Establishing Heaven Heart (天心十道) is the very basic land form observation in dragon spot expedition. It is just the basic of all feng shui knowledge whether indoor or outdoor feng shui. In my land form training workshop to my students, they have to pass through this final dragon spotting expedition examination in main land China.
If you could read Chinese, kindly refer to some basic defination as below for Establishing Heaven Heart (天心十道)
Practically, Establishing Heaven Heart (天心十道) is conceptualized as the natural alignment of dragon formation. In fact, I was standing at the alignment of the dragon formation. This dragon belong to a Chinese General of Army during the civil war between Mainland China and Taiwan in 1940s….. Today, 4 of his sons are scientists and holding citizenship of United States. The rest of the offsprings spread in various ranking ministerial post in China.
To me, we don’t simply take any feng shui formula lightly. All of my students are trained to test all feng shui formula in REAL feng shui site with historic values and tracable track records. We have a lot of these kind of historical sites in China and Taiwan. It is meant for verification of FAKE and REAL feng shui by historical proven fieldwork.
The effective tester for FAKE feng shui is DRAGON SPOT. The fake feng shui has no place to hide when reaching the dragon spot. Becasue you may find many so -called formula(s) are going against the dragon spot formation….
In our training, the students must climb up the hill until reaching the tomb of the genneral. (this is historical proven effective dragon spot). When you are on top, then, at that moment you will start to understand what is real dragon and real feng shui…. Naturally, you logic would help you to identify which are fake feng shui formula…..
As usual, I have a few questions as below
Kindly explain what are the significants of A, B and C ? what is the usage ? Perhaps you could refer to 地理人须知 Di Li Ren Xu Zhi for some ideas……