- Pandemic is the obvious sign telling you that the globe has entered into Period 9(Fire).
- Great Conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn 土木星相会 (on 21 Dec 2020) was the clearest sign for arrival of Period 9 九紫离火运。
- We are either heading to greater civilization/awareness on one hand or heading to destructive war on the other hand.
- If your choice is heading for greater awareness(individually, spiritually & emotionally) rather than heading to a destructive force, then kindly pay attention as I am in the mid of drafting several critical articles about how to make use of the change of the current global gravitational tilting/rebalancing for mutual benefitting.
- As for a start, I would like to remind you that you are more powerful than you think.
- The most powerful compass to change your destiny is not what was proclaimed by feng shui masters; Luopan(Chinese compass).
- The most powerful compass is within you. It is inside your forehead to be exact.
- If you surrender/give up your inner compass, and put your trust totally onto the luopan of feng shui masters; then you are surely on the way to final destruction.
- My mission is to awaken/activate your inner power/inner-self/inner compass and destroy your superstitious belief in external compass/ luopan.
- Because your destiny is never determined by the direction of your main door(that feng shui masters try to con you).
- Neither your destiny is determined by your bed and kitchen; nor your favorable direction/color.
- Because Lee Kuan Yew(founder of Singapore, the greatest metaphysician in the 20th century) metaphysical project(The Republic of Singapore) has told your EVERYTHING.
- Lee Kuan Yew beat all your hundreds of years old lineage of feng shui methodology, including Zhu Ge Liang 诸葛亮!
- None of those lineages you claimed and admired had left behind any concrete metaphysical project like Lee Kuan Yew & his project – Singapore.
- The truth(prosperity of Singapore) speaks for itself.
- Lee Kuan Yew provided the most relevant reference of metaphysics, not only for the modern metaphysics industry but also for the Chinese diaspora in South East Asia.
Remarks: This is just a piece of quick write-up for the introduction, More to come soon…
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