易经?In this case, I am applying Yi Jing now. ” She said:” because face would change in accordance to one’s heart 相由心生…” In term of Yi Jing, moving yao happened when she interrupted, and her elaboration symbolized new metaphysical factor……
This is Chinese word of Hate or Hatred. It is one of transformation from Gen gua. Knowing the original language of Yijing determines the level of your Yijing.
You raised ” heart 心“,now I am sure to tell you that you have given turn Gen gua 艮卦 into 恨 hatred. Your speech and word is the manifestation of your heart, and you keep repeating heart 心. When Gen added to heart, it gives new word : namely Heng 恨, hatred…. Since you spoke the word of HEART 心, therefore the derivation of Heng 恨 is from your heart. 你对于你的爱人,怀有恨心…... your heart is full of hatred in term of your love life….
Moreover, you are crossing your arms over your chest now, this signifies your heart is close and your the answer to your question is clearly a sign of : Big ” cross” XXXXX……
Her facial expression became pale and asked: ” any chance of reconciliation?” looking at my watch, giving me the second gua, it was also Gen gua 艮卦. I replied : ” at this moment, the relationship is almost finish, no turning back.”
She asked: ” Master Soon, why do you say so….?”
Because in the hexagram, there are 5 yin yao under the 6th line on top. This symbolizes that you are facing tough competition, the worse issue is the opponent is hidden. In the old text of yijing these yin lines mean concubines. In modern day, it means your man is having hidden girl friend now. Furthermore, the whole hexgaram is a huge mountain, to cross over this mountain is not easy, madam……” When you see this hexagram, it tells that you are the the fragile stage… heading to new stage. Becasue Gen means ending of old phase and restoration of new era….
She said: ” Yes, it is foreseeable as long as our relationship is concern, but why do you say I have been victimized?” ……. Because Gen also could transform to “ 狠” , which means ruthless, vicious and voilent… ( derivation of Yijing by certain technique)…….
“You have described correctly my current condition, Master Soon. But, one thing is that we are not married although we have been together many years…… He is having new girl friend now but I do not want to separate….” She said.
Our discussion kept going on until boarding time….
Thanks for so much support from this blog readers who have been supporting this blog for so many years, especially from Malaysia, Singapore, United State, India and China. I will be still in Malaysia before year 2015. As long as you all like this blog I will maintain this feng shui blog and continue writing eventhough one day I may somewhere out of Malaysia……
I have withdrawn some of the articles from this blog( some of the articles had reveal too much hidden secrets) When time comes…. surely Dao would manifest Himself to those who are selected ( 只待有缘人)
The more I go deeper into Dao, I realize that some of the facts MUST be made them available to the public. Yet, some of the hidden secrets MUST be continued to be kept as Secets as what have been practised by Chinese metaphysicians and sages before, and, only be exposed and revealed to predestined to certain people. This is just a common practice of Pre-Heaven 先天knowledge…..
However, feng shui, bazi and Yijing are acceptable to be taught publicly….. because this is the knowledge categorised under Post Heaven 后天….
There are a branch of “knowledge”, ” wisdom” or something (hard to explain) which is very revolutionary in term of personal energy and spiritual. To pass on this segment of “dimension”, I have to be very very selective……
昨天星期三傍晚6点45分我载着父母和妹妹到槟城乔治市用晚餐庆祝母亲节.近几年每逢母亲节槟城的酒楼就火红爆满。也许槟城人这些年来开始庆祝母亲节、父亲节,这是好现象。槟城是全马来西亚华人最集中的州属于城市,一般华人相对于友族如马来人或印度人,比较舍得花钱享受桌上美食。 前三天的酒楼饱满,咱们就延迟三天庆祝. 我们 四个同意就到久违的 海边的Ocean Green Restaurant,边用餐边欣赏槟城的夕阳……多美丽, 生活多美好…..一切就那么的自然…. 忘了用i-phone 拍照…. 因为是随心的 就不刻意…. 因为 《道》,师法自然…..
父亲叙述了六十多年前童少年时期就在这餐厅海边玩乐…..典型的热带童年时光 哈哈… 于2012年母亲节我们回到了父亲童年欢乐的海边用餐,其乐无比。其实我10岁开始于上午班下课之后骑脚踏车来这同样的地方看海… 听海浪的声音…. 12岁开始约同级男女同学放学后一同来者这海边玩水…. 童真的我们当时真的玩得不亦乐乎。也许我这班同学懂得“回归自然”;偏偏我们这般爱玩的同学个个学业顶呱呱… 更是 校队代表 …. 等等…. 越爱玩 学业就也好…. 这道理我10岁就悟到了…我与父亲的童年就在这里追溯回忆…. 其实这里也是许许多多槟城人回忆童年的地方.这间比我父亲还年长的老字号也见证许许多多人的回忆.
我们学《易经》的人,学《道》的人,如果你要提升你的预测能力或悟性, 就得“返老还童”和“回返先天”。 因为回归自己才是“真”。 有了“真”方可得〈真理〉…. 〈真理〉不在公式(formula) ;因为公式只是开场白,这是开头,仅此而已。重要的是你的能量与〈真理〉接轨….
当我深入〈道〉时,以前的风水讲座听众 路上遇见我说:“孙老师您近来若隐若现, 很难见到你,但确是在网络上可以马上找到您.” 其实,回归自然后,反而真正找我办事的人更多。 曝光少了,反而更多时间遨游大自然中,有更多的开悟。物以类聚,人以群分, 找上门的人,也是相当份量的人了….
昨天救了一条青龙蛇, 怎么今天一早就有许多人打电来预约…. ?这一天当中这么多的回酬是超乎预料的。我就放下工作,将心领神会记录下来。 入《道》越深,领悟果报越贴切…… 也深深体会何谓〈天生天养〉〈大道无形 常养万物〉一切不刻意。反而收获更多…. 这就是道家说的 “反其道而行”也……….
I had officially ended my Daoism meditation couple days ago…
I had ended Daoism meditation on 28 April 2012.
Places ( Jungle in Penang Hill) had been spent during my Daoism meditation
面山得一清.....清者浊之源 曾是我修身的地方
Western Mind on Metaphysics, with Master Soon
There are a few feng shui practitioners from the WEST do have discussion thru email with myself for exchanging ideas at metaphysical level.
Each and everyone of us has benefited from those bilateral/multilateral way of mutual discussion. Today, I would like to quote part of content written by one of them. This quotation (by westerner) speaks about how western mind sees metaphysics, although it does not represent 100% of western mind. Newvertheless, it represents majority of western society.
Kindly be noted that this quotation is a feedback to 2 of my articles as below:
This is another case study in Penang, factory feng shui. The boss is Mr.Y. This is the second time he engaged my feng shui service, since last year. I audited his factory last year. Today, he has expanded and doubled up the size of his industrial office. Company is growing steadily since last year after my first audit.
What we are going to disucss here is the new indutrial lot for his company. This article is to show you
Accompanied by the boss and his assistant, firstly we went around the area for a basic feng shui understanding. This is also for me to get to understand the Qi, energy and vibration of this property's feng shui quality
The smell was just normal. Just like the feeling you get when you are in a medium size factory plant. Nothing special to the normal people. However, as a practitioner, you know that you must energize the vibration if you wanted to assure RESULT. Before I go further, on the spot I remained everyone with me to get a feeling of the environment. Because I wanted them to feel the different after my feng shui and metaphysical enhancement. Each and everyone was alerted and tried to get a feeling of the plant. Then, we proceeded…
After finishing to sense the Qi and vibration of the plant, then, now only I took out my compass. From the Qi and vibration feeling, as a practitioner, you already had the idea where would be the good vibration and good energy located.
I pointed out what they could expect from the change of vibration before I went further for feng shui enhancement. I told the boss that :" I am going to change the Qi of the plant."
I told the boss to be sensitive of the change of the Qi and vibrations. I demanded that if they see something or sense something, ” JUST KEEP QUITE”.
“Do not talk about the change of the vibration.” I demanded from those were in the plant with me.
I explained to them why,when and what I wanted to do at certain location and sector. This was to prepare them phychologically so that they would not be surprised when the change occured.
There were about 6 persons to help out this metaphysical performance. Each and everyone followed the whole process, they are the witness of this metaphysical performance. They sense the change of the environment.
We a few foreign workers to help out as my metaphysical performance required man powers for instant result.
All pictures on my metaphysical performance are not for the public. The pictures are only reserved for my students. Moreover, if you see the pictures, your mind would be disturbed as they are beyond your understanding. However, the only picture which is very moderate in nature I could release here for your understanding as below.
There were about 20 steps I had carried out in the plant to ensure the change of the Qi. After finishing the process to enhance the vibration, everyone was expecting the change as I promised earlier on.
After the metaphysical performance, we were standing in the middle of the plant .... to see the tangible change of the Qi... to see the amazing feng shui change
Out of sudden, the vibration changed... the feeling of the environment changed.... 4 persons could sense the aromatic, soothing, gentle and soft smell from the upper right hand of this picture. Everyone looked to the same direction at that moment. It was a very strong change from that particular section. From that section, it flow slowly to other part of this plant.
The boss could feel the aromatic Qi, the assistant could get the smell as well….. they are the witnesses………
Brothers and sisters, my point are:
for further understanding, kindly click on http://www.mastersoon.com/2012/04/03/instant-energy-cleansing-feng-shui/
After reaching advanced Level, normally I lead students to Good Feng Shui Mountains in China. This is vitally important to be PERSONALLY ENHANCED by energy of dragonic mountains. Qi enhancement is ONLY possible if you visit the correct dragonic places in certain auspicious mountains.
The photos were taken during our trip to Guangzhou in Feb 2012. We moved in a small team from one site to another. One of the way to change your luck is to go near to dragonic mountain to be ENHANCED personally. You could get the message of this article by referring to the subtitile of each photo. The message is vitally important to metaphysician, but, I just leave it to interpretation of the readers. Most of the time, the knowledge of heavenly is passed down through the beings surrounded oneself. As Yijing says: 天垂象 以示吉凶……….. This article carries certain important message for Yijing learners…..
However, the location in these photos is NOT dragon spot……
we enjoyed the chilling climate in the hill while having our practical feng shui study. The most important point of this site visit is to get nearer to the energy of mountain with good feng shui.
Coincidentally, there was a cat came near to us and stayed with us for the whole session of compass discussion. This photo was taken without notice of the cat presence until it stayed too long to catch our attention.
The cat was just wondering around my bag(black in color). This bag is with me for many years especially meant for dragon searching in China. Always, I put "something" within this bag whenever I go to mountain for dragon searching. The cat stayed so long near my bag. I did not aware of this until my photographer show me all these picture... Kindly be reminded that the month was Feb of 2012.
The cat was just wondering around my bag(black in color). This bag is with me for many years especially meant for dragon searching in China. Always, I put "something" within this bag whenever I go to mountain for dragon searching. The cat stayed so long near my bag. I did not aware of this until my photographer show me all these picture... Kindly be reminded that the month was Feb of 2012.
I was surprised that a picture of laughing Buddha and a sculpture of 8 horses were displayed at the back of the back of the chair where the boss sit.
On the other hand, I was shocked to see a picture of Laughing Buddha and a sculpture of 8 horses were displayed at the back of the boss’ chair.
By considering the location of the place then I spoke to the boss : ” The support from your staffs is very weak and poor. Many insiders and outsiders criticize you negatively. As the horse is your favorite animal sign according to your Bazi, therefore, most of your friends would ONLY give you empty promises but no tangible asistance.”….
Besides the consideration of Bazi, the feng shui reasons are as below:
a) The back is Yin, which must be inactive, stillness and quiet.
b) 气贵于同声同气 不可互相背弃