Can you tell from my BaZi about my career outlook in general(2017-2027) and specifically from 2018-2022?
Good Day, Mr Christopher:
Based on your Year/Month/Day/Time/City of Birth, WITHOUT Prejudice, This(Your Destiny) 命 is based on the assumption that the factors below have NO IMPACT/EFFECT on your life.
Feng Shui
Good /Bad Deed (Karma)
- We have discussed this issue in our previous reports. Nevertheless, let us relook into them.
- According to the previous analysis, there are 3 vitally important elements that determine the Good & Bad of your destiny OUTCOMES.
- The Sun/Performance/Recognition (ideally to be 10%) to provide sunshine for photosynthesis of the trees and plants(your inner power); besides flora and fauna around you.
- Temperature/Heat/Furnace/Capability/Ability(ideally to be 10%) to provide
- a conducive and comfortable growing environment for flora and fauna.
- melting heat to mould/construct your hard metal(career & romance)
- Hard Metal/Career/Romance(ideally to be 10%) to get enough machine/tools to plough/cultivate the soils in order to make your land to be fertile and fruitful.
- Once you get this combination of the 3 factors above, your luck will shoot up tremendously. 一旦具备以上这三个组合条件,你的八字就如虎添翼。
- If you only get 1 or 2 out of 3, then your luck is a bit regrettable. 若是三者中缺一或二,那就有点遗憾。
- However, when we zoom doom into 2018-2022, your
- Performance/Recognition/The Sun is always HALF below(5%) optimum capacity; except the year 2022.
- Capability/Ability/Temperature/Heat/Furnace are also HAlF below (5%) optimum capacity 10%; from 2019-2022.
- Career/Romance/Hard Metal is extremely WEAK(2%) in the year from 2018-2022 except for the year 2020.
- There is NOT a single year (2018-2022) where the Sun(10%), Temperature(10%) and Hard Metal(10%) are perfectly combined. NONE!
- It means that these 5 years is a bit imperfect. 美中不足、白玉微瑕、欲言又止
- Nonetheless, 2018, 2020 and 2022 are more favourable and good for you, relatively speaking.
- As long as your career is concern in general outlook(2017-2027),
- Capability/Ability/Temperature/Heat/Furnace(8%)
- Career/Romance/Hard Metal(3%)
- The quality of your career outcome is highly dependent on how these 2 factors interact.
- The heat in the furnace(8%) is considerably conducive although NOT at Optimum 10%. This indicates that your capabilities/abilities(8%) are convincing and near-perfect.
- Even so, the platform/substance of the career offered is FAR below(3%) your expectation.
- The scenario for your career is similar to that there is a furnace(with melting heat) Eveready but with MINIMUM input amount – metal to be moulded/constructed; so that your career is mouldable and constructible. NOT much to be built/constructed/moulded for your career.
- Neither general outlook(2017-2027); nor mid-term(2018-2022) is UP to your expectation.
- So, how to change this scenario?
- Changing this scenario is changing your luck. How to Change?
Stay Tuned
These are a few paragraphs from one of the Online Destiny Analyses for public view. If you could not apprehend the logic behind it, it is found because this is NOT the whole ANALYSIS/REPORT which could give you the FULL picture.
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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