The illustration above reveals a lot of hidden secrets of
- The contemporary international & regional politics.
- The future for The United States, Russia, China, India & Islamic Countries.
- The new trend for industry and business since the year 2020
- The Mechanism for Personal Destiny Reengineering
- The Methodology for Qi/Energy Absorption Via Sexuality & Sexual Intercourse.
- The Modus Operandi for Extraction/Distillation of Human Essence via Sexual Syphoning.
- Period 9 九运: 2020 – 2040 (Since The Great Conjunction Between Jupiter & Saturn on 21 Dec 2020).
- Trigram: Li 离卦, literally means ascending, dependent, gorgeous, bright, civilized, etiquette, discerning, upright, discovering, expanding, spreading, externally vigorous, medium-level, restless, inciting, repulsing, resisting, denying, criticizing, popular, …
- or in chinese : 进升、依附、华丽、鲜艳、文明、礼仪、明察、磊落、发现、扩张、漫延、外强、中干、焦躁、煽动、排斥、抗拒、否定、批判、流行、 …
Official5 Element Category: Fire 火OfficialSymbol: The Sun 太阳OfficialColor: Orange, Red, Pink & Purple.OfficialNumber: Nine (9)- If you stick to the official interpretation above, you will never get the Ultimate Secret of Chinese Metaphysics.
- Because the true meanings for Period 9 are as I stated in the illustration above.
- For example,
- the magic number for Period 9 is 3 but not 9.
- the timeframe for Period 9 is from 2020 – to 2040 but not from 2024-to 2043.
- Period 9 refers to the age group between 30 to 39 years old, male and female.
- by coincident, most of them are born in the 1990-s & 2000-s
International & Regional Politics Applications
- Vermillion Bird 朱雀 (Red Bird) refers to China.
- Suddenly under the spotlight since 2020
- Golden Crow 金乌 refers to The United States & USD.
- China tries to change the rules set by the USD.
- Soul of the Sun 日魂 refers to Japan.
- Hidden & Low profile but very real
- Cinnabar 朱砂 refers to Biochemical weapons.
- Since the outbreak of Covid
- Then can you tell me who/what is Fire Dragon 火龙
The Methodology for Qi/Energy Absorption Via Yin Yang
- Most of the ladies shine energetically/ brilliantly/gloriously /physically/essentially /financially/socially during 30-39 in comprehensive strength & might?
- Sarcastically but truly, their sexual partner/husband rarely looks vibrantly healthy equally; but mostly at Suboptimal health status (SHS), or subhealth
- can be defined as a state characterized by some disturbances in psychological behaviors or physical characteristics, or in some indices of medical examination, with no typical pathologic features.
- This is because by nature, intentionally or unintentionally, the reproductive system for females (30-39 years old) entering the peak time for Super Absorption, preparing for procreation.
- This is the reason Li trigram(Period 9) which refers to middle age (30-39) female as diagram below:
- Nature gives an extra mechanism for ladies(between 30 – 39).
- During these 9 years, the whole reproductive system suddenly switches into Absorption Mode(like a sponge) to absorb all kinds of energy/essence from her mate for the best offspring(procreation).
- This is an extra-gifted mechanism female has, either for quality childbearing or longevity.
- Explain why women in their 30s (or with a sexual partner) averagely look refreshing & energetic. because of replenishment from their husband/sexual partner.
- Their vagina is similar to a sponge in absorbing human essence via sexual intercourse.
- If the male/husband has no technic of Sexual Alchemy;
- then the health of the male is deteriorating on a monthly or yearly basis;
- subjected to how powerful his wife is able to siphon essence out from his body for woman replenishment(aging reversal 返老还童)
- then the health of the male is deteriorating on a monthly or yearly basis;
- This is one of the reasons why the wife looks much younger and more energetic, although both are in their 30-s; but the husband has started to get bold head.
- However, the female loses such natural human essence absorbing power after 40 years old; if she does not know the technical know-how of Sexual Alchemy 房中术!
- On the contrary, the male could regain their essence and regrow their thin hair/bold head as long as they know the technical know-how of Sexual Alchemy / Art of Bedchamber 房中术
- What is the hidden mystery of the Bridal-Chamber taught by Jesus in the New Testament?
- When the serpent was inserted into the body/vagina of Eve in the garden of Eden, her eyes shined brilliantly like a diamond
- “Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked” (Genesis 3.7)
- If your eyes are tired and sleepy after sexual intercourse, it simply means that you are wasting your energy.
- If you look at the broken line in the center of Li Trigram 离卦, then you will find the 2 dots lines(broken line) corresponding to the 2 breasts of the lady at the top of this article.
- You can see her legs are NOT spreading but folding; corresponding to the unbroken bottom line of Li trigram.
- You also can see her hands spreading wide; corresponding to the unbroken upper line of Li Trigram.
- On the contrary, her 2 breasts are chest out predominantly as 2 dotted broken lines of Li trigram.
- What do all these secrets mean for Sexual Alchemy(Art of Bedchamber 房中术)?
- What is the connection between Chinese Sexual Alchemy & Bridal Chamber of Jesus?
- How can you make use of all these secrets for Destiny Re-engineering?
- If Middle Age Women (30-39 years old) have successfully achieved Facial Transfiguration 雍容华贵 (with a heavy price paid by their sexual partner) effectively via Sponging/ Sucking/Absorbing;
- Bear in mind that woman by nature
- carries a weapon of life-span elongation 寿命延长 because 10 is superior to 9.
- Man tends to be less healthy & with shorter life if WITHOUT the technic of Bridal-Chamber(either Jesus version or Chinese version).
- Bear in mind that woman by nature
- What kind of Modus Operandi you can get from here for aging reversal & Destiny Re-engineering .……?
The diagram on top also tells the future for the United States(Golden Crow) & China(Vermilion Bird).
Stay Tuned for More Insider Technical-Know How & Global Politics Outlook
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