中国朋友的热情,以茶会友、与我的关系于师于友,论《道》谈《易》、遨游宽阔的学海中,乐在其中. Master Soon and A few Students in China Who Are Interested in Feng Shui.
中华瑰宝 五经之首之《易经》 ,其哲理博大精深,大家都虚心探讨古人的智慧,大家受益良多.
本人也同时热爱印度古文明留下的经典 《梨俱吠陀》 RIG VEDA。 如果有一天能将 中国之《易经》与印度之 《梨俱吠陀》相结合;那就是人类揭开玄学奥秘枷锁之钥匙.
Friends in China are so warm. Their warm friendliness showed through 《茶道》 way of tea . We talk about Dao 道, about Yi 易….
The wisdom of Yijing, and its philosophical approaches to challences of life, are so amazing and useful in modern life…
I am also very interested in India’s Rig Veda. If one day, these 2 great old classic could merge, then, many hidden secrets of human mankind will be solved….