While taking short break last week end during 3 days Deepavali holidays, I received a message from an old online customer. Since most of my BaZi consultations are done thru email & Whatsapp, so normally they still come back to me for Q&A after 3 months, 6 months or 12 months.…. even introduce my service to their friends.
And I will refer back to those BaZi analysis reports which are well kept in email server. Meaning to say, when you have engaged my BaZi consultation, you can always come back for verification as your records, reportings are available in the server.
Let me give you some idea regarding what kind of content of BaZi consultation I provide, as below;
Question 1: I would like to know about my career path and how it can help me to fulfil my dream to move to Canada? I plan to migrate to Canada in two years time but don’t have the experience and money yet. So how can I achieve that?
Question 2 : I have a guy that I like now but I don’t think he is the one for me because he is too serious, very hard to communicate personally with him. I want to know about my future husband or boyfriend, his race and character and age maybe?If I am able to get such details?
Question 3 : According to Report 1, the chances of myself settling down is very slim as I have idealistic views of my possible partner/spouse. I am a person who is very concerned about morale values. I too want a complete family and spouse who treats me well. Perhaps is there a way I can learn to change myself?
Question 4: According to Report 2, I interpret that my Employment might somewhat be related to my future partner/spouse? Does it symbolize that compared to my BIRTH/NATURE, I am more materialistic now? I see that my wealth/luxury is 39 (Oct 2018/Oct2028). I am of view that my dream to move to Canada must be achieved through knowing someone here in Malaysia?
Question 5: Is there a way to know if I need to move to Canada to see all these good opportunities given to me under Report 2 & 3. OR I need to create the opportunities here in Malaysia to be able to move to Canada?
Question 6 : Can I see my personality in your view? Is there any advise you would give me to change or improve?
Thank you so much so far. You have been prompt in your replies.
3 Months later.…. she text me and introduce her friend for BaZi consultation.
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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电邮 Email : master@mastersoon.com