The factors to be considered for career advancement feng shui include:
a) Day and month of birth
b) Grand Duke
c) Anti Grand Duke
a) 出生月份和日期
b) 太岁
c) 岁破

Malaysia Metaphysician Master SOON
International Feng Shui Master 国际易经玄学老师
This is a typical feng shui case for career advancement feng shui activation… The owners, the couples’ data of birth were identified. The feng shui audit was conducted in such a way to pinpoint feng shui erors one by one, from ground floor to 2rd floor.
这又是一个典型催旺个人事业风水的档案.事主是一对夫妻,将两人的生辰八字给与本人. 如同往常,这次也是将每个风水弊病逐个点破给他们再分析三层不同风水好坏给他们了解。
Amazingly, we had identified a few places of their home which also symbolize the respective birth data. That particular places were so weak in term of feng shui. During 90 mins feng shui consultation, the couples turned to believe from doubt, that, their home feng shui also has caused their career set back. Why? simply becasue I have pointe out facts with refering to their particular pyhsical house quandrants and sectors, which also in line with their current luck. Of course, always I have solid solution to their feng shui problems.
很巧妙的,我发现到相应他们两人八字的家居位置上就偏偏有毛病. 从风水上来说,那是弱势八字风水. 在这90分钟的风水询问过程,这对开始对风水半信半疑的心态;在发现到家里具体某方位的确是气场不好,同感身受,转变成信服风水。
On 02 April 2011, there were 10 participants for these 2 modules of Yijing prediction training course in Oriental Wisdom Penang centre. 5 of the students are from Kuala Lumpur. Some of them flied from Kuala Lumpur to Penang by Firefly Airline. Some of them drove 4 hours from Kuala Lumpur to Penang for this training course. Their learning spirit were so highly appreciated. Although we met for the first time, but we were having meaningful and delightful time for the whole day before we went back at about 7:30pm.
During the course, we analysed hand phone numbers each and every participant in terms of current luck predictions. I am highly confident with my Yijing predictive system, therefore, ON the SPOT I had encaurged the students to write their handphone numbers on the white board and predicted there various aspects of their life instantly. Meaning to say, my method is result proven and is able to be TESTED in front of the PUBLICS….
They had an “eyes Opening” session…. this was the first time they witnessed that you could decode the hidden meaning from a personal handphone number….
When you see the real Yijing prediction demonstartion on number, then, thou shall be seeing the amazing power of Yijing…
2011年4月2日, 本院成功的举办了易经预测课程.一共有10位学员参与。其中有5位学员是从350公里外的首都吉隆坡过来上课的。当中有些是乘飞机firefly空航来回,有些是自己或家人驾车4小时远道而来求学的,他们为学而从远方来的精神实在可喜可贺. 虽然我们是第一次见面,但这次的聚会也是意义非凡。我们一直做交流 忘了已经7:30pm 了,就带着不舍的心情离开。学员更希望下个课程尽快举办 以解对易经的饥渴.
当天,学员见识了易经的威力与智慧. 我把每个学员的个人电话都写在白板上,然后逐个逐个的演算个人当下的运程(内容包挂这些,请游览 …) 学院学习如何精准临场接着电话号码演算个人、私人的生活得个层个面. 对学员来说,可谓“大开眼界”.. 原来易经的智慧如此高深但又如此轻易的揭开一个人的人生密码;而且又快又准.
当您得到真传,你所看到的号码 就会对您 “说话”。
Light Discussion During Afternoon Break At Yijing Intentive Course on 02 April 2011.于下午茶点时分, 与学员进行轻松的学术交谈。
2011年3月24日, 在马来西亚风水师,Moonchin 先生带领下,印尼风水师 Gunadi Widjaja, 还有Mr Goh 和 Mr. Chin 到我槟城的办事处来拜访兼聚会。 他们的到来让我感到荣幸,我也热情的招待诸位访客。
我们各抒己见、百花齐放…. 论《风水》 大谈《易经》…..
印尼风水师 Gunadi Widjaja 是个实力的风水师,思想清晰,理论与实践并重,在印尼也有许多顾客群,口碑不错。
马拉西亚风水师 Moonchin 风水功夫扎实,有多年的风水经验. 在马来西亚也有名气,口碑不错。
Mr Goh 和 Mr Chin 也学习风水多年.
Gunadi 的思维开阔、Moonchin的内涵、Mr Goh 和Mr Chin 的谦虚,都值得风水同道学习学习…….
In 24th March 2011, Master Moonchin (from Malaysia) led a few feng shui master and enthusiasts to pay me a visit in my Penang Office. We discuss of many issues related to feng shui and Yijing…. current situation of feng shui applications….
Gunadi Widjaja, is a feng shui master from Indonesia. He is talented but polite. His thoughts is clear and he is gifted in feng shui knowledge; well respected in Indonesia and he has a lot of feng shui customers and supporters in Indonesia.
Moonchin, a well known and respected feng shui master in Malaysia…. A very polite and humble feng shui master. He has many years of feng shui experience and a very practical feng shui master.
Mr Goh and Mr Chin are from Malaysia… their spirit in learning is respected. I would say two of them are gentlemen…
Basically, we have a very warm and friendly discussion…
Please be informed that we have reschedule our Yijing Professional Practitioner courses to Yijing Intensive Class for Module 5 & Module 6 (English) in view of some strong request by students.
The details as stated below :
Course : Yijing Intensive Class – Module 5 & 6
Date : 02 April 2011 (Sat)
Time : a. Module 5 (10am – 1pm)
b. Module 6 (2.30pm – 6.30pm)
Instructor : Master Soon
Venue : Oriental Wisdom Classroom, Penang
Module 5 Business Card Reading and Prediction
Date: 2 April 2011 (Saturday)
Time: 10am – 1pm Original Price : RM 500/pax
To learn the techniques and know-how about information of his/her
To Learn the methods and formulas to Enhance(design) Name Card in term of Empowering his/her
Module 6《I/C + Hand Phone》Numbers Reading
Date: 2 April 2011 (Saturday)
Time: 2:30pm – 6:30pm Original Price : RM 500/pax
To learn the methodology of how to decode the hidden personal information of a person by number in term of his/her
** Please take note that you are strictly required to enrol and attend for
2 Modules together in order to enjoy the special rates (please refer at the bottom).
Trimming Feng Shui According to the Nature. The Blue Arrow Shows the Direction of the Temple风水要拿捏得当,关键在于因地制宜
这是我在福建厦门拍的.这是自然形成的坐向,自然的洞穴,自然的岩石,自然而然. 这给那些主张改大门、调门的风水大师一个启示;就是真龙的穴根本不必需要调门风水大师;需要调门风水大师的风水就必定算不上上等风水宝地.
“福人居富地,富地福人居”,切记! 诸位看官要晓得,风水是因人福报而异;强求不得. 千金难买一福地.
天垂象以示吉凶,百姓日用而不知. 以上的穴位,跟本不需要任何调门风水功夫. 看官要知道,一登龙穴,一切自然“就绪”、“各就各位”,根本不必人为造作。
I took this picture in Xiamen, Fujian Province of China. The Blue Arrow shows the natural facing of the temple. This temple is located inside a cave. This is a natural cave formation. Everything here is so natural.
It does not need any feng shui master to Tilt the main door or to change the door location. As, the door facing is already determined by the natural formation. A Dragon Spot does not need any facing tilting or door tilting… Th Dragon spot itself is so perfect that, it fulfill all requirements to be graded as A Grade feng shui.
If the place required a door tilting, or slanting door facing…. all these show that this is NOT a Good feng shui place… Door Tilting cannot change magically change the feng shui to be grade A… This is Law of the Earth…
周末了,在上好风水的地方养生. 其实 从事风水这行业的确给我遨游世界各地,感恩天地. Today is weekend. It is time for relaxing and self-rejuvenating. In fact, feng shui career has brought me to various part of the world.... thanks to feng shui career....
做了那么长时间的风水顾问,难得又到了周末,就给自己一个好风水的地方修身养气。 今天就把自己藏在这风水宝地。 这地方也是中国高层干部休闲的地方。中国国家领导基本上都有上好的中医给他们指导养生之道,这也可以从领导高寿这角度看到一二。 无论如何,下榻这地方的确是上上策。
我这地方前有一个清翠的池塘,远有星峰来朝. 请问看官对这峦头风水之星峰有何见解?
After long duration of giving feng shui consultation, I decided to take a rest for self rejuvenating this weekend. This is a very good feng shui place to stay in China. This place is also one of the retreat selection for China’s high ranking political leaders. China’s top political leaders have their own Chinese Traditional Medicine Practitioner for personal health consultation…. you can see most of the top political leaders of China are having long life span…. Anyway, my decision to stay at this place is Correct.
In front, you can see there is a pond. No far away, there is a special featured mountain standing high. Can you tell us your opinion about this kind of land form feng shui?
中国朋友的热情,以茶会友、与我的关系于师于友,论《道》谈《易》、遨游宽阔的学海中,乐在其中. Master Soon and A few Students in China Who Are Interested in Feng Shui.
中华瑰宝 五经之首之《易经》 ,其哲理博大精深,大家都虚心探讨古人的智慧,大家受益良多.
本人也同时热爱印度古文明留下的经典 《梨俱吠陀》 RIG VEDA。 如果有一天能将 中国之《易经》与印度之 《梨俱吠陀》相结合;那就是人类揭开玄学奥秘枷锁之钥匙.
Friends in China are so warm. Their warm friendliness showed through 《茶道》 way of tea . We talk about Dao 道, about Yi 易….
The wisdom of Yijing, and its philosophical approaches to challences of life, are so amazing and useful in modern life…
I am also very interested in India’s Rig Veda. If one day, these 2 great old classic could merge, then, many hidden secrets of human mankind will be solved….