- How can I further enhance my career and business? (recently i have been networking and get lots of good high level contacts but somehow trying to monetize these seems not so smooth. There are opportunities to make money but somehow not so smooth so would like to know how best to exploit these opportunities for maximum financial benefits).

- I m involved in my own business( apart from a full time project with a USA & Europe University) that includes leadership training/corporate training for Malaysian businessmen to China and China businessmen to Malaysia, internet business, assisting China education business to link up institutions in Malaysia & South East Asia, freelance writing( higher education, entrepreneurship, automotive reviews) for a Malaysia/Singapore financial daily, and also consulting services for a HK institution.
- Any advice on which 1 or 2 of the above will be the ideal or best for me to focus on?
- What should I invest in for long term financial freedom? Property, stocks etc? Which is suitable for me and will bring me good financial returns for years to come?
- My current consulting project( partnership development and market development in Asia) with a USA University( 3 yrs already) , i hope to do it for at least the next 5 yrs so anything that i can do to continue and maintain this contract to make it last?
- The reason is that it pays me handsomely and gives me good exposure and network. I m very keen to know my work/career/business prospects for the next decade and what i can do to maximize them.
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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